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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Looks like a great family coaster, something BGW has needed since the unfortunate retirement of BBW


I am trying to plan a trip down this weekend. Does anyone think once testing is complete, that BGW will have soft openings of InvadR for a few hours, where guests will be able to ride before the announced formal opening April 7? Has BGW announced a Media Day for InvadR yet?

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I hope this isn't OT or redundant, but are the Busch/SW parks going to be able to survive all the crap they've had to go through? I've heard they were in fairly dire straits and that they've suffered bad attendance declines despite fairly big additions recently (Mako). Seeing as how BGT and BGW are among this board's absolute favorite parks (and I can agree), it would be heartbreaking if these parks end up suffering. I'm surprised Kumba was in such good condition when I rode it last October.

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I hope this isn't OT or redundant, but are the Busch/SW parks going to be able to survive all the crap they've had to go through?


I wouldn't worry about it! They will survive. If Six Flags could recover from what they went through then I'm sure Busch will be fine!

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Did anyone receive the InvadR First to Ride Reservation email from BGW yesterday morning and were you successful in signing up? Apparently, the email went to those who participated in the, "Decide the Ride," social media campaign BGW ran last year. It was for the first ride after the ribbon cutting ceremony on April 7. I participated in the campaign, but did not receive the email. Apparently it filled up very quickly. (A friend forwarded the invite attached)

InvadR First to Ride.pdf

InvadR First to Ride Invite

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Virginia is really becoming a premier state for roller coasters, especially with this and RMC Hurler next year.


I've always wondered why not many put it up there with Ohio, Pennsylvania, and California.


No doubt we have some of the best quality rollercoasters of any state, especially the ratio of quality:mediocre rollercoasters would compete with the best of them. However, we do not have much in the way of quantity, especially when compared to the states you mentioned. We barely crack 20 coasters here, and that's including kiddies.

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^ Yeah according to RCDB, there are 21 operating coasters in Virginia compared to 37 in Ohio, 50 in Pennsylvania, 51 in Florida, and a whopping 86 in Cali. (Yeah its a slow day @ work) Though between KD and BGW the quality is pretty high in VA if you ask me.

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:lol: I was about to type out a "Make that 46 operating coasters in Pennsylvania" post to laugh at Lakemont's misery, but apparently RCDB already listed all of their coasters as SBNO. So carry on...


Their coasters will be opening again for the 2018 season with a pay-per-ride operation.

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^ Yeah according to RCDB, there are 21 operating coasters in Virginia compared to 37 in Ohio, 50 in Pennsylvania, 51 in Florida, and a whopping 86 in Cali. (Yeah its a slow day @ work) Though between KD and BGW the quality is pretty high in VA if you ask me.


But do you want to ride "good," or ride a lot?

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^ Yeah according to RCDB, there are 21 operating coasters in Virginia compared to 37 in Ohio, 50 in Pennsylvania, 51 in Florida, and a whopping 86 in Cali. (Yeah its a slow day @ work) Though between KD and BGW the quality is pretty high in VA if you ask me.


But do you want to ride "good," or ride a lot?


I'll take quality over quantity everyday. I'm lucky that I live in PA with Jersey and Ohio very close as well. We have a lot to choose from.

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Yes. VA was definitely number 7 out of my top 100 roller coaster states in the US, but it moved up to number 5 after Invadr was constructed. Invadr will probably be #17 on my top 20 wooden roller coaster list.

Edited by prozach626
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Yes. BGW was definitely number 7 out of my top 100 roller coaster states in the US, but it moved up to number 5 after Invadr was constructed. Invadr will probably be #17 on my top 20 wooden roller coaster list.


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