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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well as I said early on also. The trains colors are the same as "Hang-time" the parks top spin attraction. I don't myself see an issue with the teal supports or yellow track. In fact from seeing that, the color of the support seem darker then the "Seafoam" green that Wicked Twister's were. Seems moe Hydra dark.

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Let's see how many times they've done this:


Wicked Twister and Voodoo.


Talon and Behemoth.


Magnum XL 200 and Steel Force and Mamba.


Spinning Dragons and Iron Dragon and Top Thrill Dragster.


Wild Thing and Hydra and Raptor.


And I'm sure theres more than that.


At least when Six Flags does it they do it on rides that are the same or are themed the same, CF seems to just randomly copy paint schemes of rides that aren't similar. These colors don't even seem to reflect the theme of Voodoo at all!

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I swear that color scheme just doesn't fit at all with the theme of the ride,if it weren't for Steel Force they'd be better off calling it Steel Venom....can't wait to see what tacky colors they have in store for Dominator @ KD,which judging by the new logo on the Dominator page will probably get a fresh coat of yellow & blue.

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This blue-greenish color for the supports just contradicts the name and theme of the ride. It does not hint of anything devilish like the name does. IMO blood red supports would have looked much better on it. With any luck, the most theming this ride will get will be a nice logo on the generic metal shed style station.

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Personally I would have liked to see purple supports with the yellow track. I mean, why come up with a sweet logo containing certain colors if the ride has nothing to do with those colors?


Yeah,talk about a total letdown.I hear that things are just as bad with Dominator....it looks like it may be getting the Thunderhawk color scheme blechh!!!

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