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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Wow, not a single complaint yet...this is amazing.


But seriously, I can't wait from 2010. While I was expecting a ProSlide Rocket, this thing blows my mind. I love the name, color scheme, layout, and that conveyor lift is quite awesome. Is that a world's first?

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The ride looks like it would be a great fun.


To bad my pale skin can't handle the sun

Have a hard enough time trying to keep enough sunblock (spf48) on for regular rides at theme parks, I'd be a lobster if I went to a water park. I need a 24hr park so I can come at night and enjoy myself on water rides.


What kind of sim program do they make these videos with they look amazing.

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I just got back from the park, can't wait until next years coaster event. Plus not climbing any stairs to get to it....awesome. I was in the theatre about 30 minutes early and knew it was a water coaster before (well, really, who didn't know), but I also knew what name was. As for capacity and line management. There is a separate load and unload platform.


As for the dry park, I don't think they are getting anything. Possibly some small improvements.

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It looks AWESOME! Now if someone in Orlando (hint hint Aquatica) would drop some $$$ and build one to rival Crush n Gusher, we would be happy campers down here!


I think a HW trip is long overdue for me next summer. Too early to start planning?


Definitely NOT too early...I'm already planning my Graduation Theme Park Marathon scheduled to start a week after I graduate from CSU next May...


On another note however= There are many rafts running in that model demo video. What happens if a raft valleys? Does this ever happen? It would seem possible for it to happen and it looks as though eight rafts would crash into each other if that happened.

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There are many rafts running in that model demo video. What happens if a raft valleys? Does this ever happen? It would seem possible for it to happen and it looks as though eight rafts would crash into each other if that happened.

On Supertubes Hydrocoaster at Whitewater World there is actually a touch screen at the top that shows a diagram of the layout which shows the occupied blocks, so in many ways it uses similar procedures to how you'd run a coaster.

When the rafts valley (It does happen), the op comes and rescues them by undoing zipper on the netting that covers the slide, pulling the raft out and carrying it back manually.

I was already thinking about that. I mean, it has a lift, a drop, possibly air time, why couldn't be?

But there are log flumes that have lifts, drops, and airtime (Though from my personal experiences with this model of slide, there is next to no airtime on the hills...It wouldn't be safe anway since there aren't upstops preventing the raft from flying off)


Besides, it can't be a 'credit' anyway because it is a water slide, and not a roller coaster.

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The ride looks like it would be a great fun.


To bad my pale skin can't handle the sun

Have a hard enough time trying to keep enough sunblock (spf48) on for regular rides at theme parks, I'd be a lobster if I went to a water park. I need a 24hr park so I can come at night and enjoy myself on water rides.


What kind of sim program do they make these videos with they look amazing.


I have whiter-shade-of-pale skin, and I live in Florida. Get yourself a rash guard shirt and some board shorts. That leaves very little skin exposed - less than if you are walking around the park in a shorts and a t-shirt. I use plain old "No-Ad" SPF 45 babies waterproof sunblock. Also, I try to hit the waterpark after 2PM.


I've only been on Crush-n-Gusher, which I thought was amazing fun. I would LOVE to try this one!!!

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My biggest question is whether or not I'll be able to see the construction from the road. Living only a few miles away allows me to make regular trips to see how they've progressed. I watched the construction of Pilgrims Plunge from start to finish because I passed by HW every day to go to school. If I can't see it from the road, it won't be worth my time to drive down, seeing as how I've graduated.


But I will be sure to make one last trip this year to see the projected site up close, and then again next year to tame it!


Also, why'd they have to put it behind the Bahari? There's plenty of room between Kima Bay and Bakuli. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to put it so far back in the water park. Unless they have even bigger things planned for future seasons...

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