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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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  • 5 months later...

^Right after this video was taken the skycoaster was removed.


I wish Cedar Fair would at least expand the waterpark. If nothing else, Some mat slides or something.


I would not be surprised if Wildwater Kingdom meets the fate of the Knott's Soak City parks in California and is put up for sale. There is no reason for the water park to be without a new water attraction since 2006. After all Bill Spehn is back in Aurora running things again.

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Really sad to see although I would love to be able to get the chance to walk around the park now and just photograph and look at what used to be.


I had thought about going to the water park this year but just couldn't make it work unless I went on a Saturday. And I knew it would have been a big mistake to visit such a small water park on a hot Saturday during the summer so I decided against it.

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This is so very very sad. It looks like a war zone after the bombing. I really miss and loved the Big Dipper.

I really find it hard to believe that Cedar Fair has let this deteriorate like that. Even more so, the local residents letting this eyesore continue...

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There are many things about the park in its current state. I hear you have to contact Cedar Fair to walk around the property. I don't see Cedar Fair selling the water park unless someone buys the entire land.


This is a photo I took on the zoom in option on my phone on Wildwater Kingdom's last day of operation for the 2013 season.


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  • 7 months later...

I have good friends that work at the waterpark that say this rumor is completely false. Now I still have a wait and see attitude about the waterpark. From what I hear there are still no new plans for any expansions to the waterpark so we all know that doesn't look good for the future of the park.

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I have good friends that work at the waterpark that say this rumor is completely false. Now I still have a wait and see attitude about the waterpark. From what I hear there are still no new plans for any expansions to the waterpark so we all know that doesn't look good for the future of the park.


The waterpark needs something. They haven't gotten a waterpark attraction since 2006. No, Little Tykes and Chess Pieces don't count IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The sad thing is, it probably won't. Amusement parks are starting to come fewer and fewer. The baby boom of the industry is over and land is now more valuable for real estate now. The parks that are left will continue to grow, but as many new ones will open. It's too bad that the park had to die that way, but maybe there is still a little hope if cedar fair ever sells the water park.

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I'd love to see a tiny little park like Knoebels pop up, maybe with a rebuilt Dipper, but I know it 90% won't happen. We can dream though...


I do wonder why Cedar Fair tore it down. Apparently attendance was up even with the shorter 2007 season. I know this is from the Geauga Lake Today "conspiracy theorists", but it does smell a little fishy. Note that I do NOT want anybody to boycott Cedar Fair, I have a Platinum Pass and go to Cedar Point regularly.


By the way, my friend pointed out how ironic it was that Cedar Point received no rides from GL. Wasn't Planet Snoopy derived from GL's rides? I doubt CP would get practical clones of their rides new (half the rides in Planet Snoopy are clones of the rides in Camp Snoopy.)

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I do wonder why Cedar Fair tore it down.

I'm pretty sure the 293 pages of this thread covered it pretty well, but I'll give you the cliff's notes: "Everyone go to Cedar Point." There. Done.


I understand, but attendance was up in 2007. Did they just realize that it would just be easier and more economical to run one big park? I understand both sides. Its sorta obvious that everybody would go to CP.

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