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You know you're a Six Flags park if...

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You know you are a Six Flags park if you allow riders to choose their seats on pretty much any and every ride, and you also allow people to re-ride in empty seats without making a big fuss out of it for no reason.




A breath of fresh air for this thread.


Might I add: You know when you are at a Six Flags park when an enthusiast in a queue line nitpicks and complains the entire wait about every small detail they find wrong with the park that they chose to visit.

But they're never making that mistake again!

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You take out pretty much all flat rides until the park is basically a bunch of rollercoasters in a field.


This is not the case at all Six Flags parks, some of them have quite extensive flat ride packages.

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You take out pretty much all flat rides until the park is basically a bunch of rollercoasters in a field.

Outside of Magic Mountain, this seems to be a common stereotype that really isn't all that well supported. Yes, many of the SF parks have removed some (or many flats) in the last decade or so, but it's not like other corporate regional parks have dozens more flats than the average SF park. Maybe it's just me as Great Adventure and (to an extent) SFA have some of the better flat collections in the chain--I don't really know.

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Outside of Magic Mountain, this seems to be a common stereotype that really isn't all that well supported. Yes, many of the SF parks have removed some (or many flats) in the last decade or so, but it's not like other corporate regional parks have dozens more flats than the average SF park.


I don't know, Cedar Fair (using them as an example) in general blows Six Flags away when it comes to quantity of flat rides. You're right, Great Adventure isn't terrible... but compared to Dorney (using another local example) it's like night and day. The same goes for Hershey, which is another one of their major competitors.

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Well, technically a cobra roll is two half-loops and two half-corkacrews, so that does add up to a corkscrew and two loops, albeit of the inverting rather than inverted variety.


But yeah, without knowing the exact weight of the train, I'm going to say it's less than a megaton (2,200,000,000 pounds). That's approximately equivalent to 500 freight trains or 7 Empire State Buildings.

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You know you're in a Six Flags forum when you hear CF fanboys complaining about Larson Loops being called roller coasters while ignoring the fact that Cedar Fair calls roller skaters coasters and receives zero bitching.

I've gotta be honest, I've never heard anyone complain about this at a park with a Larson super loop. It seems to be just an enthusiast thing to hate on Six Flags.

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You know you're in a Six Flags forum when you hear CF fanboys complaining about Larson Loops being called roller coasters while ignoring the fact that Cedar Fair calls roller skaters coasters and receives zero bitching.


Eh, I don't know about you, but I have heard (and read) plenty of "b!tching" from "CF Fanboys" about Cedar Fair calling their roller skaters "coasters." The main one that comes to mind is Pipe Scream at Cedar Point. CF Fanboys still complain about that being called a coaster.

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Most of your staff doesn't know the flags of the countries referenced in the name Six Flags.


On that note, I'll bet you a dollar that if that becomes common knowledge, the park chain will panic and rename themselves "Five Flags." Why? Just read the list below of the flags referenced by the park chain's name and judge for yourself.





Republic of Texas

United States of America

Confederate States of America

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Most of your staff doesn't know the flags of the countries referenced in the name Six Flags.


On that note, I'll bet you a dollar that if that becomes common knowledge, the park chain will panic and rename themselves "Five Flags." Why? Just read the list below of the flags referenced by the park chain's name and judge for yourself.





Republic of Texas

United States of America

Confederate States of America

Nah, it's not the Confederate States of America, it's the Old South.

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Most of your staff doesn't know the flags of the countries referenced in the name Six Flags.


On that note, I'll bet you a dollar that if that becomes common knowledge, the park chain will panic and rename themselves "Five Flags." Why? Just read the list below of the flags referenced by the park chain's name and judge for yourself.





Republic of Texas

United States of America

Confederate States of America


Honestly, until this whol confederate flag debate going on, I honestly never knew which six flags represented the company, and I've lived my whole life in a state that pretty much worships the confederate flag.

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