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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Thanks for the tips, guys! I am glad that they are limiting the VR experience to some horus of operations so tha at least all those people that just want to experience the coaster have the chance. Looks like SFNE's way to phase out the VR experience. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go for the next season.

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I'm glad to hear about the VR on Superman (I am not interested at all). Heading to the park on Friday August 5th and can't wait! I went to the park in 2011 on the Northeast 2011 TPR trip and had an amazing LONG day at the park! I was looking forward to riding Goliath but I'm still going to get that new credit on Wicked Cyclone!


I'm wondering how busy it is on a Friday, but I'm sure it will be busy and I'll need Flashpass correct?

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Visited this week, no surprise that VR on Superman was a cluster. They are only doing it from 1-8, so get in your normal rides early. Because of where wicked Cyclone is, it wasn't much of a wait. My 4th RMC, it was very unique. Had two elements that caught me by surprise.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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I've been to the park 3 times this summer (2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday), and I've never waited more than 15 minutes for Wicked Cyclone. It amazing, but great.


I was at the park today, Superman with VR was a 1 hour wait. Right as I was about to ride though, someone some how managed to jump the fence and got into the restricted area near the break run, shutting the ride down for another 15 minutes. Unbelievable that people think going into a restricted area is acceptable.


The operations were pretty slow for most of the rides, though WC's crew was going pretty quick. Other side note, GCGEAA looks awful. That concrete pad being reused makes water puddle all over making it grimy and slippery too.

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Any news when Goliath is set to reopen? Will be visiting Six Flags New England for the first time next week on 10th of august and on the 20th of august on an overseas coastertrip.


I highly doubt it will be open by then, but it's always a possibility. I think the ride is absolutely terrible (yes, even in the front row), so you aren't missing much other than one credit.

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So I'm heading to the park tomorrow and can't wait! Two things I have a question about.....


1. Where is the best food in the park?

2. I'm assuming ill need fastpass correct?


JB's over by Goliath. It's nothing amazing but it's the best in the park and it's indoors with air conditioning. They have beer, wifi and Coke Freestyle too which is nice. Try the Boom Boom sauce.


There's no guarantee you'll need a Flash Pass unless you want to try Superman VR. I'd go in with a "wait and see" attitude.


Have fun.

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So I'm heading to the park tomorrow and can't wait! Two things I have a question about.....


1. Where is the best food in the park?

2. I'm assuming ill need fastpass correct?


JB's over by Goliath. It's nothing amazing but it's the best in the park and it's indoors with air conditioning. They have beer, wifi and Coke Freestyle too which is nice. Try the Boom Boom sauce.


There's no guarantee you'll need a Flash Pass unless you want to try Superman VR. I'd go in with a "wait and see" attitude.


Have fun.


Beer??? Are you assuming something?? LOL


Thanks for the info!!


Edit "No interest at all in Superman VR"

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So I'm heading to the park tomorrow and can't wait! Two things I have a question about.....


1. Where is the best food in the park?

2. I'm assuming ill need fastpass correct?


JB's over by Goliath. It's nothing amazing but it's the best in the park and it's indoors with air conditioning. They have beer, wifi and Coke Freestyle too which is nice. Try the Boom Boom sauce.


There's no guarantee you'll need a Flash Pass unless you want to try Superman VR. I'd go in with a "wait and see" attitude.


Have fun.


Beer??? Are you assuming something?? LOL


Thanks for the info!!


Edit "No interest at all in Superman VR"

Middle of last week only really waited over 20 min for Supes VR. Get your Superman rides in first thing would be my suggestion, as once VR starts at 1, line will move slowly.


Definitely check our the Houdini ride. It's a trip.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Definitely check our the Houdini ride. It's a trip.


Eh, I'm assuming based on his location that he's ridden the Great Adventure one and that one is vastly superior. The ride effect is the same but the pre show and the ride itself has had a lot of elements stripped out of it in New England.

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Definitely check our the Houdini ride. It's a trip.


Eh, I'm assuming based on his location that he's ridden the Great Adventure one and that one is vastly superior. The ride effect is the same but the pre show and the ride itself has had a lot of elements stripped out of it in New England.


I've actually been on both already as I went on the Northeast 2011 trip (Plus been on the GA one) but still looking forward to getting back to the park! I do remember Great Adventures being much better taken care of.

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?

I don't really want one tbh. I'd rather have them get a custom launch or some other high capacity coaster. Too many low capacity ones in the park. The park is also in desperate need of flats, that should be the main focus this year imo.

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?

I don't really want one tbh. I'd rather have them get a custom launch or some other high capacity coaster. Too many low capacity ones in the park. The park is also in desperate need of flats, that should be the main focus this year imo.


I wasn't thrilled with Great Adventure getting one at first due to capicity as well. Boy was I wrong, its one of my favorite rides in the park now.

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It is a great ride, and it's actually fast loading than I expected. SFNE won't get one though, it's too close by. Same reason why we won't see one at SFOT.


I do agree that they need another super high capacity coaster, but the flats are the direction they need to go in...

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?


I haven't heard this rumor but Splashwater Falls sucks and I'd be thrilled to see it die. Removing a log flume for that piece of crap was a huge downgrade. I'm sure it saved them a ton on operational costs but the ride has always seemed to be tremendously unpopular. The flume (obviously) was always busy.

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