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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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eeeeeek! yeah, I can only manage the first generation Intamin freefalls, no turbo drops. I'd have to be sedated, nope you'll never get me on it. Looks amazing though, I have no doubt it will turn many undies brown.

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Well it's about time someone came up with this concept....I remember thinking to myself a couple years ago when I was at Kings Island"--Would'nt it be cool if they built a Drop Tower where the seats tilted making you facing downwards toward ground" . Even though I am not the biggest fan of Drop Tower Rides I will be trying this one out for sure on my next Floida trip.

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I just want to say as a very rightfully so jaded enthusiast, I'm actually REALLY excited about Falcon's Fury.


We've been majorly lacking some quality Intamin in this state and I'm so happy to see Busch pushing the envelope with this ride.


There are few rides out there that still scare me (I'm riding one of them next week) and now this one for next year! Wow!



Vekoma Tilt Coaster!!!

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Went to the park today for the first time in 6-7 years, and had a great time. If you purchase your tickets online, you'll receive the all day dining pass for "free" ( the ticket prices have jumped dramatically since I was there last). The food was much better than most theme parks, and you get unlimited times through the food queue all day. Here's what we ordered at the Colony Cafe:925465447_ImageUploadedByTapatalk21371005326.946706.thumb.jpg.0ae82b724ddd71e441b1a73c542153ac.jpg

Now for the rides-


Cheetah Hunt-3x This was our first ride of the day and surprised me so much. This might be the smoothest ride at Busch Gardens, except for Sheikra. I have to say, I love the sound that those Intamin LSM launches make. There is some good airtime in the front and back rows, especially on the climb up the tower and camel back after the third launch. This is a great family addition with a somewhat low height requirement (48 in.).



Scorpion-1x Went on this last time I was here, and don't remembering it having only 1 train, but the ride op told me that's all they had. The back car had great laterals coming down the first drop and last helix.


Pirates 4D-1x Biggest disappointment... What they don't tell you is that lots of seats don't have the 4D effects, and most of the video is not 3D. Only went here to escape the thunderstorms, would probably never go back in that attraction.


Phoenix-1x This ride just hurts. While the lap bar is locking and unlocking it pulls down very hard into a sensitive area for males. They only let us go around 1 full time before slowing down.


Montu-1x Had no line whatsoever at 6 PM. I'm definitely a fan of the more compact B&M inverts, but this was smooth and fun.


Sheikra-1x Got in line right after a thunderstorm as was in the front row for the first car of the afternoon. I was definitely expecting a more intense drop, while the most nerve-wrecking part was the steep ascent. Very smooth and has a pretty high capacity. The only negative thing I can say is that the mid-course brake kills the mood for the second drop.


Kumba-1x This reminds me of a toned-down Montu with a floor. I can definitely tell a B&M rattle is forming when the ride picks up speed. The highlight of this ride is the sudden dive into the tunnel.


Sand Serpent-1x Horrible capacity... We waited 30 mins to move 20 feet, but it's still somewhat quirky and fun.


Stanley Falls-1x I did not get wet at all, but noticed that the corners after the first drop are very rough and worn.


The rides were all great fun, my favorites being Sheikra and Cheetah Hunt. Other chains need to look at this park( lockers are $.50, and the food was great!). I will definitely be visiting in the future to check out Falcon's Fury in the Timbuktu themed area!

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^Nice Report!


I am very excited for Falcon's Fury. The ride experience is going to be so drastically different than anything else. I most likely wont get to ride it unless I beg for another family vacation back to Florida but nonetheless, this is very exciting! Props to Intamin for this concept! It should be very interesting how this all plays out: from construction to first tests. This seems like it will be VERY successful.

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For the longest time drop towers were the one ride that still got to me, but I've become pretty jaded towards them. So I'm really looking forward to one this tall, with the full tilt. Definitely sounds like it'll be a cool experience.

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I realize only a fool believes that concept art is reality but I am curious how the restraints will be configured to accommodate the 90 degree tilt. The "rendering" doesn't show anything that looks like an ankle harness, and if you think about Acrophobia is set up I don't see why you would need some kind of ankle restrain on a 90 degree tilt any more than you would on a 15 degree title. We'll see, regardless I'm sure it will be comfortably terrifying!

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^^ I initially had the same thought, then I realized it'll probably just be similar to any Intamin impulse when you're held in place on one of the spikes looking down. However, slowly transitioning to that position 300 feet up rather than quickly rolling into it sounds absolutely terrifying. It'll be interesting to see the final product.

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I can't see the ride not having ankle restraints. Unless you're flipped back up a good distance above the ground, some taller people with their legs fully extended could touch the ground and get them crushed as it was coming to the ground, no?


The more I think about this ride, the more happy I get. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a ride. Yay Intamin!!! One of the most intense feelings on a ride to me is the first lift on a GIB and having all of your weight resting on that harness. Falcon's Fury is going to have that effect times a million!!

Edited by DanM64
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This looks INSANE! As much as I love drop rides, they scare the crap out of me. These sounds come out of me when dropped I could never make again lol. I'm sure this one would too them all. Hopefully I can get there next year (Yeah I'm looking at you Neil lol)

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