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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^LOL! Some of us are still holding on to that mythical shred of hope!


I think consulting a Magic 8 Ball would give us an equally accurate prediction of who is building this new attraction.


gotta love all the speculation.

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^The Chinese are probably building one now.


Getting back on topic, I, too, would like to see an Intamin ride at Kings Island, but time will tell.


There is an Intamin ride at KI. Drop Tower is Intamin.


Allow me to elaborate: I would like to see a new Intamin coaster at KI--preferably something like Maverick or I305. Is that specific enough for you?

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^I'm not sure if a Cedar Fair park would use Banshee. I remember that being the intended name for Mantis but they changed it for some reason. The ride art was then used for Steel Force at Dorney.


But, times change and things change so who knows.

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The name was changed due to sensitivity issues with the Banshee name. As an Irishman I'm quite familiar with the legend of the banshee. Banshee translates to "the woman from the land of the fairies". She is a female spirit that wears tattered rags, and is the messenger from The Otherworld that delivers the message of impending death. To hear the shriek of the banshee, foretells a death in the home it is heard in. There are many variants to this myth, some say she is an old hag, while others say she is a beautiful woman.


In Celtic folklore, the Banshee can be seen washing the bloodstained armor of soldiers about to die. I can see why they changed the name, but I can't see many people getting offended by her presence.


I like to think she looks like this.

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I dusted off my Magic 8 Ball and figured I'd give it a shot.


Q: Will Intamin make the new KI roller coaster?

A: Yes

Q: Will B&M make the new KI roller coaster?

A: Yes


So it's official. The manufacturer of this new coaster will be a joint venture known as I & B & M.


Sorry this didn't add to the discussion but that's the first thing that came to mind when I read Chuck's comment about the Magic 8 Ball...

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Quoted from cfc -

I think consulting a Magic 8 Ball would give us an equally accurate prediction of who is building this new attraction


Okay, I have my Magic 8 Ball, so I shall ask it.


"Tell us, oh wise and powerful Magic 8 Ball, what coaster is Kings Island building?"


Wait for it - I think I have the answer right here! Here it is: it reads, "Ask again later; I'm vacationing at Disneyland!"


The next sound you will hear is thousands of people screaming with disgust as they destroy their Magic 8 Ball. There's your Banshee right there. Then there will be more people screaming like Banshees again because my pillow will be having the last word on this post.


"Don't bother me; I'm trying to sleep!!!"

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Is that specific enough for you?


What color would it be?


I'm partial to blue.

Millennium Force, Gatekeeper, Corkscrew, and two Blue Streaks are already in the same state. We can't be having any of that. Why would Cedar Fair willfully take the spotlight away from a recently repainted Millennium Force?



^Wishful thinking...I feel more that an Ohio Banshee would look something like this:



Masterfully played.


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