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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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If only Firehawk didn't exist. Then they could put in a pretty awesome flyer.


I wouldn't mind seeing an invert there. I think that would be the best fit for Kings Island, but something in my gut tells me that it is just going to be another wingrider


Just a question I had in mind: How much land does KI own beyond where SoB was?



Behemoth and Leviathan. Anything is Possible.

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If it is indeed related to any of the pictures posted so far, it's a Wing Coaster. The B&M Codes I know are:


WI = Wing Coaster

MC = Mega Coaster (Can be a hyper or giga in reality)

SC = Sitting and Floorless Coasters

DM = Dive Machine

LC = Flying Coaster


I don't know the inverted or standing track codes, unfortunately. I haven't been an enthusiast long enough to see a standing built, or an invert, aside from Oz'Iris, which there were no label pictures of.


X-Works doesn't actually signify anything, it's done by B&M to prevent enthusiasts with cameras from ruining parks' new attractions before they're announced


Another thing to note is that the cross ties can tell you whether it's inverted/flying or not. Inverted/flying coasters have a curve on the side facing away from the train. The curve is actually on both sides, but it's more pronounced on the back. Examples:



Straight underside of the track tie on Kumba, a Sitting Coaster. From RCDB


Straight underside of the track tie on Wild Eagle, a Wing Coaster. From RCDB


Curved underside of the track tie on Manta, a Flying Coaster. From RCDB


Curved underside of the track tie on Montu, an Inverted Coaster. From RCDB


So when track does start showing up, you can tell without actually seeing the labels whether it's an Invert/Flying or not, even when you can't tell from the direction of the track.

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I was thinking about it, and I wouldnt be mad if it was like a B&M invert layout similar to Talon which is an amazing ride! At the same time, I'd hope they expand upon that layout for KI and make it a record breaker in some way shape or form. (inversions or height).

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Leaving the park through the North exit I noticed a very large portion of the parking lot coned off with a couple of dumpsters and some lift equipment. Anybody know why? I thought maybe some new delivery to be staged but also thought it is too soon. Also I thought coming in from the back would be easier for them. I think I am jumping the gun because I thought they would announce the ride before track would appear.

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If I am not mistaken, Diamondback track started showing up in the park around this time.


It is possible that the track will be dropped in the lot, then transported to the site.


Once the season gets closer to an end, more track usually shows up.


I have not been out to the steel plant lately, so I do not know what is going on out there.

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If we do get an invert i would hope its something Alpengeist size and length. I would be surprised if KI put in a wing rider. I would prefer something like outlaw run, griffon (but longer and taller), maverick style coaster, or last a 320+ Intamin/B&M Giga like millennium. I wouldn't like a invert as much because they don't really fulfill my excitement rating. People keep questioning the double footers. There are rides like leviathan that have double footers so B&M giga/Floorless/wingcoaster/dive coaster are all possible.

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I don't think it is going to be a dive coaster.


The footers where the maintenance area looks to be going are not wide enough, unless it is the 6 across trains.


I am leaning toward B&M giga on this one.


I have to agree but you never know we could be looking at a brand new rollercoaster type aswell

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I don't really care what it is, as long as it is built by B&M.


Ohio needs more B&M's!


However, if they built something like Skyrush with those trains, I would be happy with it being Intamin. It is by far the best Intamin I have ridden! The trains really make it so much better. I feel as if it had normal Intamin trains, I would not have enjoyed it as much.


OMG!!! B&M giga + Skyrush trains = me fainting. Just saying!

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Yeah, but Skyrush edge seats do not have a floor under them, and they hang off the side of the track.






Now see where I am going with this B&M with Intamin trains fantasy?

Edited by B&MBoy1982
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As of noon today, the blocked off section of the parking lot had a big green generator looking thing and 2 small things that look like portable lights they have at construction sites. Nothing too exciting. The boys at kicentral have blown a load over nothing so far.

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Yeah, but Skyrush edge seats do not have a floor under them, and they hang off the side of the track.






Now see where I am going with this B&M with Intamin trains fantasy?


Wow i never got a picture that close of sky rushs trains! Those trains with leviathans track layout would be awesome!!

