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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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^Trust me, whenever I'm at the park during Food and Wine I wonder if it would be possible for them to just have those food stands year round!!!! Then you could get your Greek and Spanish food year round!


Do they have Turkish food during that? That is one of my favorites as is Korean.

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I understand what they're doing to Fantasyland, just peeved that they find the money to redo a whole section of the park when they wouldn't fix up 2 of the best rides in DW.

You're in Orlando, wanna fly to Ca just to ride the better version of Pirates of the Caribbean? Granted, I need to go to Paris to ride the best version of Space Mountain even if it is a Jules Verne steampunk version. Anyway I'll shut up about it now.

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Granted, I need to go to Paris to ride the best version of Space Mountain even if it is a Jules Verne steampunk version. Anyway I'll shut up about it now.


Well that statement pretty much confirms you know nothing. Space Mountain at DLP is a piece of crap that tries to destroy your skull on multiple occasions.

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^I'm guessing you didn't like Magic Journeys then?

Yeah, definitely one of my least favorite things of early Epcot Center!


HA HA HA HA florida is getting meets and greets while california gets a giant themed test track with 3 other rides.

You also got World of Color.


Florida wins.

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I understand what they're doing to Fantasyland, just peeved that they find the money to redo a whole section of the park when they wouldn't fix up 2 of the best rides in DW.


It's not that they don't have the money to fix up Space Mountain (and I'm not sure what more you wanted with Pirates).... it's that they're not willing to risk the loss in revenue from having Space or Pirates closed, because MK's attendance is more dependent on foreign or out-of-state tourists than Disneyland (which can afford to close certain attractions for longer periods of time without seeing the same effect on their attendance and hotel revenues).

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Granted, I need to go to Paris to ride the best version of Space Mountain even if it is a Jules Verne steampunk version. Anyway I'll shut up about it now.


Well that statement pretty much confirms you know nothing. Space Mountain at DLP is a piece of crap that tries to destroy your skull on multiple occasions.


Its funny because it's true

I would say that the one in WDW is way better then the one in DLP, especially after the refurb.

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Well that statement pretty much confirms you know nothing. Space Mountain at DLP is a piece of crap that tries to destroy your skull on multiple occasions.


Perhaps the skull crushing has influenced his thinking.


And Adam, like Scott, I hated Magic Journeys as a kid. Scariest thing ever. Then again, I hate clowns.

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From Screamscape:


Park News - (1/22/11) If you subscribe to the official Screamscape Twitter, you already know this (and if not... what’s a matter with you?). The rumors are 100% true... Splash Mountain is currently adding a large single lap bar to each and every row on the logs. As outraged as I am about the very concept of this, unfortunately we as guests, have only ourselves to blame. Apparently there are a large number of morons out there who think it’s funny / cool / xtreme to either stand-up during portions of the ride, combined with an equal number of stupid tourists who think that at the first time of a ride stoppage, they are free to jump out of the log and go wandering about inside the mountain. Then the real fun begins as CMs are sent out to search every nook and cranny inside the gigantic structure for these lost guests before they can turn the ride back on. (So maybe we should all agree, as a theme park loving community, that if we’ve in a park and see someone doing something stupid... say something and stop them.)


    Adding insult to injury, this will cut down on the capacity of the ride as well in two ways. Previous policy allowed for groups of three that could fit (3 kids, 2 adult & 1 small child) to sit in one row, for a maximum of 12 riders per log. Now I know this didn’t happen all the time, but with the new lap bars two riders per row is all that will be allowed. Secondly, the ride’s capacity will be cut again as the dispatch time between logs has been raised from 12.5 seconds to an estimated 15-20 seconds per log to allow for increased loading time to deal with guests loading more slowly due to the lap bars and time for the ride crew to give each bar a quick tug.


    Now for the good news... the lap bars are nothing like what Universal put on Ripsaw Falls. Instead they are very similar in style to what is used on Big Thunder Mountain. I’ve also been sent a pictures showing off the new restraints. Thanks to everyone who responded about this... I must have had between 20-25 different people contact me today to confirm this unfortunate news.



Edited by robbalvey
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Secondly, the ride’s capacity will be cut again as the dispatch time between logs has been raised from 12.5 seconds to an estimated 15-20 seconds per log to allow for increased loading time to deal with guests loading more slowly due to the lap bars and time for the ride crew to give each bar a quick tug.

And at worst case scenario, doesn't that still add up to more than 2,000 PPH? Six Flags would be having a good day if their rides do 1/2 that capacity!!!

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Eh, I don't mind this. Unless they are huge (which I highly doubt), they will have no real affect on the ride besides loading, which will still be amazing. It's disney!


Loading and capacity shouldn't change much IMO - there are just as many single-person rows sent as there are three-person rows sent.

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And at worst case scenario, doesn't that still add up to more than 2,000 PPH? Six Flags would be having a good day if their rides do 1/2 that capacity!!!


Lets not start making Six Flags the standard of the amusement industry. Once you start doing that pretty much anything can be looked at as above average!


But 2,000 PPH is a very good number. Too bad people can't behave themselves. I thought this would have happened sooner to be honest.

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No surprise here. As people get dumber and dumber those of us who actually follow the rules are the ones who are really punished.


Personally I would be fine just letting these idiots fall out and die but I suppose Disney has to cut down on its legal costs!

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