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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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I think this is a big improvement on their original expansion plans. IMO they had too much princess crap and not enough for everyone else. It's a shame Snow White is getting the boot, but I'm excited that Disney is building a new coaster that (at least at this point) will be unique to Florida.


Very cool!

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If you look really closely at the artwork of the mine train, you can kind of see how they are going to do the swinging. It looks almost just like the pictures people have posted from that other site. Definitely not an E-Motion coaster. The whole area looks great, and definitely a plus from the original plan.


I have heard that Mickey and friends will be getting a new home right on Main Street. I'm not sure where or when I heard this, but I think it would be very cool. Looking forward to 2012!!!

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IMO they had too much princess crap and not enough for everyone else.


Yeah, I am sure that Disney got a lot of criticism for this in the original plan. You have to give them credit though for realizing this and revising their plan. Looks like I better ride Snow White before in October one last time.

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If you look really closely at the artwork of the mine train, you can kind of see how they are going to do the swinging. It looks almost just like the pictures people have posted from that other site. Definitely not an E-Motion coaster. The whole area looks great, and definitely a plus from the original plan.


Don't read anything into the concept art. It is unlikely that you can tell anything from an artist that probably has no knowledge of coasters or who even makes them.

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IMO they had too much princess crap and not enough for everyone else.


Yeah, I am sure that Disney got a lot of criticism for this in the original plan. You have to give them credit though for realizing this and revising their plan. Looks like I better ride Snow White before in October one last time.


Have they said when Snow White will be closing? I didn't see it anywhere.

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In all honesty, I'm rather disappointed with the updated plans. I was rather excited and intrigued by the old ones, while these new ones seem as if they were simply made to please the Disney fanboys who complained about "too much princess".


My reasoning...

-Toontown appears to have been moved from "being demolished" to "being remodeled". The new overview shows the large, tacky circus tents are remaining- a major disappointment. Especially when you consider how nice and charming the planned Pixie Hollow would've looked.

-It seems like most everybody here is excited for the new area, but you're all forgetting something- it'll be in Fantasyland. Therefore, it'll have a very low minimum height requirement. Meaning it won't be the thrill-ride some of you are hoping for, but instead it'll probably be more tame than the Barnstormer. Plus, I'm curious about its capacity.

-I don't care too much about the removal of the current Snow White ride, but I'm not too big a fan of the "Princess Fairytale Hall". Cinderella, Aurora and all the other princesses were never together in the movies- in fact, they're from different countries and time periods. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to have them together in a theme park. Although that's just some nitpicking right there.

-Finally, when a little girl visits Disney, what's the most memorable thing for her? Meeting her favorite Disney princess. The Cinderella and Aurora meet-and-greets were going to take this to a new level and allow the girl to dance with them, or make a birthday card for them, or whatever. This would've proved much more memorable than a picture, autograph and brief conversation. It seems as though they'll be sticking with the over-used, traditional meet-and-greet now though instead.


Just my opinion on it all. I'm sure the new coaster will be entertaining, and I enjoy the retheme of Barnstormer, but I'm not too big a fan of the other changes.

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Nice changes! I am definitely glad that they decided to revamp the plans. While I love Tink, I think that was just too much. Little girls would have loved it, as well as some adults I know, but what about the families with little boys? This plan definitely suits a bigger scale. I cannot wait to see this plan become a reality!


P.S. Thanks for that before and after comparison! I thoroughly enjoyed that!

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I really hope it's not a standard Mack e-motion coaster. Not one of us who's been on one on various TPR Trips could actually notice any 'swinging' or 'tilting' or anything.


I didn't even know e-motion were supposed to do that, that one at Linnanmaki seemed not much different from their other mouse style coaster. e-motion my a$$, it more inspired in-difference.


The additions look interesting, even though I'm not into Disney. They spend so much money on their attractions and I guess it shows, but I always sigh - they could have cloned my top ten coasters with that much money. But disney knows where the big bucks are, and it's not competing with Six Flags.

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Ugh, this is almost going to be as annoying as DCA for the next two years!


Two giant construction projects on both costs for the next two years, crazy!

It's the best time to build. Disney knows how to conduct business. Always invest when interest rates are low. And right now they are very low.

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"The coaster will feature a first-of-its kind ride system with a train of ride vehicles that swing back and forth as they whisk along the track." (from the blog). I think this will be Premier's Drifting Coaster. Which would be a first of its kind b/c the one that as been shipped out is still sitting in containers out at the F1 park in Dubai. Plus the blog never said tilting, just swing back and forth.

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-Toontown appears to have been moved from "being demolished" to "being remodeled". The new overview shows the large, tacky circus tents are remaining- a major disappointment. Especially when you consider how nice and charming the planned Pixie Hollow would've looked.

This is probably the biggest disappointment for me as well. I wonder what they're going to do with those circus tents, they're included in the new concept art, but there's no mention of what will be in them in the press release.


-It seems like most everybody here is excited for the new area, but you're all forgetting something- it'll be in Fantasyland. Therefore, it'll have a very low minimum height requirement. Meaning it won't be the thrill-ride some of you are hoping for, but instead it'll probably be more tame than the Barnstormer. Plus, I'm curious about its capacity.

I'm sure it'll be tame, obviously it's Fantasyland and a major thrill ride wouldn't really fit there. I'm excited about this though, judging from the concept art and description I think it's a safe bet that we can expect a much more heavily themed ride that Barnstormer. Sure, it's going to be a family coaster, but it's also going to be partially enclosed with animatronics. It sounds like it'll be a heck of lot more charming and unique than just another Vekoma rollerskater, and way more exciting than a huge princess meet and greet area. With it being placed in one of the most traffic-heavy areas of Magic Kingdom, I'm interested to see how they'll handle capacity as well.

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I think it's great that they've stepped up their original (rather tepid) plans to something more exciting. I have to think it's at least partially in response to Harry Potter. (Not that Disney felt "threatened" per se, but when the other guy swings, you swing back.)


Yes, I'm saying that if Potterland hadn't been a huge success, WDW probably would have kept their original "all princess meet-and-greets" plan.

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The new plans are a huge improvement. Love the fact they actually are building a new coaster, even if it's tame by most standards, far better than creating an entire area devoted to one segment of their audience. Imo, the area is more balanced than before. Still not sure they needed another premium eatery there, but maybe their research shows that they do? The circus area is still a tad out of place in context to the rest of the structures. If they went along the lines of a medieval fair instead of a circus, at least it would blend more in with the rest of Fantasyland.

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Still not sure they needed another premium eatery there, but maybe their research shows that they do?


During busy times Cinderella's Royal Table and the Crystal Palace are booked up way in advance; another full-service character dining experience will be a huge help to the other two restaurants. I'm pretty sure the demand is more than there to support this kind of dinner experience in the park.


Plus, look at how many full service restaurants Epcot has, and they don't seem to have a problem supporting them all. MK pulls in bigger numbers than Epcot, and MK's character dining pretty much always requires a reservation, so IMO this is a sure win/profit for MK.

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I'm actually more exctied about this expansion than I was when it was more geared towards the Princesses. It's nice to see Ariel finally getting some love, and a reboot of a classic, Snow White.


Now....to visit in 2012, or 2013.... or both.....

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