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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Tiana's Bayou Adventure opening on June 28th!

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No surprise here. As people get dumber and dumber those of us who actually follow the rules are the ones who are really punished.


Personally I would be fine just letting these idiots fall out and die but I suppose Disney has to cut down on its legal costs!


Stupidity has been proven to be deadly

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There are many stupid idiots out there who don't follow the rules. I'm glad Disney did that for safety reasons. There are too many stupid idiots who think they can stand up or get out of the log during the ride. For instance when I was at Disneyland this stupid kid completely got out of the log & went onto a rock ledge near the end of the ride. I hope Disneyland's Splash gets lapbars too. Disney is strapping in those idiots.

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^DLR already wasted millions on logs that were supposed to increase capacity but didn't because they can't load 2 people in the back section cause of the weight. I can't see them doing lap bars just yet. I do think it's coming though.....just a matter of when.

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Wow whats next, lap bars on the Pirates of the Caribbean?


I don't blame Disney for being 'extra safe' in our litigious (((American))) society. As we've seen in countless Robb/Elissa trip reports from around the globe, the international parks are not as paranoid about such things. (Because they are less likely to get sued) How many times have the Alveys stated on one of their international trip reports about how this attraction would 'never be seen in America'. (We are missing out on some great attractions!)


So whether it's air gates at all of the ride load zones, or newly added doors on the Disney parking trams, that just the way it has to be. It's disappointing but I'm sure Disney doesn't want to have to explain in court why they didn't have it to begin with.


Good Grief!

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I wouldn't be surprized to see stuff like this happening not just to Splash Mountain but rather all those "water" rides. Lap bars are standard on Intamin's water boat rides such as Pilgrim and Shoot the Rapids but not on older ones like Whitewater Falls at CGA (kinda surprized me when I rode that one). It's not just a problem with Splash Mountain (although more likely that one because of Disney being such a major company) but rather with a lot of water rides I've noticed. A ride op at my home park who runs the log flume told me how troublesome it is when people stand up and there's no way of stopping the ride once it goes over the lift hill (they usually stand on or right before the drop).


It's not the rides themselves that hurt people (although there are some exceptions). It's people who hurt people.

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Wow whats next, lap bars on the Pirates of the Caribbean?


I don't blame Disney for being 'extra safe' in our litigious (((American))) society. As we've seen in countless Robb/Elissa trip reports from around the globe, the international parks are not as paranoid about such things. (Because they are less likely to get sued) How many times have the Alveys stated on one of their international trip reports about how this attraction would 'never be seen in America'. (We are missing out on some great attractions!)


So whether it's air gates at all of the ride load zones, or newly added doors on the Disney parking trams, that just the way it has to be. It's disappointing but I'm sure Disney doesn't want to have to explain in court why they didn't have it to begin with.


Good Grief!


On the Europe trip even the River Raft Rides had no restraints! It's too bad stupid people ruined '12 people boats' on Splash Mountain.

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I personally don't think the lap bars will change the experience at all, other than the "no more 12-person logs" policy.


I'll be heading into the Magic Kingdom as a guest next Tuesday (one day after Splash Mountain reopens) to check it out.

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Alien Encounter got the axe because of people taking little kids on. I'm not surprised that they're doing more things to the park to cater to the stupid people.

I be a victim, though that's probably not the reason why it closed (as clarified by mcjaco). Wasn't used to to scary things at the age of 6 and my dad told me it'll be fun, he had a good laugh looking at me afterwards.


Those lap-bars don't seem like they'll lock you down tight, so I'm okay with them being there.


^^Those water dummies take home a photo souvenir?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From AOL news




The parents of a 4-year-old California boy are suing Walt Disney Parks and Resorts claiming hot nacho cheese scalded and scarred their son during a visit to Walt Disney World.


Isaiah Harris suffered "permanent scarring, pain and suffering" as a result of the burns, according to the suit, which seeks medical cost and punitive damages for emotional distress.


The boy's parent, Michael and Maria Harris of Chula Vista. Calif., are also seeking damages saying they suffered "serious emotional distress."


The family says the incident occured in March at Cosmic Ray's Starlite Cafe in Tomorrowland at Disney's Magic Kingdom theme park in Florida. They claim a paper cup with scalding cheese splashed on the child's face when he grabbed a food tray.


"The cheese should not have been that hot," says Sean Cahill, the family's attorney.


Disney released a statement saying that the company is reviewing the lawsuit but is saddened by the child's injuries. "It is unfortunate when any child is hurt."


This is the second suit against a Disney park this week. In the other case, a quadriplegic man claims that he was stuck in the "It's a Small World" ride for 40 minutes at Disneyland in California, and that there was no way to evacuate him in his wheelchair. He is suing for negligence and emotional distress.


While I do feel terrible for the boy who got burned I do have to wonder, who doesn't know nacho cheese is supposed to be hot?


Edited by larrygator
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