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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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If you guys think the Raven and Legend are tame that just goes to show you how jaded coaster enthusiasts can be. I have NEVER heard anyone from the GP make those statements about those coasters and we never will. Those coasters are more thrilling than the majority of wooden coasters in the US BY FAR!


This. As far as I'm concerned HW has three major coasters, all of which are extremely powerful and intense. I remember when Legend first opened people were absolutely astonished by how much of a workout the whole thing is. I realize they've since built a coaster which is just about as wild and intense as anyone can imagine but I think a little perspective is in order with this thread re: Raven and Legend. Both, especially at night, are crazier than 90% of what other parks out there have.

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I have been on one, there really nothing to get exited about.

Are you serious? Rockets give the best airtime on any slides other then Speed slides....but on a bad note they are capacity horrors.

I have only been on one of the younger one's, I have not been on Deluge, or Black Andaconda, or the others. I rode the one at The Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos. It had terrible capacity, and the ride was short and nothing really amazing.

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The only thing i like about it is its air conditioned LOL.

I got a brilliant ideal for the water park speed up one of the lazy rivers . (There way too slow).LOL. They should build a ride on the lake lol. Do they own the lake ?.lol

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^^Yes, they own the lake. And what would be the point in speeding up the lazy rivers? That would just mean less time to relax...


But Deluge is simply awesome. I'd love for Holiday World to build an even better model! (Would rather have a steel coaster, though.)

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I have been on one, there really nothing to get exited about.

Are you serious? Rockets give the best airtime on any slides other then Speed slides....but on a bad note they are capacity horrors.

I have only been on one of the younger one's, I have not been on Deluge, or Black Andaconda, or the others. I rode the one at The Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos. It had terrible capacity, and the ride was short and nothing really amazing.


That one doesnt use hydromagnetic. The one at Kings Island does though.

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My only defense against the whole proslide hydromagneticalupwardlytransportamagiggy argument is the fact that KK already has one, and it's only 40 minutes away. Seems that HW would want to have something drastically different to attract that crowd.


Meh, just my 2 cents.


Guy "I still don't know what it is, but it still rhymes with Gintimin Gega Gite. " Koepp

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In sticking with the Thanksgiving and Voyage theme, I'd say it'll be Santa Maria. That's 10 letters.


^ You're mixing up your history. Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria were the three ships that sailed with Columbus. Not related to Thanksgiving in any way. The Pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower. Two unrelated events that happened many years apart.


Besides, the clues point to a new ride for Splashin Safari.

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D'oh. You're right. I haven't been following the clues. But if it's Splashin' Safari, Holiday World seems to be looking to build the biggest outdoor water park at an amusement park ever. But what else is there to add? There's a Proslide Tornado thing, two of those play areas with buckets, water slides and a wave pool. Maybe a Master Blaster?

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