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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I visited Holiday World in June for the first time, the last stop on a 4-parks-in-3-days trip. As a 60-year-old woman who has only been riding coasters for 10 years, HW held my greatest challenge so far. I’ve been inching up gradually from Waldameer Comet, adding height, speed and laterals every season. I discovered I had a love of laterals 2 years ago when I worked up to riding Ravine Flyer II and Knoebels’ Twister, so I loved both the Raven and Legend. But, yikes, the Voyage! The height of that lift hill terrified me! And the fact that it was down when we arrived for “wildlife issues” made me almost bench myself. But having come so far and building up to it for so long, I swallowed my terror and cued up for the front seat.


In fact, I only ride front seats. I have to see the fear I’m facing in order to overcome it. Plus, for me, the front seat feels like the smoothest, least spine-crushing ride.


One fear I haven’t quite overcome is the fear of heights over 100 feet or so. At 173 feet, Voyage far exceeds that number. To avoid panicking, all I could do was look at my feet and breathe on the lift hill - and ask my husband to warn me when we approached the top. Once we crested that hill, I was good to go! I love an intense and muscular coaster and this was the pinnacle. I loved it and made myself re-ride it, even though, being the fourth park in three days, my spine was feeling it. As such, I skipped re-riding Raven and Legend. My favorite coaster element in general is a double helix, so I really would have loved another ride on Legend. I guess there’ll have to be a next time.

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^ Congrats on all your riding at HW! I really started getting into riding coasters more, in my mid-50s. Now that I'm 66, I can fully appreciate any (literal) body in my age "range" getting into riding coasters more and more. And great to have your husband along for the rides and support! My partner can do only much milder coasters and nothing that has inversions. Such a wimp. I had a terrible fear of heights myself, but coasters and tower drop rides somehow seemed to make me feel easier about it. Until they stop dead on a lift hill etc.


Worst - fear - ever!


Again, good for you and keep on riding!

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Thanks! I’ve only dabbled in steel coasters and haven’t been a fan so far. I have yet to enjoy an inversion, so I’ve only tried a few. I’m hoping to remedy that.

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Thanks! I’ve only dabbled in steel coasters and haven’t been a fan so far.


Have you ridden Whizzer at Six Flags Great America? Mild, exciting and super-smooth. One of the most comfortable coaster trains you will ever ride in. Here comes the Schwarzkopf plug:


I have yet to enjoy an inversion, so I’ve only tried a few. I’m hoping to remedy that.


May I suggest a Schwarzkopf!? Here are the cream of the crop:

- sooperdooperLooper, Hersheypark; very mild and one smooth loop

- Scorpion, Busch Gardens; small and quick, with powerful turns

- Montezooma's Revenge, Knott's; one loop, once forward, once backwards

- Shock Wave, Six Flags Over Texas; 2 strong consecutive loops and some good drops and curves

- Mind Bender, Six Flags Over Georgia; the masterpiece! 2 non-consecutive loops, 4 great drops, strong curves, and great terrain use (my personal #1 steel coaster since 1990)


All these have super-comfortable 70s seating; a simple lap bar (no head-banging!) and smooth flat seats where you can get a little gentle "lateral time" on the curves. They are like very smooth wooden coasters but with loops. Also, Revolution at Magic Mountain has one single (but rather strong) loop where the rest of the ride is an exquisite orchestration of mild swooping drops and curves. The new trains have lap bars only, but the seats aren't the same as the other Schwarzkopf trains.


Us Schwarzkopf fans have wanted one of these at Holiday World for years. Schwarzkopf is long gone, however Gerstlauer works out of the former Schwarzkopf plant and has all their plans. The can build a modern coaster but with the same track (flexing with hinges, don't see that anymore) and trains (simple and comfortable, non-bucket seats).

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I’m at Holiday World right now and The Voyage has not opened so far today. Does it usually have a lot of mechanical downtime?

It would break down about every other hour for the few days i was there in 2016. Though it did open on time every morning. So i don't know whats going on for your visit

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I’m at Holiday World right now and The Voyage has not opened so far today. Does it usually have a lot of mechanical downtime?


We were at the park about 3 hours and The Voyage was running for about an hour during our visit, with a brief maintenance break after the first train of the day with passengers. This was about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

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The Voyage finally opened at 2:45, got a ride in the front row and the back car, and I now have a new favorite wooden coaster! It’s everything a wooden coaster should be with a great first drop, some insane intensity/forces, and lots of strong airtime.


