I wouldn't agree about Lake Compounce not being crowded. As much as I love the park, I wouldn't go near there on a summer weekend due to crowds and horrible line jumping. Haunted Graveyard in October also gets massive crowds. Of course, they don't help matters any by constantly running 1 train on Boulder Dash.
Dorney is absolutely mobbed on the weekends this time of year. This past Saturday they were parked in overflow, the plot of land the recently purchased beyond overflow, and in the grass on the Stinger side of the street. I honestly don't know where they could've fit any more cars. Considering the don't have trams, those people had one heck of a walk to the front gate!
If you decide to leave Dorney for food, I'd recommend this place. It's only a couple miles from the park and it's definitely a place that a "foodie" should check out.
This is also an option:
Going to be visiting the park for the first time in a little over a week. Anyone have suggestions on what order we should hit the attractions to be avoid lines? Also, are there any food recommendations?
Going to be at the park on the first weekend in May. Is that typically a busy time? I would guess not, but just want to check with some of the regulars who know the park better.
Also hoping Shockwave will be open. Love that ride!
When they run Colossus backwards, do they run both tracks backwards, 1 track backwards, or 1 track backwards and 1 track forwards? We'll be there in June and I'm hoping backwards won't be the only option. I happen to enjoy Colossus, but am not a fan of backwards coasters.