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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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It just means they send the train around empty when they transfer it on. Thunderhawk at Dorney Park is like that.

It looks to me like it's a full transfer table, so there's no reason why they can't transfer a train over then back it into the station while holding the other train on the final brakes.


Granted, I've never seen a coaster transfer a new train onto the tracks and not test it immediately, so it'd likely get sent around empty regardless. But this way they can put the restraints down before they do so to make sure they're working fine.


Im sure the train can be reversed backwards into the station if necessary. And trains can be transferred on and immediately be put into service. Just only if the required safety checks had been done prior. We do it all the time at GADV. Im sure other parks do that too.

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Maybe I'm looking at the picture of the transfer table funny but I'm not really understanding how it works with the transfer being in front of station instead of behind like usual....?


Texas Giants transfer is in front of the station as are several other coasters like Mean Streak, Blue Streak, Shock Wave, Judge Roy Scream, The Beast, and so on. While it's more commonplace to have the table in the back, it's not unusual for it to be in front. It's all space dependent and what works best for the layout. Most drive motors have forward and reverse capabilities, so they can either back into the station or release it to the lift, layout dependant of course. (Kinda hard to push a train backwards into The Beast's station)

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^ I like the color scheme, but I was expecting a train design more along the lines of Wicked Cyclone.

Why? It's stupidly simple, and it works. I'm actually thrilled that it's a set of Rocky Mountain trains that ISN'T covered in wood-look trim, or iron-look trim, or some weird thematic element. It's a coaster, it's not trying to be anything else.

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^ I like the color scheme, but I was expecting a train design more along the lines of Wicked Cyclone.

Why? It's stupidly simple, and it works. I'm actually thrilled that it's a set of Rocky Mountain trains that ISN'T covered in wood-look trim, or iron-look trim, or some weird thematic element. It's a coaster, it's not trying to be anything else.


I never said it didn't work. I just said I was expecting trains along the lines of Wicked Cyclone is all, and thats because they have similar theme.

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i think the trains look great. i'm not so sure on the match with the track and supports. but whatever, who cares, it's going to be awesome.


i like the guy on facebook bitching because he's 6+ft and a 40" waist. "Guess I'll have to take my business elsewhere" what a threat!

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So many weird colors going on here!


I like the blue train a lot in itself but it seems odd with the track color. The purple train is just... even more odd with the track color and not the nicest shade of purple.


It doesn't matter than much, but I feel like color choices are just random throughout this entire coaster. I LOVE the simple design of the trains though honestly.


Ride will still be excellent.

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Colors are good. I thought it was a good idea to have the trains be the same color as the Twisted Twins trains, but perhaps this is their way of detaching the ride from its original. The is going to make up for whatever issues I have with the colors.

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