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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^The other local papers are still referring to this ride as a "315-foot attraction"--nothing specific. Maybe the Pilot read the planning documents more thoroughly or had an inside source.


I've posted this for discussion, and while it sounds promising, I wouldn't take it as a "done deal."


As for your giga question, why not build one, Kings Dominion or not?

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^The other local papers are still referring to this ride as a "315-foot attraction"--nothing specific. Maybe the Pilot read the planning documents more thoroughly or had an inside source.


I've posted this for discussion, and while it sounds promising, I wouldn't take it as a "done deal."


As for your giga question, why not build one, Kings Dominion or not?


I was just thinking it would be harder to market, but then realized it may not be so hard after all if they're going to advertise it as bigger and badder than I305. Like you said right now it is all here-say. If it ends up being a giga who the hell knows it could be something we have never seen on a giga before.

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^ Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where BGW would go for a coaster so large in height. This is an interesting development.


Also would they go for a giga coaster when KD already has one only an hour and change away?


To compete with competition? Giga's make such a powerful statement for any park.

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To compete with competition? Busch has always competed with KD in different ways than just building the most extreme ride. They've always tended to offer unique more immersive experiences.


Well, the name "Madrid" suggests that a new country may be coming to the park. Time will tell.

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I was just thinking it would be harder to market, but then realized it may not be so hard after all if they're going to advertise it as bigger and badder than I305.


Bigger? Sure.


Badder? Not in a million years. I305 is easily in the top three most intense coasters on the planet (#1 being Karnan imho). Knowing Busch's manufacturer relationships this will more than likely be a Beemer snooze fest.


Edit - And before anyone goes off on an "lol but why two beemer hypers," just look at Carowinds. Now shush.

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If it is a giga, I hope its neither B&M or intamin. Something new and different would be exciting. Knowing BGW though there is a strong chance it is a B&M.


You really wouldn't want a 315ft version of this?


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If it is a giga, I hope its neither B&M or intamin. Something new and different would be exciting. Knowing BGW though there is a strong chance it is a B&M.


You really wouldn't want a 315ft version of this?



Of course I would. But if the possibility of something else arises besides B&M I would roll the dice with a unique experience.

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Who says it has to be a giga? It could be a 315-foot top hat launch coaster (though if BGW is going for an extreme launch coaster, I'd much rather have an Intamin Blitz.)


But judging by what is actually said in the article:


"If it's a roller coaster, it would be the tallest in Virginia, and according to an expert, the fifth-tallest in the country and eighth in the world."


The Pilot was just going for the most clickbaity title possible, and it probably is just going to be a Starflyer.

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I was just thinking it would be harder to market, but then realized it may not be so hard after all if they're going to advertise it as bigger and badder than I305.


Bigger? Sure.


Badder? Not in a million years. I305 is easily in the top three most intense coasters on the planet (#1 being Karnan imho). Knowing Busch's manufacturer relationships this will more than likely be a Beemer snooze fest.


Edit - And before anyone goes off on an "lol but why two beemer hypers," just look at Carowinds. Now shush.


It would be great to me if it's not as intense anyway, maybe it's cause it's been really hot when I've gone but I just can't do more than 1 reride on I305 without feeling like a truck ran me over lol I could ride fury 325 and El Toro all day though. I305 is the only ride that really kicks my ass like this just from its intensity.

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I sure hope it's a giga, but I'm setting my expectations to StarFlyer just in case. That way if they install a Sky Jump i'll be pleasantly surprised, and if it's a giga I'll be enthralled.


Like others have said, if it is a giga I expect it to be a B&M and not intamin. I'm imagining a Giga that is really low to the ground with lots of fast turns and good terrain interaction. Such a ride would be amazing no matter who makes it.

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Wow I wouldn't have guessed a coaster for this with Invadr and Tempesto so recently. Let's just cross our fingers its an Intamin and not a B&M!


I'm proudly on Team Intamin till the day I die but if BGW got something like Fury I'd be over the moon. The first half (well, 3/4) of it is outstanding and it really is something to write home about! It's not my #1 but one of my top coasters. Get your butt down there and ride it Boldy! Other than that, INTAMIN FTW!

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Have there been any reports of whether Red Force has been operating reliably over in Spain? That would be an interesting fit although I agree the most exciting option would be an Intamin or B&M Giga.


Just the fact that they're adding a new themed section makes me happy. I'm interested what Busch can do these days with a clean slate of land.

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The Pilot was just going for the most clickbaity title possible, and it probably is just going to be a Starflyer.




Time will tell.


Looks like the Virginian Pilot article has been updated to 315 foot "attraction" as opposed to a coaster.

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The Pilot was just going for the most clickbaity title possible, and it probably is just going to be a Starflyer.




Time will tell.


Looks like the Virginian Pilot article has been updated to 315 foot "attraction" as opposed to a coaster.


Ah ha! They continue to toy with us!

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Richmond news organizations are still sticking to their guns with the "roller coaster" claim...


Busch Gardens applies for waiver to build new roller coaster


A link to the James City County Board of Supervisors document is provided in the article; that document only refers to an "attraction", although the news article very clearly describes the new ride as a coaster. Additionally, according to the Supervisors doc, Busch Gardens can loophole its way around the no-lights-above-60-feet restriction people were referring to by claiming that such lights are "necessary for safety purposes". No need to panic, Starflyer light package fans.


Personally, I'm extremely skeptical, and will continue to operate on the assumption that this is simply a well-intentioned miscommunication of the fake news variety.

Bring on the Starflyer!

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While I'd love a coaster as much as anyones, this parks lineup is already pretty stacked. If it wasn't a coaster I wouldn't be mad at that and I think a star flyer is perfect for this park.

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