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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Just enjoyed a full day and I have to say I am impressed on the many different things the park is working on now. I will submit my own TR but I will focus on the stuff not yet covered here. Since the Scorcher re-paint and the progress on Pandemonium have already been well covered, I will not post additional photos.


Weather was the first pleasant surprise - sun was out for several hours, otherwise overcast and no rain!


New this year:


Membership Lounge (former Miss Dixie Depot / recruitment center building) - not open yet;


Numerous soft drink refill stations added - not Freestyle but fountain;


Panda Express replaced with Strutters Chicken Wings & Brews - we had our dinner there - it was actually good and our dining pass works there too! This may have been the first time I have ever sat down for a meal in that building...


Diamond Elite special park entrance - in the location of season pass processing (sign says Diamond Elite so I presume any lower membership tier has to use the member entrance or the main gate) - complete with metal detector and scanner. Yeah I know...weird...


Splashwater Falls sign has been removed, so it appears there is zero chance of this ride ever opening again;


Giant LICKSKILLET sign now removed ahead of forthcoming ScreamPunk theming - was deteriorated and needed to go anyway!


Rhythm & Grooves show sign up "coming soon" - so we know what the summer Crystal Pistol show will be


Railroad still closed since Holiday in the Park; locomotive nowhere in sight (anyone know more?)


Mobile food (APP) ordering not yet operational; coming soon


Goliath Games area removed - employee said they were rebuilding a new games pavilion to replace the old one.


Many of these improvements are minor but they do add up. I will likely be back tomorrow and look around some more. Enjoy the photo TR....


Souvenir cup 2019 colors! We already knew season cups are yellow; daily cups are transparent aqua


New refill station in Promenade Pizza!


Celebrating a new season at the front gate!


New membership lounge (and event space)


Out with Panda; here comes Strutters Famous Wings & Brews!


Here's what is playing this summer at the Crystal Pistol


Another refill station!! Location: Dahlonega Mine Train exit


Removed sign confirms what we already know...Splashwater Falls RIP...


Not for much longer... I have no idea how they will re-theme this mill into ScreamPunk...


First eatery in the old part of Lickskillet to receive the new ScreamPunk theme


Old pic from January...this large LICKSKILLET sign is now GONE

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Great report!


Not gonna lie, I think white track and gray supports looks great on an B&M


Not gonna lie, I have some pretty "wrong" thoughts about how it looks. I wonder how many gallons of semen it's going to take to completely repaint it?


On a slightly more serious note, it is good to hear about Scream Machine! I rode it in 2012 and enjoyed it, but I rode it in 2018 with the Georgia Cyclone trains, and I was wailing in agony. That thing could have totally replaced our methods for capital punishment! (Not that I support that.)

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Overall a great start to the season, can't wait to go back again.


Great report, and glad you had fun.


just a couple of comments:


re: Goliath Games - when we were there last July? the overhead ACs were leaking and there were huge puddles of rancid water thruout the area. Good riddance to that. . . based on the poles, looks to me like they are gonna rebuild something there (more games)?. . . or maybe put in a small snack stand.



re: Pandemonium - those rides go up very quickly. like, really, really quickly.

Fiesta Texas is getting one too, and the land has been cleared for it for a couple of months already, and nothing in yet. but I expect it will be up and ready for testing in less than a week once they start installing. . so not too worried about it.

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Will be heading to the park for the first time either this weekend or the next. Would Flash Pass be necessary to hit up all the main coasters- Goliath, TwiCy, Dare Devil, Superman, Batman, and Mindbender are musts for me. I know the park is only open weekends this early in the season, does that make crowds heavier or is it manageable without FP? Thanks in advance!

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Will be heading to the park for the first time either this weekend or the next. Would Flash Pass be necessary to hit up all the main coasters- Goliath, TwiCy, Dare Devil, Superman, Batman, and Mindbender are musts for me. I know the park is only open weekends this early in the season, does that make crowds heavier or is it manageable without FP? Thanks in advance!


Hit Dare Devil Dive first thing at opening, then make your way over to Twisted Cyclone. Dare Devil Dive has an awful capacity, so seemingly short lines can take 30+ minutes. Twisted Cyclone on the other hand has a good capacity, but will work up lines due to its New Hotness status. Goliath doesn’t build up a line until midday, when the GP have finished their faffing with the l*ckers at the ride entry— but when they finish, the line will be LONG. By midday, Twisted Cyclone, Goliath and Dare Devil Dive all had waits of at least 90 minutes. Mind Bender doesn’t have very long lines generally, longest I’ve ever waited for it was probably 20 minutes on a weekend in September. Superman will have long lines due to the agonizing loading process, but those can most likely be avoided by hitting it in the morning.

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Don't they still open Twisted Cyclone 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the park? If so then that should be your first stop.


Georgia Scorcher generally opens early also but obviously it's still not ready for the season and likely won't be for at least a few weeks.


Be ready to buy Flash Pass but you don't need to buy it in advance. Sometimes you get lucky.

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Will be heading to the park for the first time either this weekend or the next. Would Flash Pass be necessary to hit up all the main coasters- Goliath, TwiCy, Dare Devil, Superman, Batman, and Mindbender are musts for me. I know the park is only open weekends this early in the season, does that make crowds heavier or is it manageable without FP? Thanks in advance!


