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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I'm so excited!   I'll be attending my very first Holliwood Nights this year (and my first proper trip to the park, since the only time prior I've gotten to go, the day got rained out and only got on two coasters and two flats).

it had sold out in ~30 seconds, but was able to score a pair of tickets at a charity auction raising $$ for the National Roller Coaster Museum.

looking forwards to it!


edit:  and since it was a pair of tix, I immediately invited Teacher Kim to come with.    we're gonna have a blast, and I'll (of course) have a trip report up after.

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9 hours ago, prozach626 said:

Holy crap!

So do you basically sit there and keep hitting the refresh button for a few minutes until you see an option displayed to purchase the tickets?

They went on sale at 10am central.  If you refreshed and submitted in the first 10-20 seconds, you got a code.  Otherwise, you were informed it was sold out.  

Not sure there's any real solution to the demand.  They already have it priced at $150.  If they did a second weekend, I really don't think it would be any better.  They've done waiting rooms and a lottery previously.  Now it's just quickest and luckiest to get in, autocomplete the form, and submit.  Plus, you didn't even have to buy them at this time, this year. You got a month or two (?) to actually log in and buy them. So anyone even thinking about it could have participated without risking any $$.

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^ apparently it's super limited.

I asked the Park Rep that was present at the auction what capacity is for the event, and was pretty surprised by the number (it's way less than you think - but not posting as not sure it's supposed to be shared).   

so I dunno how there's any way to do it without upsetting folks who don't get to purchase tix.    It seems to me they are taking "exclusive" event at it's working, and meaning it.

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Thank you Bert for the invite!! This will be the first time I have gone to a theme park since my son was born without him, lol. However, he's an adult now and will have to deal with it. We were with Bert the only other time he was at the park and not only did we get rained out, we also went on a day open to school groups and had to deal with about a million middle and high schoolers that vastly outnumbered the adults in the park. Nobody wants that. Good reminder why I retired from my middle school teaching job as soon as I was eligible and now just work a couple days a week with elementary kids. 

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