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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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In the real world, Eejanaika only has three inversions.
Hahaha I know, I just find it funny that 14 inversions was already "claimed" 7 years ago. I did also take this picture of the inversion explanation while I was in line, it didn't help though


I think you have to hold it up to a mirror to see the real message.

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Considering how much work is still to be done, I'm pretty surprised to see the construction walls come down in favor of loose mesh fences. That won't likely do a good job of keeping the dust and dirt contained within the construction site.

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^^^ Has someone there forgot about the drops?


That the fences gone down could mean something bad like a June opening. The fences said May 2013 and perhaps they don't feel like reaching it then. Just a possible negative thing that came to thought.

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^^^ Has someone there forgot about the drops?


That the fences gone down could mean something bad like a June opening. The fences said May 2013 and perhaps they don't feel like reaching it then. Just a possible negative thing that came to thought.


Incoming thoughts are that the reason they are removing The Smiler coverings are because they need to move the fence back to get the final Marmaliser leg in - The Hypnotiser. It would obviously need the crane on the public side of the fence so it will be done after closing if it was to happen.


It could also be because they want to put up the actual black fencing on this side of the site.

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So what are people speculating for opening date? Are we thinking the late May bank holiday? June? Early May? This seems like one of the later ride openings we've seen in the UK.


There apparently is some media event on the 17th May and people are thinking it will open the next day on Saturday 18th May. Gives them a month to get it complete done.

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When I followed the layout in the diagram, I only counted 12 inversions. Are the inverted drops counted? Just how "inverted" are they? I figured they would be standard Gerst beyond-vertical drops. Unless there's something new I'm missing.

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When I followed the layout in the diagram, I only counted 12 inversions. Are the inverted drops counted? Just how "inverted" are they? I figured they would be standard Gerst beyond-vertical drops. Unless there's something new I'm missing.


No, they are a full inverted drop. Basically a 360 twist into a drop. Sort of like a Zero-G roll but without such a big incline and not inline. Here is a picture of one of the inverted drops:



(Thank to TowersStreet Facebook Page)


As you can see it is missing just one piece of track to make it a completed inverted drop.

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^^^ Has someone there forgot about the drops?


That the fences gone down could mean something bad like a June opening. The fences said May 2013 and perhaps they don't feel like reaching it then. Just a possible negative thing that came to thought.


Incoming thoughts are that the reason they are removing The Smiler coverings are because they need to move the fence back to get the final Marmaliser leg in - The Hypnotiser. It would obviously need the crane on the public side of the fence so it will be done after closing if it was to happen.


It could also be because they want to put up the actual black fencing on this side of the site.

Now you say it, it does sound possible. I guess thats also when they make the first inverted drop complete. Because looking at the picture of Towers street they are now working on the second inverted drop, so reaching all the way back to the First Drop won't be easy.

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So what are people speculating for opening date? Are we thinking the late May bank holiday? June? Early May? This seems like one of the later ride openings we've seen in the UK.

I'm thinking last week of May/first week of June. Still in time for school trips and school holidays. Might not be too bad for Alton Towers because a lot of the general public who have seen it in person may be planning trips back to ride it and their marketing still hasn't kicked into high gear.


That May 17th/18th media event date seems a tad optimistic imo, there is still a lot to do. Unless the delay has allowed them to get a lot of the systems/electrical/station stuff prepped in advance of completing the track, but testing still needs to go smoothly with absolutely no problems to open mid-May.


It's late opening but it was meant to open at the start of the season. I think at least 2 months of the delay can be attributed to the weather. It's been frankly awful over here. 2012 was the 2nd wettest year since records began, summer 2012 didn't happen. The start of this year has been freezing by UK standards, March was the coldest for 50 years, we've had snow into April. Spring is only just starting to appear and they are still having problems with high winds.


If you see some of the pictures of the construction site from late 2012 it is mostly them pumping a never ending pool water out of trenches. Possibly an oversight when they came up with the construction schedule, but the elements really have been against them.

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Ooh, my photo appeared above!!!


The May 2013 opening date still appears everywhere else in the park. The banners were removed due to high winds turning them into sails and pulling the construction fences down.


Large amounts of electrical work have been done, in fact I saw platform dispatch button being taken out of the Gerst shipping container/office and taken into the station building today.


The whole thing looks mad!


Not really shown in the pics is that there also appears to be fins on the first lift hill too. Maybe a silent anti-rollback system? Which would make sense considering the numerous issues & complaints Alton Towers have had regarding noise.


I reckon they'll want to be open for the Spring Bank Holiday long weekend, which is the Sat/Sun/Mon 25/26/27th May

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It took some time but the first drop is finally done.


Picture from Towerstimes: Roodlesnouter

Also they lift goes up.


There aren't much pieces left now. 1 to finish of the second inverted drop, and about 6 or 7 for the lift and pre-drop. I feel like a big part is done after today.


Update: It seems the drop piece doesn't fit well with the turns. How will they fix it?

Theme park collectives.

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Update: It seems the drop piece doesn't fit well with the turns. How will they fix it?

About that picture, the piece is either not put into place properly (can't see the other end of it), but if it's out of alignment then you just need to move the supports a bit, there is plenty of movement at the footers if these things happens. And I'm pretty sure that most supports on this rides isn't even bolted to the footers, the just put the tubes into larger holes and just ram some wedges around the support so that it sits still. Then when it's all done fill the voids around the support with concrete and it's done.


But I do have to say that this thing looks a lot better than I have ever imagined. I might even consider to go back to Alton this year to have a go

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Update: It seems the drop piece doesn't fit well with the turns. How will they fix it?

About that picture, the piece is either not put into place properly (can't see the other end of it), but if it's out of alignment then you just need to move the supports a bit, there is plenty of movement at the footers if these things happens. And I'm pretty sure that most supports on this rides isn't even bolted to the footers, the just put the tubes into larger holes and just ram some wedges around the support so that it sits still. Then when it's all done fill the voids around the support with concrete and it's done.


But I do have to say that this thing looks a lot better than I have ever imagined. I might even consider to go back to Alton this year to have a go

No this next picture if from almost a hour later:


They're using a jack to force it in his place. I wonder if it fits already haven't seen any picture of that.

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I just read on a towerstimes post that they were still banging, wincing and forcing it on his place, when he left. I don't know how late that was but seeing the time of posting is 8:03 PM (20:03) and he stated that he goes back tomorrow it could be that they were still busy with it at 7:30 PM (19:30)

I've seen pieces that weren't completely right, but this far off was new for me.

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I just read on a towerstimes post that they were still banging, wincing and forcing it on his place, when he left. I don't know how late that was but seeing the time of posting is 8:03 PM (20:03) and he stated that he goes back tomorrow it could be that they were still busy with it at 7:30 PM (19:30)

I've seen pieces that weren't completely right, but this far off was new for me.


Ride close is 5PM and park stays open for around another hour. Latest he was probably there was 6 or before so they were still working on it at that time. We will find out the status of said track tomorrow once the park opens. Chances are they will have it in place.

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