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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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^I wouldn't say you would be slacking on your viewing. The ride has less than 800 feet of track. I expected it to take only about a month or two for the ride to be completely constructed in terms of track. Sure it's about 180 feet tall, but there's not much track. It is a shuttle coaster, yaknow.

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  NewsPlusNotes said:
Now that Voodoo has been completed I ran out to snap some photos. The ride looks really great!




Looks good.


BTW,how do you add pics to your blog? I created a new themepark blog on blogspot recently & tried uploading a pic into a post I was working on last night regarding rebel yell running forward this year but the image I selected from RCDB wouldn't load,I just got a red "X" in the corner of the create new post screen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So has anyone heard anything about the progress on this? The last I heard is the park is having some problems with PP&L and the electric. They are still working on the trains and testing has not begun. At this point I'm not sure if it will be open for opening day.

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Voodoo looks like the perfect new attraction for Dorney Park! I'm extremely happy they saved this ride! The last time I was at Geauga Lake and rode it, it sounded and felt AWFUL. Definately needed to get the refurb!


All Dorney Park really needs now is a nice new wooden coaster (even though Thunderhawk was awesome last year I when I was there) to round out it's collection!

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I didn't have a good experience when I went to Dorney. The park was mostly coasters (this was back when I was afraid to ride coasters), and people kept trying to jump us in line. Maybe I should go back there sometime and give Dorney a chance to redeem itself...


However, VooDoo is looking great! This is another coaster I missed when I went to Geauga Lake! Grrr!


^^^ Those wheel covers are kinda sexy... in a non-sexual way, of course!

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  CoasterEricHP said:
Voodoo looks like the perfect new attraction for Dorney Park! I'm extremely happy they saved this ride! The last time I was at Geauga Lake and rode it, it sounded and felt AWFUL. Definately needed to get the refurb!


I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the ride sounding awful...If you're talking about the screech that the ride made on the back spike, that sound has always been there since I can remember. Other than that, I can't think of any out of the ordinary sounds SV making the last time I rode it.


I had the chance to ride SV in its last season of operation before it closed down and I can remember the ride was running pretty good. If it wasn't for the accident the ride had that caused the ride to have a major closure, I don't think the ride would have received any attention other than a new paint job when it got moved. However, the accident did cause a lot of damage and from what I know from the accident, a number of the LIM fins and motors were damaged, so CF had no choice to repair the ride. Hell, they were too cheap to do so at GL and that's why it never opened after the accident, but I'm sure they had no willingness to do so since they knew the park was closing down ayways. I'm sure the coaster is going to be a nice attraction to the park, but I'm not a big fan of the traditional Intamin impulses. I'd much rather ride Vertical Velocity (SFDK) over a standard impulse anyday lol.

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  Hercules said:
So has anyone heard anything about the progress on this? The last I heard is the park is having some problems with PP&L and the electric. They are still working on the trains and testing has not begun. At this point I'm not sure if it will be open for opening day.


I thought the power line was supposed to have been put in last year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting how the 1st 2 cars are the new style chassis' and the rest of the train is the old (original) chassis with the bolted on seats. I wonder why that is.


what is the reason the opening was delayed? hasn't finished testing?




photo by newsplusnotes

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The first part of the train is new because of damage caused when the ride had a whoopsies at Geauga Lake and never opened again.


As for why it's not open ... I've heard everything from problems with the electrical hook ups, problems with Intamin's people, to something being wrong with the stoppers at either end of the track. What the truth is, I'm not sure.



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