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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^ Correct. It is blocking.


I have ridden Beast when the second block was clear. The lift does not slow down if that is the case. Once the train reaches the top of lift 1, it slows to a crawl as it crests. The cresting crawl, is not a blocking reason.

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They have changed the blocks over the years. In the mid 90s the first hill never was slow. Usually both trains were at the top of the hill at the same time. Now the first train is almost passing the second train as it goes dow the first hill. Also the trims just after that first big left turn weren't there either.


There is a ride operator who sometimes plays games and times things up to where the first hill is fast the whole way. He tells people if they are scream loud or something similar he will make the first hill go fast the whole time. I am guessing he is just stalling for the trains to clear the block ahead so the hill goes fast.

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Well that is certainly a unique looking footer pattern. I don't recognize it at all for any company actually, maybe this isn't going to be a B&M (or could just be a different design lol)

I thought the same thing! These dont look like B&M footers but the rest do. Maybe its a multi-manufacturer coaster(Yes highly unlikely)! Or a racer!

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Well that is certainly a unique looking footer pattern. I don't recognize it at all for any company actually, maybe this isn't going to be a B&M (or could just be a different design lol)

I thought the same thing! These dont look like B&M footers but the rest do. Maybe its a multi-manufacturer coaster(Yes highly unlikely)! Or a racer!


LOL, I don't think that has EVER happened (correct me if I'm wrong) At least not simultaneously. But anything is possible!!

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Not to add fuel to the specualtion wildfire, but there is a new, solo, dark green piece of Bolliger and Mabillard track outside of Claremont Steel. It looks similar to the color for Flying Over the (maybe a bit darker) but I cannot be sure. I would also think that all of FOTR's parts have arrived in China as trackwork should be nearing an end soon. I would imagine this is the first of many pieces to come out of the plant soon.




The picture at Claremont is too far away to read the shipping label. Could any locals take a cruise and get a nice (legal!) shot of the track? I know some of you have really nice zooms on your cameras.


To me it looks a bit like Speedcoaster track, as much of a B&M fanboy that I am I still can't distinguish the differences as quickly as some of you.

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^ That track has been there for a couple months now, and in the same exact spot.


I was just out there this past Friday. Nothing OBVIOUSLY new happening at the plant. Not saying that there isn't any track inside the building, which there could be.

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Well that is certainly a unique looking footer pattern. I don't recognize it at all for any company actually, maybe this isn't going to be a B&M (or could just be a different design lol)

I thought the same thing! These dont look like B&M footers but the rest do. Maybe its a multi-manufacturer coaster(Yes highly unlikely)! Or a racer!


Actually, the footers look very similar to a B&M (or identical in the case of the earlier footers). These most recent twitter pix have a bit more of a point in the cutout, but other pix have surfaced showing the less pointed edges in most footers. I have seen more examples, but here is Goliath at SFOG, and you can definitely see the similarities:




Compare to the KI 2014 project:

(Courtesy of skyasaurus on nolimits-exchange)


And reposting the recent tweets for comparison:


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Crap I was wrong, never was a good B&M person, but give me an Intamin and then I will win!


Haha but for real, there seems to be more of a terrain-ish ride in store here now that i can see the hills and what not, well more than i imagined. Not a KI landscape freak either

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^ To you, does the track appear to be a different size/shape/ color compared to Flying Over the Rainforest? It's all alone out there... hopefully it will have some friends soon


It is the same track that I posted about earlier in this thread that was the same everything as FOTR.


AS of this past Friday, there was no other track to be seen from view of the road without trespassing.

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Sorry, didn't see that post earlier in the thread. Its just odd because FOTR just completed trackwork and that piece is still there. I wonder what that could be for.

SFGA announced they had a record breaking announcement. Yes that will probably be a drop tower ok KK but maybe a B&M coaster. But then again it could be for Dollywood so you cant really tell until more shows up and we have more hints. But im very anxious for next years coaster announcements! This being the most anticipated, a giant Waffel House

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