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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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^Good GOD, I still can't keep track of the layout!

Glad to finally see an aerial shot, thanks for posting that.


I thought I was the only one, haha. Even with an aerial shot this twisted mess of inverted track is almost too hard to follow. They might want to rename it "The Headache" after opening it if the OTSR's seem to be too much.

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Last time I rode Saw I did notice the head banging was ever more prominent than the previous time so I really hope it's reduced for the Smiler in some shape or form. But it does look very impressive in those aerial shots.

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Construction is going hard lately today the 4th arm of the Marmaliser goes up. It's not really clear which one the 4th is at the moment, but looking at the Picture the place it seems it going too, it is the inoculator.


Also the antenna of the Marmaliser is on site.


(both from Towersstreet facebook)


Just came across this one showing it was indeed the Inoculator:

(Picture Roodlesnouter from Towerstimes)

This makes the Hypnotiser the only missing arm.


An update, The arm is now on its place and the Antenna is in the air:



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What exactly is the overarching theme/story of this??


Giant robot spider thingy attempts to hypnotize people so they do his laundry with the washing machine element?

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What exactly is the overarching theme/story of this??

I shall tell you the story of the Smiler and the Ministry of Joy as I've been told.


50 years ago the ministry of Joy was busy in the sanctuary experimenting on Humans. The government forced them to stop or to close and the second happened. Last year they opened their doors after 50 years and invited people over to see what happened the in the past. But it seems they had a far sinister plan up their sleeves. The ministry of Joy is already experimenting op humans again to force a smile on them to force the world to be happy. The Smiler is there new weapon in happinesses, by not using the coaster it self but the Marmaliser to marmalise you to be happy. (I have no idea why they call it like that) The ride will there for not only be a physical experience but a psychology as well. They now invite you to this live chancing experience with the Smiler.


The Marmaliser 5 arms will change you. The Flasher is to disorientate the passengers. The Giggler blows a gas that is as effective as laughing gas. The Hypnotiser will hypnotize the riders so they only think about happy things. The Inoculator holds a goo that will effect you in many ways. The Tickler will enforce laughing at you on the most common way


This is the background story of how I know it.

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What exactly is the overarching theme/story of this??


Giant robot spider thingy attempts to hypnotize people so they do his laundry with the washing machine element?


Then they need this.


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It does sem a very odd and strange concept/idea for a ride. Not totally keen on the story or the marmaliser spider thing if that is what it is for but after having experienced the Sanctuary. That fits together nicely. Doctor Kelman gives a nice creepy intro to the whole thing and the marmalising section within the Sanctuary is very well done too.

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What exactly is the overarching theme/story of this??

I shall tell you the story of the Smiler and the Ministry of Joy as I've been told.


50 years ago the ministry of Joy was busy in the sanctuary experimenting on Humans. The government forced them to stop or to close and the second happened. Last year they opened their doors after 50 years and invited people over to see what happened the in the past. But it seems they had a far sinister plan up their sleeves. The ministry of Joy is already experimenting op humans again to force a smile on them to force the world to be happy. The Smiler is there new weapon in happinesses, by not using the coaster it self but the Marmaliser to marmalise you to be happy. (I have no idea why they call it like that) The ride will there for not only be a physical experience but a psychology as well. They now invite you to this live chancing experience with the Smiler.


The Marmaliser 5 arms will change you. The Flasher is to disorientate the passengers. The Giggler blows a gas that is as effective as laughing gas. The Hypnotiser will hypnotize the riders so they only think about happy things. The Inoculator holds a goo that will effect you in many ways. The Tickler will enforce laughing at you on the most common way


This is the background story of how I know it.


Wow. Just wow.

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So are all the "arms" different effects that will happen when you're on the ride?

A lot of people believe that the 5 arms aren't there just for the show. It seems to me logical that the Tickler's brushes and Hypnotiser's disks will be spinning. For the other 3 arms, The flasher is easy to do with the exact idea, the Giggler I believe is just a smokescreen, and I read a lot of times people think that the Inoculator sprays water on the riders.

How much of this is true I honestly can't tell. But it looks better to me if the Marmaliser has some action on it ,then just a big piece of steel in the middle of the ride.

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