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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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...those colors don't match the name.

"Voodoo" has colors? I thought it was abstract. It's not like Silver Bullet or Firehawk or Black Mamba--the word "Voodoo" is not a thing with definite colors. Now, it does have dark connotations, but that doesn't mean it has to be dark. I think what threw people off was the golden yellow and purple/black LOGO of the ride, making us expect a ride with similar colors. If they had their logo as aqua and yellow, we may be having a different conversation. Yes, we can say we don't like the colors because of the copycat look or even the change from the logo, but I don't think the "name" not fitting is accurate.

BTW, though, I don't like the colors--on Voodoo or WT.

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Let's see how many times they've done this:


Wicked Twister and Voodoo.


Talon and Behemoth.


Magnum XL 200 and Steel Force and Mamba.


Spinning Dragons and Iron Dragon and Top Thrill Dragster.


Wild Thing and Hydra and Raptor.


At least when Six Flags does it they do it on rides that are the same or are themed the same, CF seems to just randomly copy paint schemes of rides that aren't similar. These colors don't even seem to reflect the theme of Voodoo at all!

How do you even know that all of Voodoo will be that color? How did you even come to the conclusion that that matters at all? I sincerely doubt an average guest at Dorney Park is going to look at Voodoo and say "ZOMG THAT'S STUPID ITS TEH SAME AS TEH WICKID TWESTIR AT CEDR PONT!!!!!!!11"


Magnum, Mamba, and Steel Force all have distinctly different trains.


Spinning Dragons and Iron Dragon are family coasters, for the love of God. No one cares. The tracks themselves are so different that it's barely noticable anyway.


Wild Thing is almost yellow, it's not nearly the color of Hydra. Raptor is Hydra's track plus Wild Thing's supports. If you absolutely must nit-pick, that is.


Six Flags definitely does this. What would you say happened with Goliath at La Ronde? Or how about Goliath at SFoG? Actually, all of the Goliaths, plus Titan have a copied color scheme and different themes. IMO, using the same name over and over and over and over is far more annoying than using the same color scheme.

But either way, I'd like to know when it became a crime to utilize a certain set of colors.

I'm really sick of all this Cedar Fair hate that sprung up all of a sudden, and with no apparent reason. There's nothing wrong with the parks at all. They keep clean, GR is actually helpful, they've got some great rides, and they look nice. The only things I ever hear people complaining about are the colors of rides, the ending "-hawk," trash cans, and the amount of concrete. That, in my opinion, is WAY overdoing it. Not to name names, Mt. Olympus, but a park can have way worse problems. Those are mundane little details, and if they truly interfere with your experience at the park, you should seek professional counseling.



Back to topic now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm really sick of all this Cedar Fair hate that sprung up all of a sudden, and with no apparent reason. There's nothing wrong with the parks at all. They keep clean, GR is actually helpful, they've got some great rides, and they look nice. The only things I ever hear people complaining about are the colors of rides, the ending "-hawk," trash cans, and the amount of concrete. That, in my opinion, is WAY overdoing it. Not to name names, Mt. Olympus, but a park can have way worse problems. Those are mundane little details, and if they truly interfere with your experience at the park, you should seek professional counseling.


To be honest, I feel the exact same way! I just happened to be very bored, and I just really hate these colors!


See here, here, and here (posting as MizzKid92 on that site) for how I feel.

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Good to know that I'm not alone, but that doesn't ameliorate the issue.

Even mention that this all seems like whining around an enthusiast and you get labeled a fanboy.

Yes, I do love Cedar Fair parks. I don't think there's anything wrong with them that's worth complaining about. And yes, I prefer Cedar Fair over Six Flags, but that doesn't make me a fanboy. I've had some really crappy experiences at Six Flags Parks (namely Kentucky Kingdom). And, in fact, none of them have been as mundane or insignificant as colors that are a little to familiar or an excess of trash cans. I like and dislike parks based on the parks themselves and on the experiences I have there. Not on minute little details that no-one notices but anal coaster enthusiasts who need to find something to complain about in order to feel satisfied with their visit. Why can't anyone just enjoy themselves anymore?


I fail to see how its colors will have any lasting effect on the overall success of this ride. When someone explains that to me, I will most certainly step down. Until then, however, I will continue to actively protest stupidity.

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That's one of two things


Bare metal, or the sections has beem PRIMERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think primers are a red hue actually...


Anyways, movin off the CF hate; does anyone have any recent construction photos? Is the clearing still just a clearing, or has foundation laying started?

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That's one of two things


Bare metal, or the sections has beem PRIMERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think primers are a red hue actually...


Anyways, movin off the CF hate; does anyone have any recent construction photos? Is the clearing still just a clearing, or has foundation laying started?


Check out the pictures on the ride's site. It clearly says that the gray stuff is primer, and they have some nice pictures of footers and foundation work being done.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It is about time they got it going vertical. I was wondering when it was going to happen, though, now that it is started it shouldn't take that much time to get it complete and testing and ready for opening.


I'll be there for opening this year. I'm sure I'll be able to get a lot of rides in on this thing by noon.

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^^I should also be there opening day depending on my baseball schedule.


^I have also never ridden an impulse coaster before so I am also looking forward to it. I'm trying not to have any expectations going in to ride it. I am doing this so I am not disappointed.

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Impulses are unique and definitely something else! I've ridden both Wicked Twister and Voodoo (Superman: Ultimate Escape/Steel Venom) when it was at Geauga Lake. I personally prefer WT more, but Voodoo is still an awesome ride! I just hope they use the brakes on the back spike, because that's half the fun!

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