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Mirabilandia Discussion Thread

P. 41: Nickelodeon Land announced for 2025!

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Just like the Top Gun accident at Great America years back. Man goes into fenced off area, tries to retrieve his wife's hat, bam.


And people, if its fenced off, don't go in there! I feel sorry for the widow, but the guy should at least have some common sense.

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Yikes, what a stupid mistake can do. The other day I caught a woman trying to hop a fence to get her hat back because she lost it on Delirium. I'm not sure if it was a dangerous area, but if she asked first, someone could have easily retrieved it with no problems.

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I hate when this happens. People hear about these accidents and take them the wrong way. They think its the rides fault and not the person. Is there any news on the girl that hit him.


Man I can't imagine what that girl must be going through! Can you imagine how you would feel if you accidently killed someone?!

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I hate when this happens. People hear about these accidents and take them the wrong way. They think its the rides fault and not the person. Is there any news on the girl that hit him.


You have got to be kidding me.


How is it not the guys fault to go in a restricted area without permission unknowingly of staff to get his hat

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I hate when this happens. People hear about these accidents and take them the wrong way. They think its the rides fault and not the person. Is there any news on the girl that hit him.


You have got to be kidding me.


How is it not the guys fault to go in a restricted area without permission unknowingly of staff to get his hat


I think that what he is saying is that when the public and non coaster enthusiast just hear about things like this, people who dies or gets serious injuries on a ride, they thinks that there has been something wrong with the ride which then caused an accident, which then leads to people being scared of going on a ride.

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I think that what he is saying is that when the public and non coaster enthusiast just hear about things like this, people who dies or gets serious injuries on a ride, they thinks that there has been something wrong with the ride which then caused an accident, which then leads to people being scared of going on a ride.


Yes I misread it, my mistake.

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That guy was just stupid that he walked in to an restricted area!Can`t he read the signs?They say KEEP OUT!


I doubt he didn't know what he was getting himself into. He probably just figured he could beat the train or see it coming. Apparently not.

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I haven't been to the park, but judging from pictures it seems like the base of the drop and loop are pretty close to a walkway and park areas, or at least closer than Top Gun's which is way back behind two fences and quite far from guest areas. Anyone who's been there able to describe just how hard it would've been to get to this area?

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