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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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Yea, Im not even going to start talking coaster yet. Lets just see how this progresses. Spain would be interesting since it is the only major European country they have yet to cover besides Greece and Russia. Personally I'd rather see either of those before Spain.

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Yea, Im not even going to start talking coaster yet. Lets just see how this progresses. Spain would be interesting since it is the only major European country they have yet to cover besides Greece and Russia. Personally I'd rather see either of those before Spain.


Well I'd like to see Greece too, but with Festa Italia the park may see that as a bit redundant. And with Russia, as cool as Busch could make it, I just don't think Russia is the best option with the recent events happening. It's just grounds for controversy, even if it would be undeserved controversy.


With regards to a coaster, I'd love to see a Maverick-style Intamin Blitz. I've been saying this since I first rode Maverick.

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Yea, Im not even going to start talking coaster yet. Lets just see how this progresses. Spain would be interesting since it is the only major European country they have yet to cover besides Greece and Russia. Personally I'd rather see either of those before Spain.


Well I'd like to see Greece too, but with Festa Italia the park may see that as a bit redundant. And with Russia, as cool as Busch could make it, I just don't think Russia is the best option with the recent events happening. It's just grounds for controversy, even if it would be undeserved controversy.


With regards to a coaster, I'd love to see a Maverick-style Intamin Blitz. I've been saying this since I first rode Maverick.


Yea your statement about Greece and Festa Italia has been a talking point of why no Greece for quite awhile. Russia would be awesome but of course people would bitch even if they theme it to 19th or 18th century Russia.

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So I just got off BGW Fans and I read an article about a Line of Sight test behind Festa Italia (a place Spain has been rumored to go). Apparently the balloon was easily as tall as Mach Tower. This could have been for something as simple as fireworks, but if not, I'd say a Spain area behind Festa with a Starflyer is a good possibility.


EDIT: The height waiver is for a 315 ft attraction. Starflyer.

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This could be completely unrelated, but I have seen some survey markers near the train tracks along the old Drachen Fire site. I don't really see them expanding that way, but I thought I'd stoke the fire anyways. I think Spain kinda makes sense if they were to add a country.


It's always possible, but that plot actually isn't as big as you might think riding by on the train. It's something like 5 1/2 acres total, and some of that site got eaten up by verbolten and the black forest. When you look at the plot on google maps and compare it to even "small" countries like Ireland, you get perspective on just how tiny that old plot really is compared to the park at large. With that said, NO ONE has managed to impress me more with putting things "where they shouldn't fit" than BGW.


IF they decided to build a new country without revamping an old one (the way Hastings became Ireland), the most logical spot would be in the pasture are between Italy and Festa Italia. However, unless they're planning to do away with the clydesdales (unlikely), or downgrade them to a smaller grazing pasture (again unlikely), I guess that isn't going to happen. The DF site was a grazing pasture before DF was built, but that was mostly to show off cows and other such animals. But big horses need big grazing and exercise areas, and I know they like to keep them tucked out of the way of guests for much of the day to keep the animals safe and happy.


It's most likely a red herring. Something tells me if they were planning a new country, they wouldn't give away the actual branding until they absolutely had to. You don't need to give the real name for zoning permits.

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315 foot Starflyer themed around one of those Spanish dancin poles with the different color ribbons I forget the name of it, but that would be my guess. Unless they plan on upstaging i305 by 10 feet and getting a B&M Gigacoaster lol


I don't think building a giga 10ft taller 75 miles away is necessarily going to be a draw worth spending 30M for, If it's coaster maybe an Intamin accelerator. If it's not a coaster than a starflyer or maybe it's just an observation tower.

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After letting my imagination run with the thoughts of a 315' coaster a Star Flyer/Screamer makes the most sense.


Small footprint, easy to theme, 315' makes it barely taller than KD's but taller none the less, coincidentally the same height as KD's Eiffel Tower but a ride and nor an observation deck, and laughs at SFA's Wonder Woman by 70'. More over, it is basic ride that they don't have with no need to challenge 400' mark. The important part would be to keep the ride height at 48".

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Where is everyone getting the 315 number from? Did I miss something?


The permits and the screamscape rumor.


But does the permit say 315 feet or is that just someones guess because of the balloon test?

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Madrid is a misspelling of Mad Ride. It will be a Vekoma Mad House.


Even though you were kidding a Mad House would still be a great addition for BGW.


There aren't too many things that can be 315 feet tall that have not already been added to its competition in Doswell. A giga coaster would tick off the Kingsmill neighbors unless they put sand in the track and supports (imagine how expensive that would be let alone the ride towering in the horizon). They already have a drop tower (BTW how has Mach Tower been running this year?) A Star Flyer would also be a great addition but I don't think the location over by Festa is the place to put it for the best views.

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Question, if my cousin was unable to fit on Nitro and Mako, does he stand a chance with apollo? Also, do you think he would be able to fit on InvadR and verbolten?


There is no "for sure" answer for this question. Given that ever ride is a bit different on how "friendly" it is. I've seen people not fit on one train of a roller coaster, yet the next train they fit on just fine.


Best advice any of us can give you, is to make sure your cousin tries the test seat before getting in line.

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I would say no for Apollo. Not sure about the others you mentioned. It depends on body shape (especially thigh area). They may be able to ride Griffon or Alpengeist depending on their chest dimensions.

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Verbolten's lapbar should be more forgiving than Apollo's restraint. InvadR 's can be a bit tricky. There are test seats at the entrance of the park's coasters it there's any doubt.

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Alpie and Griffon both have big boy seats still.


While we're on this topic, I thought once upon a time, if Apollo locked then it was good to dispatch. When I have been this year, since the screen were installed I have seen several walks of shame even though the restraint had locked. Has BGW changed their systems or was I just mistaken before?

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Alpie and Griffon both have big boy seats still.



This is correct: the two middle seats of each row on Griffon and rows 5 and 6 (or is is 4 and 5?) on Alpengeist. They have double seat belts that lock into the OSRs.

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^ I know on Nitro at Great Adventure there are little yellow strips at the base of the lap-bar that need to be completely visible in order for the train to be dispatched. The restraint can lock without that yellow strip being visible.


The yellow strips on Nitro are visible after two clicks (trust me, I uhh...*looks at gut shamefully*...know). Not sure if BGW uses a similar rule (i.e. two clicks) for Apollo or if they're more stringent.

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