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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Is it just me but isn’t Six Flags parks due for new water rides, tower drop rides and new types of roller coasters in their park? I don’t know what SFOG has in mind for next year but I heard in a survey they could be interested in a Mack power splash but I don’t know how safe splashwater falls chutes rides is for the near future. I’m wondering if Six Flags will have new rides going forward on their next DC superhero Aquaman since we’ve seen rides based on cyborg, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, even Batman 4D free spin coaster, Superman not so much but I want to see if they will come out with new rides based on aquaman we will have to wait in see for 2020 if they focus on Arthur Curry.

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Is it just me but isn’t Six Flags parks due for new water rides, tower drop rides and new types of roller coasters in their park? I don’t know what SFOG has in mind for next year but I heard in a survey they could be interested in a Mack power splash but I don’t know how safe splashwater falls chutes rides is for the near future. I’m wondering if Six Flags will have new rides going forward on their next DC superhero Aquaman since we’ve seen rides based on cyborg, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, even Batman 4D free spin coaster, Superman not so much but I want to see if they will come out with new rides based on aquaman we will have to wait in see for 2020 if they focus on Arthur Curry.


Water rides (in the dry area of parks) are dying off like the plague all over (at least in terms of log flumes and chute-the-shoot rides). Splashwater Falls has been done for and will be removed soon enough. IF a Mack Power Splash were to come to SFOG...that's likely the plot it would go in. Of course in usual Six Flags fashion, they'll likely have an S&S Freespin put there instead to put with Metropolis/JL. Maybe they can add water effects and "theme" it to Aquaman...lol


Tower ride? They have 2 of those. New coaster? S&S Freespin or Mack Power Splash...there you have it.

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After a rest day today, I'll be heading to SFoG tomm. I only have a few hours, until prob 4, 4:30. Any idea what crowds will be like? Its Sunday and I assume school out so Im just banking on needing a fast pass. Though I dont need to marathon...anyone think, by being there right at opening, can beat crowds to the RMC and manage to get at least one on each ride fairly wait free before crowds really pile in?

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Last Sunday was dead until 1 or 2. In 4 Sunday visits this year I've been able to knock out all coasters before 1pm.


Don't forget Twisted typically opens a half hour before posted time. Sometimes Scorcher, too. They will have the rest roped til 1030.

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Wow! Goliath kicks some major ass. In fact, having ridden both at least 7 times today I think Im prepared to say, I will give the (slight) edge to Goliath over Twisted Cyclone!

Well...maybe, at the least they're equal which I didn't expect. What a ride. In back there was sustained, pretty strong, air on every drop and....force, alot of it, on a B&M!? That helix is epic, and there were some moments that threw ya around. What a great ride.


TC gets put on a lower tier of RMC's but IDK. Its a bit short yeah but packs a punch! Also that wave turn was one of the coolest things I have felt

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Made it to the park for the first time this year on Friday evening. Came in around 5:15 after work. It was pouring rain so people were leaving in droves when I got there. We walked around for around 45 mins and nothing was open, not even the Justice League dark ride. Around 6, JL opened and we rode that a couple times. After that, the sky started to clear and rides began opening. Was able to get on Goliath x3, TC x2, Pandemonium, Georgia Scorcher, GASM (BIG OOF 0/10) and Mind Bender in the last couple hours. Really enjoyed Pandemonium. Hope they keep going with the theme in that area, bc as of now its kind of bare, but has potential. Good first evening at the park!

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Yea I lucked out. Weather said rain would start like 2...so I was rushing to get much done as possible but the rain held off for me. Kept people away though I'm guessing.

Crowds were so dead, got to do something I never imagined possible at Six FLags in 2019...was able to ride Goliath multiple times without getting up. No joke 1 train ops (which hey I get) and people throwing up (happened 3 times!) slowed up many lines more than they actually were.


thrillseeker4552 Yeah I heard good things about Goliath and damn, what a ride!


Their coaster selection overall was pretty decent actually.

Georgia Scorcher was actually pretty decent.

GASM was good if ya like a rough ride. I do but holy smokes that one pushed it even for me.

Blue Hawk was kind of fun. Not great or anything but wasn't bad, I liked all the near misses. Was probably horrible with the old trains and pre track work.

Mind Bender was good, glad it's still here.

Batman the Ride. Ya know what it is, still fun and crazy intense though.


Dare Devil Dive was a let down, totally forceless and lame. Even the drop wasn't so great.

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^Glad you had a good time at SFoG - I've always really liked the park and am glad to call it my home park.


You are right about Scream Machine - it is BRUTAL this year, but underneath the spinal readjustment you can see the amazing classic woodie that is still there.