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So I finally got to visit Kings Island this past Sunday. Arrived around 12:30pm and stayed till closing. I ended my visit with a night-ride on the Beast after a nice fireworks display. The Beast was easily my favorite coaster there, it certainly does haul ass, even with the trims. I actually felt Diamondback was a bit of a disappointment as I was hoping for more airtime than just some floaty ness. Honestly I swear there was more airtime on Woodstock Express than DB. My least favorite ride of the day was the Racer which felt nearly as rough as Mean Streak. There were a lot of firsts on this trip as I hadn't been to Kings Island before, nor had I been on any Premier rides. Flight of Fear was great fun and so was my first Invertigo. I actually enjoyed my first run on Firehawk more riding in the middle of the train versus my 2nd which was in front. I'd been on it before when it was X-Flight at SFWOA. The view was great up front but it seemed to be much jerkier on the cork screws (the vertical loop was great both times, but especially up front). The operations for this ride seemed to be running pretty well with KI using both sides of the station (with the 2nd being used for fast lane plus) though it was a 90 minute wait during the busiest part of the day. Having purchased fast lane plus my wait was no more than 5 minutes. Other firsts and pleasant surprises were Back Lot Stunt Coaster which had some surprising twistiness and Windseeker. It was nice to cool down and/or dry off up there. I'm afraid of heights but elected to look around the park rather than looking straight down which might have unnerved me. Vortex was fun but two rides and that was all she wrote (does that turn around before the corkscrew really need to be that rough?) Ouch! I honestly quite liked the batwing though and the first-drop was quite decent. I had several fun rides on Flight Deck and I wish old draggin iron was that good, some good Gs on that ride! I also thought Adventure Express was pretty damn fun, wish I'd had a chance for a nightride on that because I imagine it would've kicked ass. Overall, Kings Island is a nice park with a good selection and variety of coasters and flats. The operations and ride program for Shake & Rattle & Roll were way better at KI vs. Cedar Point's Troika. Pleasant surprises were Woodstock Express (junior air-time goodness lol), Adventure Express (nice terrain coaster with some good laterals), and Invertigo (much smoother than I was expecting), and Surf Dog (that doesn't actually seem like a kids ride at all). Unpleasant surprises included The Racer which was way rougher and more boring than I imagined (where was the racing element?). I was getting jack-hammered far too much to notice any positive elements (or the other side's train for that matter). Sadly Diamondback did not live up to my expecations (I thought it was a buttery-smooth snoozefest), get rid of those trims! One last first was the junior suspended coaster, Aerial Chase (that felt much more credit whorish to ride than Woodstock Express). It was not smooth and too jerky (gave me flashbacks of Mind Eraser) but thankfully it was over quickly. Loved the Eiffel Tower, great place to cool off/dry off on the upper observation deck and nice views. Really had a great time though, and I can finally cross riding the Beast off my bucket list. One last note, I was very pleased to note that I did not miss out any credits I wanted due to being too fat to ride. The ride ops squashed me in when necessary and without detriment to my safety (and only a little bit of discomfort).

Edited by firewalk13
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Off topic of the Banshee. I stumbled on this last night. The "History of King's Island" detailing how the decision was made to move Coney Island, land searching, development etc. etc. I was enthralled for the entire 90 minutes. This person did a nice job with it.




Yeah, that was a small series put together by the local PBS station called Riding the Limits or something like that. You can still find the smaller clips on their website. Some really cool stuff in there and really interesting about how they designed everything. Would love to see something like that about other parks.



If only Firehawk didn't exist. Then they could put in a pretty awesome flyer.


I wouldn't mind seeing an invert there. I think that would be the best fit for Kings Island, but something in my gut tells me that it is just going to be another wingrider


Just a question I had in mind: How much land does KI own beyond where SoB was?


KI owns a ton of land around that area. If you look at it on Google Earth, the own everything from Kings Island Drive to the west, Western Row rd to the south, the river to the East and the HS just to the North of it. Not sure if they still own the land Great Wolf is on or if they sold that too them. They own 773 acres, but only use 364 of it right now.


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