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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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11 hours ago, CaptainUnknown said:

^I have some quasi, semi-relevant, grain of salt experience. Last year, I visited the park on Monday, July 5th and Wednesday July 7th. I assume most people got Monday off for the 4th. Quick Queue unlimited sold out Monday. Despite that, I was able to ride every ride in the park that I wanted to with some rerides using only standby lines (Griffon was down for my visits and Pantheon had yet to open). Lines and crowds were about the same levels on Wednesday.

I would likely recommend buying QQ in advance.

QQ is *checks date* $149.99 a person.


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23 hours ago, coasternut79 said:

Ridiculous. And you only get 1 ride on Pantheon even on the highest package.  

This is typical for the first year or two of a new coaster at Busch Gardens. Pantheon will probably become part of the "regular" Quick Queue lineup in time. 

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We had intended to travel from Orlando to Charlotte to visit Carowinds for my birthday weekend. Unfortunately the weather and Spirit airlines had other plans on Saturday evening and $600 later we were rerouted the next morning. Spirit customer service was pathetic and there were practically no seats on any flight out of Orlando on any airline for the next morning except Richmond or Knoxville. Eager to get on Pantheon, we opted for the former and booked the expensive JetBlue flight. 

We checked into the Courtyard early and headed to the park on Sunday arriving around noon. Thankfully they still had preferred left for my Platinum Pass and we were quickly in the park. Guest services honored the 50% discount on Quick Queue that I couldn’t seem to buy online so that was appreciated. 

We spent 8 hours in the park on Sunday and were gifted and extra 6 hours in the park on Monday due to a delayed flight home on our dear friend Spirit. 

Here are some highlights:

- I’ve always preferred this to the Tampa park. I think Tampa might have a slight edge in the coaster line up, but Williamsburg is significantly better in every other area. 
- Sunday was fairly quiet but QQ still came in handy and well worth the $65. We managed to snag a ride on Pantheon fairly quickly first thing both days. We had a ride in car two row 1 and I’m car 4 row 2. Not surprisingly, I preferred towards the back of the train. The ride was about what I expected based on the reviews I had read. First portion is…fine… kind of awkward. The swing launch is fantastic. The backwards ejector airtime isn’t a sensation I’ve felt on any other ride. The top hat and outer bank are fun but are taken a little too slow. The stall was better than I expected and the ending was pretty good. Definitely the best ride in the park but not at the same caliber as Iron Gwazi or Velocicoaster. 
- Alpengiest is my #2 in the park. Unpopular opinion, but I think the cobra roll is outstanding and the ride is a solid 8/10 on the smoothness scale. Objectively, Montu is probably the better coaster but I prefer Alpengiest’s setting. 
- We enjoyed Verbolten and Tempesto for what they are. I don’t particularly care for how Tempesto looks against the skyline and think Tigris fits in better at BGT comparatively. 
- Invadr is very underrated and I prefer to White Lightning. Had some Thunderhead vibes to it minus the straight first drop. 
- Apollo’s Chariot is my least favorite of the B&M hypers but the setting is easily the best. The elements are a tad drawn out and with Mako down the road back home, the airtime particularly in the front is very mild. 
- Loch Ness Monster was one of the coasters that got me hooked as a kid. This and Alpengiest are probably the two most nostalgic rides in the park for me. Still a well-maintained ride with character that has a certain magic about it similar to The Beast. 
- Operations we’re pretty solid given the crowds. I was pleased to see coasters running multiple trains even on Monday. SeaWorld has been guilty of dropping to 1 train on Mako on some weekdays had me concerned we’d have some long lines without QQ on day 2 but that wasn’t the case. 
- Staff was definitely above average. Everyone seemed confident without that deer in the headlights look you get when you ask someone a question. 
- Food was definitely better than Tampa. Some interesting options for the food festival although the matcha Ice Cream made me gag.

Overall we had a wonderful time. As much as I would have enjoyed binging Fury325, I actually think we had a more “full” trip visiting BGW instead. The park looked gorgeous and we had all the rerides we wanted with the exception of Pantheon. It’s such a refreshing change from the manufactured feel of the Orlando parks. 

Thanks for reading! 







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Just to let you know, I was at the park today with my Sea World platinum pass. You need to go to Guest Relations at the front of the park to get your free ticket for their food festival. I was denied the free ticket since I have a Sea World pass. No soup for me....

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^^ Great shots, especially the ones that you wouldn't expect to be taken. 3rd one from the end is a great example.

The train in the bottom of the Lochness track, is another one I like. Thanks for sharing your visit there!

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Just an FYI, but I didn't know BGW had a coaster tour on Wed/Sat.  $80 to see some control rooms and maintenance sheds.  You also get to see the drop track in action and stand near it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/3/2022 at 9:09 PM, redfoot12 said:

I'm heading to Busch Gardens tomorrow for Pantheon.

