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Mirabilandia Discussion Thread

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WOW! That looks incredible!


Its like a perfect mix of hyper elements, air time and inversions! I'm really blown away by that one "turn" that appeared to be an immelmann but i guess it turns out just to be a really steep direction turn! It only says it has three inversions and i counted three heartlines! I'm dieing to see how that turns out.

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^Something tells me Intamin isn't going to build a ride precisely like a No Limits model made to show off the general idea of the ride. Didn't this same speculation happen when Hersheypark used No Limits for their Fahrenheit video?


It looks awesome. As mentioned before, it's like Maverick with a launch and top hat, but more condensed. Intamin wins again.

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^Something tells me Intamin isn't going to build a ride precisely like a No Limits model made to show off the general idea of the ride. Didn't this same speculation happen when Hersheypark used No Limits for their Fahrenheit video?


Yeah that's exactly what it is. When i first saw the Fahrenheit promo video, i thought the ride was going to be rough, but extremely forceful. But it turned out that it was the exact opposite of what i thought, smooth yet mostly forceless in my opinion. You really can't determine what a ride will be like biased on a NL mock up. Some of the transitions in that video probably pulled red G's from my standpoint on No Limits, but i know Intamin isn't going to design a ride that kills people. We just have to wait and find out. I'm predicting it will be allot like Maverick; sort of rough but in a way that doesn't really matter because the ride is awesome enough to make you forget about that and focus on the incredibly fast transitions and forces all over.

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This is an initiative of Wonderland and Parques Reunidos, subscribers Mirabilandia season in 2009 may enter for free in other European parks managed by Parques Reunidos, In particular, the opportunity to visit Parque Warner, Marineland and Bobbejaanland, parks that are good , Both thematic and attractions.

We publish the press release received by the park: Subscription Campaign 2009: an ever so extraordinary. From Mirabilandia Beach Parks Europeans to 6-all in 68 €. If it is cold outside, here the sun shines already. Scaccia the rigors winter with a light; riaccendi your Membership 2009, if you do not want to give up a place in paradise fun Wonderland. This year many new shine, some truly extraordinary. Continue to read and discover the surprises you have reserved. € 10 discount and many benefits but only until 8 April 2009


€ 68 to € 78 is the discounted price in advance of limited duration

1 free ticket for entry to Mirabilandia Beach

all the inputs you want for 6 wonderful parks in Europe!

discounted parking rate for the entire season

Entry fee to Mirabilandia Beach always granted.

Mirabilandia 2009 = 6 1 Park more! Your subscription will give you the right to be free in 6 major parks in Europe: 1. Parque Warner (Madrid, Spain) 2. Marineland, (Antibes, France) 3. Parque de Attraciones Zoo Aquarium (Madrid, Spain) 4. Bobbejaanland (Lichtaart, Belgium) 5. Tusenfryd (Vinterbro, Norway) 6. Bonbon Land (Holme-Olstrup, Denmark). How to apply for or renew your subscription 2009 E 'easy, come to McDonald's outside the park ... it is open all year.

News 2009: iSpeed. You can lose it? It has already started the countdown to the greatest attraction ever built in Wonderland, scheduled for June 2009. ISpeed is the rollercoaster that recreates the sensations of a race car as well. From 0 to 100 km in 2.2 seconds, 55 meters in height, 90 ° slope and the futuristic magnetic launch. An unprecedented iSpeed lead to top of the best rollercoaster in Europe. Ensure a place in pole position! Subscription 2009: a gift that lasts 7 months! Think: If Christmas gifts for those who love a subscription to Wonderland for the 2009 season, presents no less than 7 months of pure fun! A Santa Claus really generous.


OMG, if I got that correct, you can get into 6 big European parks for 78€! Nice!


Also, the iSpeed is scheduled to open in June!

Can't wait!

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  • 2 weeks later...
The latest from the park are that the workers are going to stop working this next Saturday and they will start again the construction after the Holidays.


Don't expect this ride to open before July.


Urgh, they certainly are taking their time, aren't they...


But, i can see this being open in June...

The installation should proceed quite fast, once they start. Look how fast Diamondback is proceeding, and that coaster is much larger, plus iSpeed will be built on even ground...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On arrival of the news iSpeed, the novelty of 2009 Mirabilandia, Friday or Saturday on parksmania will be posted information about the departure of the station launched coaster being built in Wonderland.


In the following days will be reported when you begin to get the material for the construction of the new park in 2009.


And the italian version:

In arrivo delle notizie riguardanti iSpeed, la novità 2009 di Mirabilandia, venerdi o sabato su parksmania verranno pubblicate informazioni riguardanti la stazione di partenza del launched coaster in costruzione a Mirabilandia.


Nei giorni seguenti verrà data notizia di quando comincerà ad arrivare il materiale per la costruzione della novità 2009 del parco.


So, if I get this ride, there will be more news on parksmania.it over the weekend, including pictures of the "building material", which I think means the track and supports...?


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Oooh, I've been interested in this ever since it showed up on rcdb. It looks so cool. It's a combination of a rocket coaster, and a Maverick style coaster. So many sweet inversions, and an a extreme ride with ejector air! This is going to be the #1 ride in my "coaster wishlist" and the BEST ride of 09' IMO.

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I work for the realization of "iSpeed" are again from a few days and will begin to arrive soon, the first pieces from Switzerland, home of the producer of the new coaster Mirabilandia 2009.


The deadlines are met at the time because until now it took various jobs in the preparation of documents, which had to be freed from the presence of the paths of "Autosplash" and "Wonderland Express". After that, were performed the works of excavation and foundation, leading to the assembly of steel parts that rise to over 50 meters in height.


Meanwhile it was decided the issue of the station from where trains leave for "iSpeed." The departure will be, as has long been recognized, the type launched. The launch will be made directly from the station.




I lavori per la realizzazione di "iSpeed" sono ricominciati da qualche giorno e a breve inizieranno ad arrivare anche i primi pezzi provenienti dalla Svizzera, sede dell'azienda produttrice del coaster novità 2009 di Mirabilandia.


I tempi previsti sono al momento rispettati in quanto fino ad ora sono stati necessari diversi lavori atti alla preparazione dell'area, che doveva essere liberata dalla presenza di parte dei tracciati di "Autosplash" e "Mirabilandia Express". A seguire, sono state eseguite le opere di scavo e fondazione, che preludono al montaggio delle parti in acciaio che si innalzeranno fino ad oltre 50 metri di altezza.


Nel frattempo è stata decisa anche la tematizzazione della stazione da cui partiranno i treni di "iSpeed". La partenza sarà, come è noto ormai da tempo, di tipo lanciato. Il lancio verrà effettuato direttamente dall'interno della stazione.


Source: Staff @ Parksmania


So, I'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean...

I can understand the arrival of the track pieces, and that the trains will launch directly from the station.

But i cannot understand the middle part...

Are they going to tear down auto splash and the mirabilandia express too?




Here you can find a pic of the inside of the station...

If you look carefully, you can see there's 3 release dors for entering the train, so that means 3 car trains!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read on miraforever.com, that the first load of track was delivered today at 4pm!

Yay, finally!

There's supposed to be more news about it tomorrow.

Oh, and it also said, that they have a month of delay allready... I wonder if this ride will even open till fall...



Oh, and also, there's a rumor, that Mirabilandia is getting the Lo-Q system, which is the same as the Q-Bots at Six Flags...


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