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  1. Looks like I'm going to be off unexpectedly this week and next week. Wedding in Tampa next Saturday. Haven't been to Universal since 2012 so I was considering going down to Orlando from Atlanta on Tuesday night, going to HHN on Wed 10/13 then IOA on Thursday. Is it worth it to do the scream early to HHN for $30? Looks like the only things I'd get to do during that time that I couldn't do at HHN are Transformers and F&F (haven't been on either). If not, should I go to Gringotts first then whatever haunts after? Hoping also that a Wednesday will be significantly less crowded. No idea how a thursday in Oct will be though.
  2. Parents just told me they booked a house in Cape Coral in mid May for a week and want me to meet them there so looks like I'm going to get to ride this bad boy. Haven't been since Cheetah Hunt was brand new.
  3. Visiting on Oct. 27. Don't really care about credits so I'd be ok with msising Superman since my homepark is SFOG. What do you think the proper route is to make sure I can knock it all out in time? Was thinking Kingda Ka> El Toro > Bizarro > freespin > wonder woman > Nitro. Would also like to try the safari as I see that is the last operating day. Hoping crowds wont be too bad during the early afternoon. Planning to be there from opening-5.
  4. I think a freespin or raptor is likely. Would love to see either a re-tracking or a complete tear down and re-build by maybe Gravity Group of GASM for it's 50th anniversary in 2023. It's basically unrideable right now. Needs some work bad.
  5. 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Lightning Rod 3. Iron Rattler 4. Twisted Cyclone 5. Wonder Woman Honestly 3-5 are all kind of interchangeable for me. All very good rides.
  6. I wonder if Six Flags is testing out how the power splash does at Over Texas and if it works out will put one in the Splashwater Falls space here. Either way, these look like solid additions.
  7. Weather forecast looks clear for this weekend. There's a couple bring a friend days this weekend so it may be decently crowded between that and the, as of now, very nice weather.
  8. I could maybe go on Sunday from 11-5 depending on when I get my flight for. I'm guessing that would be much less crowded?
  9. So thought I was going to be in Pittsburgh the weekend of Oct. 18-20 but turns out I'm going to be in Philly during the 25-28 weekend, which works out great since I've never been to SF GADV. I've got a Six Flags membership so that will be fine. Looking at going the Friday Oct. 25. Should I expect some big lines? Really as long as I can get on the big three or four coasters there I'll be happy.
  10. One of my favorite bands just announced a Halloween show in Pittsburgh on 10/18. Thinking of doing a drive from ATL to Pittsburgh (ugh) to see the show on Friday then spend Saturday at Kennywood. I see that they split the day into 2 parts so 2 seperate tickets. Any idea what the prices are for the two seperate events and if all the rides, save water rides, are expected to be open during the Halloween weather?
  11. Shooting a Christmas movie in August is going to be miserably hot. Can't imagine wearing sweaters in mittens in that heat. Also won't the foliage make it obvious that it is summer? I guess it's Hallmark so the details aren't that important.
  12. Made it to the park for the first time this year on Friday evening. Came in around 5:15 after work. It was pouring rain so people were leaving in droves when I got there. We walked around for around 45 mins and nothing was open, not even the Justice League dark ride. Around 6, JL opened and we rode that a couple times. After that, the sky started to clear and rides began opening. Was able to get on Goliath x3, TC x2, Pandemonium, Georgia Scorcher, GASM (BIG OOF 0/10) and Mind Bender in the last couple hours. Really enjoyed Pandemonium. Hope they keep going with the theme in that area, bc as of now its kind of bare, but has potential. Good first evening at the park!
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