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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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  coasterbill said:
  BoulderDash said:
Here is a pov of Superman VR. Wait times appear to be atrocious, the app says Superman has a 105 minute wait and Pandemonium has a 15 minute wait.


If Pandemonium only has a 15 minute wait it's a slow day at the park. I don't want to think about what the Superman would be like on even a moderately busy day. Personally I've never seen a wait over an hour for it, not even in it's opening year or during Fright Fest. 105 minutes is ridiculous, and it's a Thursday.


Yeah I won't be going back to that park this year. lol


Opening year, I remember Superman had a 2 hour plus wait most weekends. Usually I see the line at 30-60 minutes, but I have waited 90ish minutes on really busy Saturdays before.

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  deguy123 said:
I know its been talked about and i've looked but do you have to do the VR? I'm really not interested at all.

Completely optional, but you still have to wait on the absurd line. 105 minutes on a Thursday when schools are still in session is a nightmare. I'm probably skipping Superman when I visit this year because of this piss poor gimmick.

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  BoulderDash said:
Here is a pov of Superman VR. Wait times appear to be atrocious, the app says Superman has a 105 minute wait and Pandemonium has a 15 minute wait.

Not sure how SFNE works but at SFOG they never report more than 130 minutes for DDD but I've been there when it was taking 4+ hours. Superman has a much better capacity but I wouldn't be surprised if they cap or underestimate the wait time.

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My friend and I were able to ride it on Sunday, the day after it premiered. Dispatch times were absolutely atrocious! Taking anywhere between 10-20min. The line, where it would normally be a 20-30min wait, was taking 2+hours. Minding you, it wasn't a busy day at the park, with the longest line standby being about 20min. I'm very thankful we invested in a Platinum Flash Pass, we were able to get multiple rides on Superman this way, with absolutely no wait for the front row. No one wanted to ride in the front, because everyone wanted to try the VR after they waited so long.


My review of the VR... first experience, it didn't work. I had video until half way up the lift, then my phone turned black. So I basically rode with a blindfold on. Second time, it worked. The video was cool. Superman himself was hugely out of proportion (Why is he as tall as a 4 story building?) In the right seat, you're Wonder Woman, complete with a nice rack; on the left, you're Batman. The "inversion" during the second twisting camel back was more disorienting than anything. Also, the drop, with the VR on, felt like it was 10ft tall. There were times where the video would also "pull" forward, because it became out of sync with the ride, creating a little bit of nausea for me. There was nothing in the video to designate getting wet from the mist on the ride, or being inside of tunnels, so the temperature change and suddenly being wet was kind of... strange. I wish they put a fountain or a water tower breaking... something at least to show you're gonna get wet.


Final verdict for me, I thought the ride was actually BETTER without the VR.


I hope they get the kinks fixed soon, or else it's going to be a 6hr wait during 4th of July weekend.

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  coasterbill said:
  SixFlagsAstroworld said:
Is there going to be a video of the Superman VR soon?


It might be awhile. In order to take a video they need to dispatch a train. I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.



Where'd that post of the week thread go? That was gold.

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And Pandemonium and Sky Screamer have 5 minute waits. So this is on a day when the park is otherwise dead. I guess 150+ is where it tops out. I wonder how long it actually is


It can't be stressed enough that this is a weekday and schools are in session.


Also... that's not Scream. Your app sucks.


Here is said picture from SFNE Online

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  Genx24 said:
Two and a half hours for Superman when no other ride has more than 5 minutes is absolutely atrocious. Hope the parks realize how big a mistake this VR was.


No no no... OVER 2 1/2 hours. It just doesn't go any higher. See the little plus sign? Lol

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  coasterbill said:
And Pandemonium and Sky Screamer have 5 minute waits. So this is on a day when the park is otherwise dead. I guess 150+ is where it tops out. I wonder how long it actually is


It can't be stressed enough that this is a weekday and schools are in session.

If it's topping 2.5 hours on a weekday, I'll be interested to see what it'll reach on a July weekend, when the other rides don't have just 10 minute waits.


Although, for some reason, I'm not at all surprised that this is happening, from what I've heard of the park.


  coasterbill said:

Also... that's not Scream. Your app sucks.

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It's been said many times already, but I just wanted to reiterate: putting VR on the best coaster in the park, and on what is considered the best coaster in the world by many, was an idiot's decision. Batman would have been the perfect coaster to put the VR on. I'll just be glad when 2017 rolls around and the VR is gone from all the parks.

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  coasterbill said:
  Genx24 said:
Two and a half hours for Superman when no other ride has more than 5 minutes is absolutely atrocious. Hope the parks realize how big a mistake this VR was.


No no no... OVER 2 1/2 hours. It just doesn't go any higher. See the little plus sign? Lol

Christ, I missed that. I just don't know what to say lol. How is 2.5+ hours worth strapping a phone to your face to see a cheesy movie? Especially on a ride that is so great it doesn't need extra bells and whistles.

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  Genx24 said:
  coasterbill said:
  Genx24 said:
Two and a half hours for Superman when no other ride has more than 5 minutes is absolutely atrocious. Hope the parks realize how big a mistake this VR was.


No no no... OVER 2 1/2 hours. It just doesn't go any higher. See the little plus sign? Lol

Christ, I missed that. I just don't know what to say lol. How is 2.5+ hours worth strapping a phone to your face to see a cheesy movie? Especially on a ride that is so great it doesn't need extra bells and whistles.



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I think the superman is considered to be the marquee coaster there but IMHO it's nothing special compared to other premier coasters elsewhere. I'd rather spend my time on wicked cyclone and goliath.

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This was my exact problem with VR. It wasn't supposed to be used on a thrill coaster, it was meant to bring popularity back to mine trains and smaller ones. Who cares is the loading times for those rides somewhat increases? Those rides are usually walk-ons. Let's see what the park did wrong here:


1) Dramatically extended wait times on the park's top attraction

2) Took away assigned seating from one of the only rides allowing it

3) Paid to refurb a major ride when they strapped a screen to riders regardless


How the hell can the park justify doing this? It's bad enough getting everyone on the train to green light, let alone checking an additional 108 straps (3 per screen x 36 riders). Hopefully they learn their lesson and ship it out after this season. It might even leave early. Raging Bull at SFGAM is rumored to get VR by the end of the year, and they may reuse headsets from a current ride.

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Did the park do-away with the single rider line now that VR is there? I know the merge point was in the station previously, so it would be dumb to keep it if they're doing assigned seating.


Nevermind I answered my own question, it's probably still there.

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^single rider line is gone, no choice of seats.


The line was massive today but I used two exit passes. They were doing 5-10+ minute dispatches, completely unacceptable. They also had a flash pass guy at the entrance trying to get people to buy them. Instead of fixing the problem, they want you to buy a flash pass. No thanks. Won't be back for a while.

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^ you can sit up front if you aren't doing VR - obviously front row is not going to be occupied by VR riders and most if not all tend to go for VR from what I noticed.

Which row is the best (without VR obviously)?

In any case, if I were to go back there, it won't be for Superman.

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  ul9601 said:
^ you can sit up front if you aren't doing VR - obviously front row is not going to be occupied by VR riders and most if not all tend to go for VR from what I noticed.

Which row is the best (without VR obviously)?

In any case, if I were to go back there, it won't be for Superman.


The front row is the best row.

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