Been enjoying the rest of the park as well, Raven and Legend are both great wooden coasters, and Thunderbird is my new favorite B&M wing coaster, as it’s a bit more intense than the rest.


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Voyage tends to have more down time out of all 3 woodies there, but that's mostly because it's got 6000+ feet of track. It's still open way more than it's down. If Voyage doesn't open with the park, it's typically track work that needs to be fixed before they'll open the ride. If it closes during the day, it usually tends to be brakes, sensors or wildlife issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have not posted here in ages but figured now is a good time! HW is my home park.


A few years ago I suffered a stroke, however I was invited to go to the Thunderbird VIP media day (doctor approved). And had a blast. Unfortunately I have been unable to attend the park since mostly due to financial issues. However this morning I’m getting to go! This will be my first time I get to experience the WHOLE park and not just coasters since my stroke. (Doctor approved, he just said I’ll spend the next couple days recovering... but it’s worth it!). Holiday World has always been my happy place. I’ve been to Disney World and for me it’s very... blah.. compared to Holiday World.


Anyway I have gained some weight since I was last able to visit so I had some questions... for the bigger folks... were you able to ride the coasters? My two MUST RIDES are Thunderbird and The Voyage. Also, since I wasn’t always this size, I’m self conscious about removing my shirt in the water park... but the water Park is a MUST for me (#1 in the country!) .. how taboo or weird would it be to keep a shirt on in the water park? That would make me feel more comfortable I think but I’m afraid of getting stares either way. I guess just looking for some advice from any bigger folks here and some encouragement possibly.


I’m so so so so excited to finally be going back to my personal “happiest place on Earth!



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It's been a while since I've been but I don't remember seeing a lot of people being denied rides on the Voyage and B&M's have always been pretty forgiving.


As far as removing your shirt - I wouldn't sweat it. You can leave it on of course, but once you are there and see all of the other people who are larger you might very well stop being concerned about it! I'm super happy for you that you are getting to go and I hope you have an AMAZING Time!

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Will they finally get a body slide tower? How about some drop box slides?!?!?


Holiday World stated on their Podcast a couple years back that they do not like body slides because the experience is “lonely” and they prefer family-oriented slides where multiple people can ride together. I would be very surprised if they ever added body slides.


They are definitely teasing something speed-related. Possible the world’s fastest water coaster? It has been several years since they added their last record-breaking water coaster. A new coaster in the dry park would be great as well, but Thunderbird was a massive investment for them and by then it has still only been 5 years. We’ll see!

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I’ll write about my experiences as the park today, tomorrow.. but this announcement has me excited! The name will be some kind of cat. Those are claw marks and they said the “cat” is out of the bag. I love when they do these teasers.



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I don't even have any idea what to think about this. On one hand, they are tearing out their old water fortress so you'd think that this would be a water park addition, but that area was smack dab in the middle of the water park so they couldn't expand outward. People keep saying that the claw marks look like a water park addition, but I don't see how. I mean, most animals with claws hate being in the water. But when I see claw marks, I think of some kind of coaster, specifically wood. I know this seems like a ludicrous idea, but I almost want to think it'll be a family sized wooden coaster from Gravity Group, maybe add it behind Holidog's Fun Town since 4th of July doesn't have a major coaster. Stupid idea, I know, but it's just hard for me to think water slide.

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^Considering Kentucky Flyer was built very close by, I think a Gravity Group family woodie is unlikely. Holiday World, Kentucky Kingdom, and Kings Island are all quite aware of each other and their respective lineups don't have too much overlap among the three parks.


I am still thinking this is a water park addition that involves some speed record, but nonetheless it's nice to see something new coming next year. 2020 is shaping up to be excellent!

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...People keep saying that the claw marks look like a water park addition, but I don't see how. I mean, most animals with claws hate being in the water...


That's an odd thought, I would think there are more animals with claws that like water then don't. But I'm no zoologist.


I think most people are thinking waterpark due to an animal tease. Animals live in the jungle or you can see them on a "safari." Also tigers which are big cats and have claws love the water! Now obviously any dry ride or coaster can be themed to an animal as well so it's not a lock to be in the waterpark. But I think it's a safe assumption.


Personally I would love to see a new steel coaster pop up, but I'm not expecting it.

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This is just me probably thinking way too much about this, but to me, its definitely going in the water park. It's not a speed body slide, as it says hold on. If it's a body slide, there's nothing to hold onto. To me, perhaps the next progression for ProSlide is to take that LIM Technology they use on the water coasters and perhaps create a somewhat forceful flat launch and create the world's fastest water slide.

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