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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Certainly not much of a release. I was hoping for some digital imaging. I'm wondering how the ride will fit into the area and how it will be themed. Also I'd like to hear from the park how this ride came to KI and what the management thinks of it.

So hoping for a bit more info, and some quality photos and videos.

My guess is that you'll probably see stuff like after the "official" press release tomorrow.

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My guess is that you'll probably see stuff like after the "official" press release tomorrow.


Yes that makes sense and thats how it will probably happen. But I was just hoping for something like they did with Maverick, with a seperate web page, photos, on-ride videos, construction notes, and all that stuff to come out at the same time. Guess that was wishful thinking.

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Cool logo, even if it does look like something from a video game. At least the name is somewhat imaginative, unlike some parks (mentioning no names) that use the same names like Viper, Superman, Batman, etc. for everything Anyway, looks like a fun ride, and maybe I'll get to try it this summer!

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Well, I'm hoping that they theme it, or give us some concept art. I want to see how the color scheme works with the area. Then again, this IS Cedar Fair. On the other hand, Maverick is living proof that CF may be attempting to look at themeing for once. Yay Firehawk!

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Yeah, it totally fits in with all those cheesy low-budget SNES games from the early 90s:


Only SNES did have some good games (Terranigma, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario World). This isn't going to be a good ride.


Look at everything else that's opening up this year:




Mystery Mine


Flying Turns

new Gravity Group woodie


And they aren't lying when they call PKI an "industry-leader". They lead the industry in sucking.

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I always love press releases and how they sugar-coat everything. Celebrating an anniversary with someone else's used crap that people really must not have cared for on the other side of the state. All that is missing from this PR is some comment from Paul Rueben about how Kings Island will continue pushing the envelope for thrill rides and how it's his new #1 coaster.

Oh well, at least they at least they didn't just call it Thunderhawk, even though they're still going with the whole bird theme. (which is funny how Cedar Fair LOVES birds, yet there are no trees for them to nest in).

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I don't understand why you guys are getting so upset about this installation. Sure it is not the coaster we all wanted. (Lord knows how much I wanted a B&M for KI.) But the general public will still come to ride the ride. Its simply business, the public doesn't know what coasters they "could have gotten," they aren't enthusiast like us, they'll like it no matter what. Believe me, Face-Off is probably the second most popular coaster in the park. Most don't know it was once at Geauga Lake, and probably won't care. KI will have a great year, attendence wise, next season. And the public will like this ride. I'm just glad KI will get a thrilling coaster, as it hasn't had one since 2000(and that one wasn't all that thrilling) and it didn't seem like a new coaster would come soon under Paramount.

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Hey, hey guys... hawk rhymes with c***, rite?




*serious mature post time*


Well, good for Kings Island, the park that is "edgy and innovative."


Yep, about as edgy and innovative as Sony right now.


Although, the logo is seriously badass... I don't care if its 80's crap...

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