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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I believe the phrase we're all looking for here is "Suck it Mach tower!"


Robb's at the press event right now so will hopefully get us some more details soon.


Yes, I'm guessing that the name "Moser" won't be mentioned in Tampa.

Edited by cfc
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I believe the phrase we're all looking for here is "Suck it Mach tower!"


Robb's at the press event right now so will hopefully get us some more details soon.


I personally really enjoyed Mach Tower. The day I went to the park last year it was up most of the day, and I think it has a pretty great drop. I rode Drop Tower at KD the day before and couldn't really decide which I liked better (DT has a more exhilarating overall faster drop vs. MT having a quicker initial release). This thing looks absolutely terrifying. Drop towers are the only thing that really freak me out and tilting like that would completely put me out of my comfort zone. Sign me up!

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It is confirmed to be Intamin...as if there was any doubt!


Who else would build such a kickass pushing the limit drop tower!!!???


I nominate Chris and Andrew to go to Media Day with us. I will even spring for buying the new underwear and pants that will be required.

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This looks awesome, and not nearly as uncomfortable as acrophobia. Was trying to plan a florida trip next year, this may have thrown a wrench into the timing. Does anyone know how timely they finish their larger projects, or if spring 2014 means definitely won't be open prior to march/april 2014? Thanks for any incite.

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It is confirmed to be Intamin...as if there was any doubt!


Who else would build such a kickass pushing the limit drop tower!!!???


I nominate Chris and Andrew to go to Media Day with us. I will even spring for buying the new underwear and pants that will be required.


People waiting below would have to wear rain slickers.

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Am I the only one who prefers the Intamin 2nd generation drop towers (the ones with several 4 seat cars) over the newer gigantic Gyro drop style towers with the 40 person seat ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings (acrophobia is the exception)?


No, I think the 2nd Generation towers are light years ahead of their Gyro Drops. Apart from looking cool and spinning, it's not even close. I (also) think Acrophobia is the lone exception.


Falcon's Fury...wow. Looks incredible. I'm basking in their choice of Intamin as the manufacturer. Everyone who played a role in this decision deserves an award. The last time I was this excited about a ride being installed in Florida was Sheikra all the way back in 2005.

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Looks like it's going to be one awesome drop tower. Nice to see Intamin pushing the limits again.


It's going to be interesting to see how the restraints turn out, something which makes you feel exposed to the elements / minimalist yet holds you in comfortably but doesn't make you feel like you're wrapped in cotton wool would be great!

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^Actually, it was posted a little further back (semi-confirmed by Screamcape) that Sandstorm is just going to be relocated and not taking out altogether.


Looks like a big Orlando October trip is in order for next year!

Edited by ernierocker
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