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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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The fact that this park is now completely gone, including a classic 1925 John Miller, is incredibly sad.


It is really unfortunate Cedar Fair (or anyone) didn't save the ride. We are running out of classics and so much history has been lost.


Big Dipper goes back at least 3 generations in my family. I'm glad I got to visit and ride it when the park was still operating (my grandmother came along and got to see it again, which brought back memories for her as well).


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I don't really get this whole "Cedar Fair should have saved the ride" thing. If they put this in any of their parks minus Gilroy Gardens it would be completely underwhelming and one of the weakest coasters in the entire park. From a non enthusiast perspective it would even be mediocre if they moved it to Michigan's Adventure. What would be the point of that? I'm all for moving classic rides that also happen to be awesome (Phoenix, Great Escape Comet...) but this would be a complete waste of money.


It would have fit in at a really small park, but for Cedar Fair to move it to one of their other parks would have been kind of stupid (and clearly they know this or they would have done it when they moved the SLC, the Boomerang, the B&M and a bunch of flat rides. Imagine if your home park was Valleyfair for example and you just got Renegade the year before. If they installed Big Dipper and marketed it as a big exciting coaster people would have been pretty pissed off when they rode it. It wasn't worth the effort. It was a mediocre ride. Sure it had some nostalgic value but it would only have that value at Geauga Lake.

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I know I haven't been around following these forums anywhere near as long as most of you, and haven't had to endure what has surely been an endless irritating discussion about this ride for years. But, I think had they done it quickly after closing it, moving Big Dipper to Cedar Point would have sense. The park is obviously very old and has a classic feel. The ride was in good shape, and fun with a narrow footprint. I preferred it to Blue Streak. I'm not going to play park planner and suggest where it could have gone, but it doesn't seem like it would have been too expensive to move, and would have been a good medium sized ride for medium sized people at a park which seems to value some older, unique rides. Tear me apart, just wanted say which side of the fence I land on.

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I know I haven't been around following these forums anywhere near as long as most of you, and haven't had to endure what has surely been an endless irritating discussion about this ride for years. But, I think had they done it quickly after closing it, moving Big Dipper to Cedar Point would have sense. The park is obviously very old and has a classic feel. The ride was in good shape, and fun with a narrow footprint. I preferred it to Blue Streak. I'm not going to play park planner and suggest where it could have gone, but it doesn't seem like it would have been too expensive to move, and would have been a good medium sized ride for medium sized people at a park which seems to value some older, unique rides. Tear me apart, just wanted say which side of the fence I land on.


Here's the deal. Most enthusiasts liked Big Dipper but did not heap world's of praise upon it. It was an OK. old, classic coaster but nothing more. After Geauga Lake closed many people came out of the wood work and started complaining and that is understandable. However, it has been 10 years. People need to get over it. Time to let it go. Sure the people in the Cleveland area feel they get cheated all the time, but now that LeBron brought a title to the sports world the hope was me was that locals would let the issue go. But I guess it is not to be. I get it some people were upset when the park closed. However, ten years of complaining isn't going to change a thing.

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But, I think had they done it quickly after closing it, moving Big Dipper to Cedar Point would have sense.


New for 2008! It's our 14th best coaster that's not a family coaster because of it's bull*** height requirement, Big Dipper!


Also it's really long and probably wouldn't have fit anywhere at Cedar Point other than maybe where Gatekeeper (a vastly superior ride in every possibly way) ended up and honestly Disaster Transport (which it would have had to replace in 2008) was better too.

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Eh, I don't really want to drag it out, but in my opinion it was easily better than a number of CP's coasters, maybe would have been 7th or 8th at that point IMO. But I generally prefer non looping, and even moreso wooden coasters. I'm not crushed or anything, just throwing my opinion out there since it had been discussed. I'm from St. Louis but my dad is from Cleveland and grandparents lived there, so I sort of understand the Cleveland sports and the being cheated thing. I was honestly just offering my opinion since it was at the top of the board being discussed.

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I can only think of two reason why Cedar Fair killed Geauga Lake in 2007, at the time they just bought out Paramount's parks and also Geauga Lake was taking away business from Cedar Fair's flagship park, Cedar Point.


In my opinion, I think that Cedar Fair made a bad decision to buy Geauga Lake in the first place!

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I can only think of two reason why Cedar Fair killed Geauga Lake in 2007, at the time they just bought out Paramount's parks and also Geauga Lake was taking away business from Cedar Fair's flagship park, Cedar Point.


In my opinion, I think that Cedar Fair made a bad decision to buy Geauga Lake in the first place!


Cedar Fair did not kill Geauga Lake

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