Any other Platinum holders going?

So this day actually turned out pretty disappointing. I reached the park that Friday, March 4, got in line for the back for Pantheon, and... got denied 😔

Long story short, I've dropped nearly 30 pounds since and got on last night 😀

Fun ride but only got one ride in. Looking forward to many more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^I doubt that a "30% chance of isolated thunderstorms" is going to discourage anyone from going on a holiday weekend. I see Quick Queue in your future.

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A 35% chance maybe, but not 30%...

We actually got lucky years ago. It was crazy hot, and a bad Thunderstorm rolled in around 3pm. It lasted for about an hour, and almost completely emptied the park. I mean, there was no one there and everything was walk-on. We rode Le Scoot 5 or 6 times in a row without getting off, until Emily finally had enough... It was a blast.

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Well there were zero storms but everything was a walk on. On a Saturday. On a July 4th weekend.

Obviously I basked in the non-existent lines (minus like 30 minutes for the water rides), but the last time I saw a major park this empty at this time of year was at Universal Studios FL right before the 2008 crash.

Also caught Pantheon right as it re-opened too. That thing is one HELL of a ride, but it could've been my last ever because one of the operators almost dispached our train with the restraints up.

Oppressive sun, almost lost a few of the guys from lack of hydration. Festhaus continues to be the default food spot (though one of these days I have to try Trapper's). Entered the park at 11a, left at 4:30p (went out to eat seafood immediately after and hit up some bars at VA Beach as part of a Bachelor weekend). Final tally: Griffon x2, Le Scoot, Alpengeist, Verbolten, Escape From Pompeii, Pantheon.

- Biggest Surprise: Pantheon

- Most Brutal & Unrelenting: Alpengeist

- Perennial Favorite: Verbolten



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16 hours ago, Masquerade said:

it could've been my last ever because one of the operators almost dispached our train with the restraints up.

Unless the ride was in manual mode, I don't think this is possible.

I don't know why everyone thinks 4th of July weekend is always crazy busy just because it's a holiday. Since the end of time since I was a kid I think people have been scared to go because they think it will be crowded. And this year has the added fact of gas prices for those traveling from afar; I only say that because every highway I was on all weekend seemed pretty dead in general. I know there are a ton more factors and this is just an observation by one person. I was at Carowinds on Saturday and it was the same thing. I've been to Dorney (ok bad example) and it SFNE and Darien Lake in the past. Everyone this weekend seemed to be in the waterpark. Cedar Point appeared to be the same based on trip reports and queue times. As was many other major parks. Not empty but very light attendance compared to any normal summer day. I feel like I say this every year.

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Pantheon was more intense than we thought it would be.  We did 2 rides in a row and after the 2nd, I was feeling a little ill which doesn't usually happen to me.

Alpengeist is super rough.  We rode it once and that was it for us.

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A re-enactment of exactly what happened on Pantheon 7/2/22 at approximately 4:10pm:

Dispacher - "All clear."

*All restraints go up*

All riders including me - "What the fuck?!"

Dispatcher - "Uh sorry, pressed the wrong button."


This was about two cycles after it reopened from maintenance.

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^I definitely understand the surprise/shock factor of seeing the restraints pop up after hearing "All clear," but this is still a very different situation than "one of the operators almost dispatched our train with the restraints up."

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of you who have been wondering what's been going on with the old candy shop in Germany . . .




Sip in Secret at an ALL-NEW Theme Park Speakeasy, Opening this Month at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
For a Limited-time, Guests Can Save 20 Percent on Reservations for this Exclusive Experience

  • Something new is brewing at the all-new Bürgermeister’s Hideaway
  • This immersive, one-of-a-kind experience debuts on July 20
  • Guests 21+ can enjoy handcrafted cocktail flights customized to each season
  • For a limited-time, all reservations receive a 20 percent grand opening discount
  • Save up to 55 percent on tickets, Fun Cards and Memberships during the Summer Sale

A one-of-a-kind, immersive bar experience is debuting this summer at Busch Gardens Williamsburg with the addition of an all-new speakeasy. Bürgermeister’s Hideaway will open on July 20 and offers guests an opportunity to partake in a spirited experience with festive drink and fantastic ambiance. Behind a sweet façade visitors will explore an exclusive hideaway bar that houses mystery and marvel for all to enjoy.

