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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Awesome, looks like its a shorter train that other GCI's like White Lightening.


White Lightnin' has 6 cars, Invadr has 8


That I did not know. It still looks shorter, is 8 cars the standard for GCI?


Standard is 12 cars... So yeah it's a pretty tiny train, but it's also a tiny coaster. Hopefully the short layout means shorter ride time and increased capacity

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BGW also posted this really cool video of InvadR on their FaceBook page:





Thanks again for the report, Chuck! I'm sad to see so many trees gone, but I couldn't expect much because no park makes an effort to work around trees anymore (not even SDC or Dollywood). I understand they need to clear trees t o make room for staging and for equipment to work safely on the job site, and that it reduces construction cost and time, but it stinks that the ride won't be immersed in the woods.


I get they can always plant trees, and with this being BGW, I have faith they will, but it will be many decades before they replace the woods that were there before InvadR. A huge part of me wonders if they'll be able to plant trees on much of the land, because the land is terrace-like with steep grades between levels. I don't think they can safely plant trees on grade that steep in fear of soil erosion, nor do I think they're permitted to (unless it was part of the soil conservation plan in the blueprints leaked before the announcement). I might have missed something and would love to be wrong.

Edited by RollerManic
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I tried the poutine and a nice pint of Alerwerks Chesapeake India Pale Ale. Both were quite nice. I'm intrigued by the Mediterranean-style fries with malt vinegar, feta cheese, and black olives. Unquote



Years ago when I skied at Mont Tremblant, Canada, poutine fries were about the only food served around the mountain. Pretty tasty and better than the Trader Joe's version introduced in NY last year! (The Mediterranean-style fries you mention sound a bit British with the malt vinegar!)


Great, fun report Chuck. As always, you have a way with words!



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Well, I'm sold! That looks hella fun. Lots of good airtime is very clear from the PoV, just as promised. Also, I bet there are some nice laterals, even at the top of the lift! I'll bet with such short trains, they'll really be able to crank them out. Shorter trains = less time needed to get it under way. Sure it won't be on par with the B&Ms capacity wise, but Tempesto isn't awful to wait for and it's only 1 train!


Also, I really can't wait to see what this looks like once Busch gets their world famous landscapers in there. Looks like they're already starting to put down the "foundation" for some nice greenery, and possibly some nice flower beds too!

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While I would have loved InvadR to be enveloped in trees or had a trapper's village during the ride, I have 110% faith in BGW to make this ride a beauty. I remember seeing Verbolten and thinking how empty the beginning looks, now it looks like it belongs there. If the bare land concerns anyone (which I doubt it does), don't let it. I'm so excited to see how BGW works the landscaping on their latest masterpiece

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While I would have loved InvadR to be enveloped in trees or had a trapper's village during the ride, I have 110% faith in BGW to make this ride a beauty. I remember seeing Verbolten and thinking how empty the beginning looks, now it looks like it belongs there. If the bare land concerns anyone (which I doubt it does), don't let it. I'm so excited to see how BGW works the landscaping on their latest masterpiece


Legitimate question, do BGW and BGT attractions historically not open with all of there theming in place? This is still opening in two weeks (April 2, 2016), correct? Godspeed to the landscaping team.

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Im sure the landscaping crew has a few tricks up their sleeves to make InvadR look like it belongs. Hell, remember when Griffin went up how out of place that looked? Like anything else it just takes getting used too.

Edited by Jcoaster
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Judging by Chucks photos I'd say the 'themeing' is in place. The landscaping is a given considering what park we're talking about. Like most new attractions at any park the landscaping will need time to grow in around it, and I have full faith in BGW, of all parks, that it'll look great once it does.

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