Hit Dare Devil Dive first thing at opening, then make your way over to Twisted Cyclone. Dare Devil Dive has an awful capacity, so seemingly short lines can take 30+ minutes. Twisted Cyclone on the other hand has a good capacity, but will work up lines due to its New Hotness status. Goliath doesn’t build up a line until midday, when the GP have finished their faffing with the l*ckers at the ride entry— but when they finish, the line will be LONG. By midday, Twisted Cyclone, Goliath and Dare Devil Dive all had waits of at least 90 minutes. Mind Bender doesn’t have very long lines generally, longest I’ve ever waited for it was probably 20 minutes on a weekend in September. Superman will have long lines due to the agonizing loading process, but those can most likely be avoided by hitting it in the morning.

I already assumed we should hit Dare Devil first but I'll add Superman to the mix as well. Thanks for the advice!


Don't they still open Twisted Cyclone 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the park? If so then that should be your first stop.


Georgia Scorcher generally opens early also but obviously it's still not ready for the season and likely won't be for at least a few weeks.


Be ready to buy Flash Pass but you don't need to buy it in advance. Sometimes you get lucky.

Fingers crossed for early entry but I'm not counting on it. I'm still on the fence about Flash Pass though. I'll be going with my parents and three sisters, six people in total, but only four of us are able to do the 54" requirement rides. I'm planning to get the Platinum membership pass, so that does give me a one-time line skip. Would the Season Flash Pass be worth it in the long run? I'll be visiting the park pretty frequently in the near future, but the price tag is pretty steep, even with the park opening sale going on.

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I wonder what the deal is for the Member's Lounge? It's replacing what used to be a pretty good restaurant.


Also - it's odd that they have put another chicken place literally "spittin' distance" from JB's. Has that menu changed any?


Thanks for the posts and pictures. Wasn't able to go this weekend myself.



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If anyone knows what the movie code for 2BOB is, they’re filming at SFOG now.


could be almost anything, as lots of shows and films do their filming in Atlanta.


I do know from friends in Atlanta that "Zombieland 2" has started filming as of mid Feb. . so I guess it COULD be that (if they set a scene in the sequel at another Amusement Park).


but really, could be anything from that, to an episode of "Mama June: not to Hot" that is also filming in Atlanta right now

(maybe she goes on a date to the park).

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Do you expect they have Georgia Scorcher and Marthasville Railroad open until the beginning of June?

We are flying over from Germany and would be happy to experience those rides.


can't give any help on train, since no idea why it isn't operating now. . so not sure what the issue is (when I was there last July, it was running only 2 passenger cars, but was running. . . unlike Acrophobia, which never operated during my visit )


but for sure Scorcher should be back up. . as they are only down for repaint. I would expect that will be back up and running by end of March barring any bad weather.

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can't give any help on train, since no idea why it isn't operating now. . so not sure what the issue is (when I was there last July, it was running only 2 passenger cars, but was running. . . unlike Acrophobia, which never operated during my visit )

Its worth noting that last summer the Locomotive "The General" was damaged in a fire, leaving "The Texas" to do full duty for the remainder of the season, up through Holiday in the Park. I did not get any official word but I have the feeling "The Texas" is simply undergoing maintenance while the "General" is still out of commission.


A few other tidbits from my Sunday visit:


I had the pleasure of a short conversation with park President Kaetzel (Kudos to him for walking the park regularly and engaging with guests!)


-He informed me of the new colors for the Georgia Scorcher: charcoal grey supports with red track. This should really look good and give a pop of color, particularly with the Goliath supports comingled in that space.


-The new mobile dining app is expected to be functional by June. Many of the restaurants in the park are still in the process of modification to accommodate this service.


-The Joker Chaos Larson Loop was up and running.


-Many external areas around stores and restrooms have had some ADA enhancements, mainly the addition of ramps.


It does appear the park is taking on lots of housekeeping details which are long overdue. It is nice to see attention to quality.

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-He informed me of the new colors for the Georgia Scorcher: charcoal grey supports with red track. This should really look good and give a pop of color, particularly with the Goliath supports comingled in that space.


That's gonna look awesome! Can't go wrong with red and grey!

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Anyone want to share preferred parking details? Close to the gate? Worth reserving? In and out within the preferred lot during the day? Thanks. Going down this weekend.


None of the parking in the East lot is really close to the main entrance. The West lot is closer but was not open on either of my visits. If I am going to be walking 5-10 miles a day, I'm not really concerned with a few extra steps. But if you have it free, I can't see the harm. If you have to buy it, I'd say it's not worth it at all. YMMV if you have small children or elderly with you.


As far as leaving and coming back, I'm not sure. I have a diamond membership and did not use preferred parking at any of the six SF parks I visited last year. Traffic in Atlanta (even on Saturday) is awful and I would subject myself to that as little as possible.

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-He informed me of the new colors for the Georgia Scorcher: charcoal grey supports with red track. This should really look good and give a pop of color, particularly with the Goliath supports comingled in that space.


If this is true, sounds awesome. Hopefully they'll repaint Goliath too sooner rather than later because with Scorcher done the faded Goliath will be even more noticeable than it was.

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