The tale of Bürgermeister’s Hideaway dates back to a centuries-old mystery bar that offers a different type of counter service with a drink that is contrary to its country. This hidden den, run by Busch Gardens’ iconic Bürgermeister, offers signature cocktail, mocktail, wine, and beer flights that will leave guests craving more. Beverage flights are chef curated and seasonally inspired, debuting with the vibrant flavors of summer. Guests who select the cocktail flight can sip on the perfect blend of sweet and spice with the refreshing Watermelon Jalapeno Margarita and the Banana Nutella Martini, a smooth and savory concoction with a hint of hazelnut. Prost to sweet surprises with this ALL-NEW adventure at Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

Visitors must prebook their speakeasy visit here. Each reservation includes a timed entry to Bürgermeister’s Hideaway and one drink flight. For a limited-time, guests can save 20 percent on reservations purchased before July 22. Throughout the year, Members receive a discount on this all-new experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Who's ready for Howl-o-Scream? Here's what the park has planned for this year!




Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream®--Virginia’s Premier Halloween Event, Returns with a Twisted New Game and Three All-New Haunted Houses, Plus the Most Sinister Sale of the Season

  • Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream returns on select nights September 9 – October 31, 2022
  • Conquer the frights with the best deal of the season, buy a 2023 Fun Card and get now through Howl-O-Scream FREE
  • Three NEW haunted houses and three new terror-tories
  • Scares at every turn with a total of five haunted houses, five terror-tories™, four shows and two party zones

Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream returns with a twisted new game and an evil host, beginning on Friday, September 9, 2022. In this ghoulish game show, every guest is a contestant, led to their destiny by the master of scare-monies. Your fate awaits with five haunted houses, five terror-tories, four sinister shows, two party zones, and unsuspecting scares awaiting their victims at every turn. Beyond the haunts, guests can take horror to new heights with nighttime rides on eight world-class coasters, including the all-new Pantheon, the world’s fastest multi-launch coaster. Howl-O-Scream takes screams to the extreme with three NEW haunted houses and three NEW terror-tories, complete with seven menacing BOOze bars and bites to fuel the fear and tackle the night’s frights. Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream will take place on select dates from September 9 - October 31, 2022.

Looking for sinister savings? The best deal of the season is reincarnated for Howl-O-Scream 2022. For a limited-time, guests who purchase a 2023 Fun Card will get now through Howl-O-Scream FREE, plus unlimited visits January 27 through September 4, 2023.




Guests will have nowhere to hide as iconic frights are combined with newly unleashed experiences. Fan-favorite houses Witch of the Woods and KILLarney Diner will return in 2022, as well as two signature terror-tories, Ripper Row and Meat Market. These staple scares are paired with the following hair-raising new additions:

2022 All-New Haunted Houses

  • NEW! Inferno: When death is only the beginning, there’s no end to the scorching terror in sight.  As the ground opens to the fiery torments of the dead, your only hope for escape is to journey further into this twisted domain. Descend deep into the pits of Lucifer’s lair to find your way out but beware--the underworld’s demonic horde is yearning for your soul.
  • NEW! Death Water Bayou: The sounds of the carnival celebration grow faint as you are beckoned deeper into the bayou by an unseen force. The cursed hands rise out of the swamp, reaching in desperation for their next devilish devotee. Beware of the bayou or fall victim to the horrors cast by the swamp’s sinister citizens.
  • NEW! Nevermore Chapter 2: A disturbing new chapter in the Nevermore saga has been unveiled, wreaking horror and havoc for the nobility and townsmen alike. The gothic nightmare reads on as tales of torment and terror take frightening form. Explore a world where literature comes to life and Poe’s poignant prose takes on an even darker reality.

2022 All-New Terror-Tories

  • NEW! Dead A-Head: The bloodied bodies of the beheaded are lurking through the streets of France seeking revenge for their bludgeoned fate. Beware of your surroundings--one wrong move and it could be your head on the chopping block.
  • NEW! Gorgon Gardens: Don’t look too closely--staring straight into the soul-less eyes of these serpent sisters leads to venomous consequences and a stone-cold eternity. There’s no escaping these sinister sirens once you’ve been added to their succulent garden of souls.
  • NEW! Scary Tale Road: Once upon a time, these fairy tale fantasies lured you to sleep with picturesque places and harmonious heroes. Survival is slim as these childhood icons have been ripped from the pages and are now haunting your dreams. 

Plus, guests can experience daytime fun with thrilling coasters, fall theming, family-friendly shows, and more, all at the world’s most beautiful theme park.

Parental discretion is advised after 6:00 PM, as Howl-O-Scream contains amplified scares that are not recommended for children.

Best Deal of the Season – 2023 Fun Card with Howl-O-Scream FREE

The best way to experience Howl-O-Scream 2022 is with a Busch Gardens Fun Card or Membership. For a limited-time, guests who purchase a 2023 Fun Card will get now through Howl-O-Scream FREE. Hurry, before prices go up August 28! 2023 Fun Card holders also get unlimited visits from January 27 through September 4, 2023, plus unlimited admission during Howl-O-Scream 2022. For unbeatable benefits and admission, guests can purchase a Membership to receive 12 months of visits with amazing park perks including free parking, up to six free guest tickets, savings on merchandise and more.



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