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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Local news is stating that the reopening of outdoor attractions does not include Kentucky Kingdom. I am not sure if the Ark Encounter Park or the Louisville Zoo will be allowed to reopen but those places pull similar attendance numbers as Kentucky Kingdom. I would imagine if they are allowed to reopen, Kentucky Kingdom should be able to as well.


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Those pictures bring back so many memories! Thanks John!


I know Chang isn’t super well-regarded, but it did seem special having a giant B&M in Kentucky. And Twisted Twins was crap, but I remember those drops feeling SO steep. Very thrilling sitting in the back with no seatbelts!


Thinking back, SFKK had such a great collection of flats at one point. Intamin drop tower, Chaos, Enterprise, Rainbow, Quake (Vekoma Waikiki Wave). There’s definitely something about those times that I miss.

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Those pictures bring back so many memories! Thanks John!


I know Chang isn’t super well-regarded, but it did seem special having a giant B&M in Kentucky. And Twisted Twins was crap, but I remember those drops feeling SO steep. Very thrilling sitting in the back with no seatbelts!



It sure did feel special , I remember just getting into the coaster world world around 4th grade or so, then 5th grade I made my first trip to Cedar Point and rode Raptor and Mantis, then in 6th grade pretty much the only park in Kentucky and the closest to me was getting a B&M, and the tallest fastest standup in world. It felt like a really big deal at that time.


I don't have as many memories of Kentucky Kingdom as I do of Kings Island or Holiday World but I had some great times there. Hellavator felt like the scariest ride in the world when I was all of 11 year old or whatever. I haven't been back to the park in several years but really want to someday, these pics brought back some memories for sure.

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Great photos! I especially love the entrance for Road Runner Express.


Yeah I did to, between that, the Penguin river rapids ride, and the restaurant near the bridge there was a solid 3 or 4 year streak where the park had some really decent themeing installed.

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I hope someone is prepared to fight if they're allowed to open Ark Encounter but not Kentucky Kingdom!

I love it how that article explicitly noted, "not Kentucky Kingdom".

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Wow, it’s crazy to think that only one of those coasters still operates today. What a different park it has become.


I can only imagine what RMC Twisted Twins would’ve been like if they’d kept it dueling, but Storm Chaser is still one of the best and most intense RMC’s in my opinion despite it’s short length.

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^I have many thoughts...


Do we just let Ark open, no masks, and work on natural selection? Or should KK fight this and also open June 8 but smarter!?!?


Note - I actually did the worst thing ever and looked on the Ark website to confirm that no temp checks for guests, masks not required for guests, theaters open, bus ride (I don't know what this is but it sounds terrifying) operating, etc.

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A bus is required to take visitors from the parking lot to the actual ark. They're just like standard city (or Disney) buses. The distance from the parking lot is pretty far without its help.


I'll give Ark the (very, very slight) benefit of the doubt considering it's more of a museum-type experience than it is a physical high-touch experience like a standard amusement park.


Still, I'm really hoping they give KK a chance considering the plans already submitted earlier this month, even if it means keeping other specific attraction-types closed. Many of the plans I'm seeing Ark submitted line up with what KK has too. Hopefully the state is in talks with KK.

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I actually did the worst thing ever and looked on the Ark website to confirm that no temp checks for guests, masks not required for guests, theaters open, bus ride (I don't know what this is but it sounds terrifying) operating, etc.


No worries, Jeebus has their back. What could go wrong?

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I know Chang isn’t super well-regarded, but it did seem special having a giant B&M in Kentucky.

It was very special having the one BIG roller coaster in the park to dominate all rides, like the king it was! That's what seems to be a missing feature of Kentucky Kingdom that a lot of neighboring parks seem to have, that one anchor attraction that dominates the rest. Many would think it's Storm Chaser, or even Lightning Run... it's T3, the biggest, fastest, loopiest coaster in the park. I say that because people tend to flock to it more than the other two, as far as I've observed.


I wouldn't be surprised if this year pushes back plans the park had a couple more years, but I'm hoping they someday get that one big anchor attraction, regardless if it's more/less intense than the two airtime machines. Just my two cents, tho.

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It's official, Gov. announced today KK can open week of June 29th! Along with that, Kentucky pools can open too.

(Edit: now timestamped)


Sorry for triple-post...


Midgetman "again, I listen to these streams for work" 82

Edited by Midgetman82
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It's official, Gov. announced today KK can open week of June 29th! Along with that, Kentucky pools can open too.
(not timestamped yet)


Sorry for triple-post...


Midgetman "again, I listen to these streams for work" 82


Only one more month, we can do this.

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Quick question:


I know T3 has newish trains with different restraints. Is the ride still as bad as any other SLC?


You'll still shimmy shimmy shimmy til the break o' dawn, you'll just be less concussed in the end.

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Quick question:


I know T3 has newish trains with different restraints. Is the ride still as bad as any other SLC?


It's definitely not AS bad as SLC's with the old restraints, in that the side-to-side headbanging is eliminated. But the trains still don't track well, so you'll still be tossed and shuffled around, and the lap restraint gets tighter and tighter throughout the course, making the brake-run quite uncomfortable.

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