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Mirabilandia Discussion Thread

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah Blig did kinda suck. The problem witht he ride is that the seats are always free to swing and because of that they rarely flip because the bottom of your seat is heavier than the top. Really what they need to do to make Bling fun is to add a brake to it's swinging motion to make it kind of like a topspin, so that every now and then the seats lock into place so that the ride can force it to do an inversion.

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theres the white one, bluegreen one. black one, and orange/yellow one


The white one is one most people seem not to know about it. Its ThrillerRiders VOL1. (the first DVD they put out.. I got it back when it first came out )


Canobie "I like some flats more then coasters" Fan

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  • 1 year later...

According to various sources, a 28 year old man died yesterday around 21:20 on the Katun rollercoaster, Mirabilandia. I can't read Italian so I don't know the exact details, but here are the links for those who understand Italian:





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Judging by the pictures in one of the articles, it seems like something happened at the bottom of the first drop. Will be interesting to find out what happened.

Death thoughts:

1.The man got an heart-attack...

2.An flying peace of metal struck the man...

3.He was unlocked from his seat and fell from the ride...

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I used a translator so some of the words did not convert: Very nasty accident though.


TRAGEDY TO MIRABILANDIA, A BOY DIES RAVENNA - AND' been provoked from the impact with a leg of the girl remained injured, that it is found in a previous place on board of the ottovolante suspended 'Katun', l' carving in which and' dead last night to Mirabilandia, the sober fun to the doors of Ravenna, Mohamed Z., ventottenne of origin maghrebina that resident in Umbria would result. The young one and' been hit to the head from the leg of the girl suspended in the empty one, in a point in which the ottovolante - fixed to the binary in the superior part - travels around 100 kilometers hourly, and for him us not and' been nothing to do.


When the turn of the ottovolante and' finished, the girl has immediately claim to have hit something and of to warn a strong pain to the leg; in little moments the personal one of service itself and' given back account of the tragedy, warned the medical always present one to the inside of the structure and were called 118, military policemen and watchful of the fire. The attivita' of the 'Katun' and' been suspended, while the other attractions of the park are continued, also for motive of peace, bound to the fact that in evening - second esteem of the direction of Mirabilandia - all' inside of the large structure there were about 17-18.000 persons.


M. Z., according to the stocked reconstruction from the rescuers and from the persons in charge of the park, had done little first together with the fiancée a turn on the 'Katun', and during the route dell' eight steering wheel suspended loser the hat. A time finished the turn decided to recover it personally, climbing a high fencing two meters and putting itself in a point - underlined the direction of Mirabilandia - in which l' access to the public and' forbidden. The fiancée would have screamed him '' not to do it'', but fruitlessly. After little moments and' arrived in come down the train-eight steering wheel, and the leg to dangling of the young one that was on board hit it deadly.


The father of the boy, warned from the forces of the order, should arrive at Ravenna in the next hours. The mayor of the surrounded' of romagna, Fabrizio Matteucci, the deputy mayor Giannantonio Mingozzi and the president of the Province, Francesco Giangrandi, have brought to slow now to do visit in hospital to the injured girl. After a first evaluation of the episode, the autorita' legal did not point out elements to interrupt the attivita' of the attraction of the sober games. In mark of mourning, in evening Mirabilandia suspended the music in the park and canceled the traditional show pirotecnico that concludes to slow evening every day of attivita'.


'' The 'Katun' and' a game from the strong impact on the public but secure'' confirmed the persons in charge of the park. It is discussed - it the direction explained - '' dell'' Inverted Coaster' one number in Europe''. The binary of the ottovolante suspended run on the head of the travellers, 'nailed' to their seat, until 110 hourly km across the ancient surrounded' Mayan: a route of 1.200 meters, with 'loop' to 360 degrees and a dizzy fall, with a leap of fifty meters.




Tragedy in the park '' Mirabilandia'' of Ravenna where a non-eec youngster of 28 years resident to Jackpots, M. Z. his inziali, is deceased after esser been overwhelmed from the train of the Katun, the ottovolante suspended the that binary run on the head of the travellers to 110 hourly kilometers across the ancient Mayan town. To how much it seems the boy would have climbed the fencing of safety of the game to recover an object lost from the actual companion.




In the tragedy, happened Saturday evening, would be remained injured also an underage one of Ravenna that it is found on board dell' attraction and that was transported from the medical doctors of 118 all' Holy hospital Maria of the Crosses. According to the first assessments the girl would have restored multiple breaks to the legs. On the place they are intervened, besides the wise Man of Beach of military policemen, also the watchful of the fire.

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