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Made it to the park for the first time this year. Great day, beautiful weather and light crowds. In fact there was nobody there this morning, walk-ons everywhere I went, and only started picking up a bit in the afternoon. Ops were fine, a few things were closed, food service was as slow as ever -- I can't tell they changed anything there. Oh well.


The highlight of the day, without a doubt....Pandemonium is fantastic! It was my first time on a Giant Discovery and I loved it! Can't wait to ride again! I dig the theming too, I just hope they keep going and build that area out. It needs more, but they got a great start. This is such a great addition to the park this year!






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^Glad you had a good time at SFoG - I've always really liked the park and am glad to call it my home park.


You are right about Scream Machine - it is BRUTAL this year, but underneath the spinal readjustment you can see the amazing classic woodie that is still there.

Yeah it looks beautiful. No kidding though, I like a rough ride but damn, I didn't even feel any airtime because I just being shook so much. It was the kind of rattling where my ass was being thrown up and down constantly...I can take rattling, being thrown around, some violent moves but yeah that felt I did bodily damage to myself.



Oh Pandemonium was great. I love those rides personally and cool theming indeed.

I should say, I also did my first Larson Super Loop while there I mean it WAS fun enough but lol @ calling it a coaster.

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I had a couple hours to kill sunday after arriving into Atlanta for work, so I decided to make a quick trip to SFOG.

Holy hell the park was packed, with every ride having basically a 1 hr+ line. I will say walking in under Goliath and next to Georgia Scorcher is pretty cool. I got in line for TC knowing that would be the only ride I had time for. It ended up breaking down part way through line. Though nearly everyone got out of line, and I was able to be the 2nd train when it re-opened 20 minutes later. TC is a pretty fast paced ride, very fun though of the 3 i've ridden (WC and SV) I would rank it 3rd. WC seems to pull you out of your seat way more, and a slower more hangtimey moments.

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I took a trip through the south and SFOG was a big part of it, and I'm happy to say the park was even better than I remembered from childhood. No surprise, with the multiple world-class coasters that weren't there 25 years ago, like Goliath and Superman UF, and I loved Twisted Cyclone too. Even the repeats and clones were satisfying, especially Mindbender.


But I have one big question: why does Georgia Scorcher exist, and is it possible to ride it without feeling like you just squatted 400 pounds while straddling a fence pole? My quadriceps were fucked up for days.

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Just got off scream machine. As a warning to everyone, after the second turnaround is a nasty pothole at the bottom of the first drop, heads up! Also the last couple of times I've been here the sky buckets haven't been running, hopefully that's not a sign of things to come.

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But I have one big question: why does Georgia Scorcher exist, and is it possible to ride it without feeling like you just squatted 400 pounds while straddling a fence pole? My quadriceps were fucked up for days.


I don't know if I'm built for stand up coasters or just the luckiest man alive, cause I've never had a problem with any standup coasters. The technique I use is to crouch a little so you don't bash your sack and make sure you don't crunched in their by the ride-ops.

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I find there is a very particular technique to actually enjoy B&M Stand-Ups. I've ridden all of them except Scorcher (which I will actually be riding this weekend), so here is what I found:


1) Sit in one of the two middle seats. I have found the outer seats to be more "off-heartline" and rougher.

2) Sit in the front row if possible, but inner seats is more important IMO.

3) Bend your knees and squat slightly before the seats lock. Depending on how tall you are, you may have to bend a little or a lot. The end goal is to have your shoulders right at the top of the OTSR once the seats lock. This puts your head in the safest position.

4) Enjoy classic B&M goodness that doesn't quite exist the same way anymore.


I know, I know. You shouldn't have to ride a certain coaster super defensively to enjoy it. I'm not even saying they're "great" rides. But to avoid nut-smashing and severe headbanging, this helps...

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Can confirm those tips work great on Scorcher. I've ridden it many many times and actually enjoy it quite a lot, assuming I get a proper "squat" before the mechanism locks and I'm situated near the centerline.


Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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I find there is a very particular technique to actually enjoy B&M Stand-Ups. I've ridden all of them except Scorcher (which I will actually be riding this weekend), so here is what I found:


1) Sit in one of the two middle seats. I have found the outer seats to be more "off-heartline" and rougher.

2) Sit in the front row if possible, but inner seats is more important IMO.

3) Bend your knees and squat slightly before the seats lock. Depending on how tall you are, you may have to bend a little or a lot. The end goal is to have your shoulders right at the top of the OTSR once the seats lock. This puts your head in the safest position.

4) Enjoy classic B&M goodness that doesn't quite exist the same way anymore.


I know, I know. You shouldn't have to ride a certain coaster super defensively to enjoy it. I'm not even saying they're "great" rides. But to avoid nut-smashing and severe headbanging, this helps...


Step 3 is the key step for me. If you do this and get your head above the restraints, you get a forceful and headbanging free ride.

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