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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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I know that Valleyfair wants to expand Soak City is it possible that some of the water slides at Wild Water Kingdom would be re located to other Cedar Fair parks?


Surprisingly. There really wasn't that many structures at the park. The only things that could be relocated would be:

- Tornado Slide

- Water Fortress

- 7 Slide Tower Complex (3 body / 4 tube)

- Random splash pad fixtures


I would imagine that the Water Fortress will be coming your way as all of the other waterparks in the chain have pretty decent ones already. Honestly all of the things that were there would go well up at VF and would help make it a pretty decent waterpark. Definitely would help with capacity.


There is still another Tornado slide (from KBF) available. I call dibs for OOF.

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While I did enjoy the WWK park, I'm really not that surprised. They just couldn't get the numbers in with all that expensive land as overhead (wwk acreage).


I am glad though that they announced this before the season ended, I can at least go and say my final goodbyes.

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I'm not surprised by this at all. Wildwater Kingdom was never really a huge water park anyways. It never got the attention from CF that it should have had gotten, and it's really a miracle that the company kept it going on for this long. They could have closed the entire property all at once in reality.


To me, Geauga Lake died when the ride side did. I hate to see the property sold for condos or housing, but it's best for business in the eyes of Cedar Fair. Keeping the small water park open with no hope of the park ever returning was just a bad memory of what once was a nice little property. At least the land can be redeveloped now...

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So they are finally putting the final nail in the Geauga Lake coffin. Long overdue. They didn't seem to do much in trying to get people to visit the park.


I don't expect them to sell it anyone else to keep it going. I'm sure that lakefront property would sell for a nice price for some condos. It's in better condition than the ride side.

It'll be in great condition until they run the bulldozers through there. You know, like any responsible property owner...

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Maybe... MAYBE...


We can move Big Dipper to the wave pool and open it as the world's first "Wooden Water Coaster!!!"


Huh? Huh??? How's THAT for an idea????




Let me go start a fund raising page, we'll get a bunch of people with hammers and pick up trucks and we'll get this done!!!


It's a good idea, right? RIGHT????





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Maybe... MAYBE...


We can move Big Dipper to the wave pool and open it as the world's first "Wooden Water Coaster!!!"


Huh? Huh??? How's THAT for an idea????




Let me go start a fund raising page, we'll get a bunch of people with hammers and pick up trucks and we'll get this done!!!


It's a good idea, right? RIGHT????




this post deserves more than 1 like!

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^Just like with the Hard Rock Park thread, this will remain active for forum members to post the latest news about the land that hosted the park and the water park, as well as photos and videos of the park(s) as they operated in the past... That being said, you can expect that the thread will probably get a lot less traffic once the deconstruction of Wildwater Kingdom is complete.

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Man... Granted, I haven't read through all the pages around when this park closed, to see the tenor of the posts, but I'm a little surprised by the callousness on display towards those who really cared about GL, and are genuinely sad, and upset, about the way it was closed, and the lack of respect for a great, classic coaster like Big Dipper. I'm not quite on that level, but have a few friends who are, and I am very sympathetic to their plight. Also, I really loved Big Dipper, and hate to see a perfectly good coaster fall into ruin.


Sometimes I feel like it's expected decorum in coaster enthusiast sites to be a Cedar Fair fanboy, and a yes man for all of the chain's practices, regardless of whether they are sound, smart, or the best they could have been. But I guess I'll just drink my Lipton tea like Kermit, and say that's none of my business...

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However cold it may be to say, when Cedar Fair bought the park, they bought the rights to do whatever they wanted to it. What was inherited from Kinzel's mistakes (and he made 'em just as much as Six Flags) wasn't anything that could be repaired. However, and this gets to the heart of what's happening here - there are some people in the coaster hobby who are loud and boisterous and very angry still at the company for what happened. Dick Kinzel is probably guzzling a fifth of scotch, sitting on his balcony in Sandusky, thinking for the 293rd time how stupid Luminosity is. He and his team hasn't been in charge for a long time, and it was time to move on awhile ago. Because of that fringe, the legit opinions get kinda pushed down.

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Man... Granted, I haven't read through all the pages around when this park closed, to see the tenor of the posts, but I'm a little surprised by the callousness on display towards those who really cared about GL, and are genuinely sad, and upset, about the way it was closed, and the lack of respect for a great, classic coaster like Big Dipper. I'm not quite on that level, but have a few friends who are, and I am very sympathetic to their plight. Also, I really loved Big Dipper, and hate to see a perfectly good coaster fall into ruin.

We actually were all a little bummed, to varying degrees, when it was announced that the park was closing. Especially seeing how much it had grown and I actually really liked the final incarnations of the park.


But there were groups of people who took it to a whole other level. A level that would be impossible to register on any scale of rational thinking. It got to an absurd point and that's when we all started to have a bit of fun with it.


We thought it was HILARIOUS!!! But there were some that didn't. And that made it even MORE HILARIOUS!!!!

Edited by robbalvey
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