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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Nonsense. The GP loves great rides as well. Are you really going to tell me that if PKI installed a great ride, like an Intamin hypercoaster, that the GP wouldn't know the difference between it and this "one-of-a-kind" Vekoma trash or Face/Off? The long queues for great rides in other parks illustrate this. Great rides are good for business, because people want to ride them.


Everyone was talking to me yesterday about how excited they were for this ride. This ride offers a completely new experience for 98% of people who are going to visit KI this year. People do want to ride this, and there will be long lines for it. There were long lines for it at Six Flags when it first opened, and they saw a major attendance bump....4% over a year in which they installed 4 new coasters. This ride is unique enough to get the job done.


Wanting your home park to have some decent rides that don't bash your skull is hardly indicative of a spoiled person. Had PKI been smart throughout the years they would already have excellent rides.


You're right, wanting your home park to have some decent rides is not wrong at all. But saying that KI hasn't been smart over the past years with their ride selection is spoiled. You see, they are a business, they need to make money. They found that catering to families gives them the best chance to succeed. Even Cedar Point realized plopping down a new coaster every other year isn't the best thing...which is why they installed Maxair and Skyhawk to bolster their non-coaster selection.


KI's improvements since 2002:

2002: Tomb Raider

2003: Scooby Doo, Delirium, Spongebob 3D

2004: Massive revamp of waterpark

2005: Italian Job

2006: Expansion of kids area with Avatar (which is actually quite fun)


Kings Island is trying to cater to EVERYONE, not just spoiled enthusiasts. It's no mistake that their annual attendance has jumped 8% in this decade. Catering to everybody gets business booming.


But don't point at what other parks are getting and base it off of what Fireowl is. That just sucks.


Sorry but merely saying that my point sucks doesn't make it so. Why does it suck? You neglected to clarify that. I still believe it's a valid point. It points to what an second rate park PKI is. Valleyfair! has less than 1/3rd the attendance that PKI has, but they're getting an awesome new coaster.


So now the amount of people that comes to your park determines what you should receive at your park? Seriously? If that were the case, Cedar Point would get everything and all other CF parks would get nothing. Valleyfair is getting Renegade because it expands their ride portfolio and it is a safe bet. Not to mention GCII coasters with MF trains are easier to maintain and require less maintenance than most wooden coasters.


This ride was selected for Valleyfair well before CF bought KI.


You have yet to make a halfway logical point.


I can't say that I'm thrilled with the addition of Fireowl, but I'm hoping it will shorten lines for Delirium and Drop Zone...that will make me happy.


You've just bolstered my point. All you want to ride at PKI is a few flat rides. Doesn't that suck? Wouldn't it be nice to have a real coaster there? Oh wait, we're just spoiled enthusiasts. Nevermind.


This quote right here proves my point that you're spoiled. "real coasters". First of all, KI has a ton of real roller coasters. Flight of Fear is an excellent ride. Face/Off, Top Gun, Racer, Vortex, Italian Job and Beast are all fairly decent and fun rides.


As far as myself wanting to ride a "few flat rides", that's putting words in my mouth. Delirium and Drop Zone regularly have long lines on busier days and I was simply expressing hope that those lines would shorten. I have no problems with their ride selection. Be lucky you have a decent-sized park close to you. I once lived in Phoenix where we had nothing but Castles n' Coasters.


If you want "amazing" coasters, get your Maxx Pass and go to Cedar Point. Wait in line for an hour and a half in line for every good coaster like the rest of the enthusiass minions. But please, stop spewing your verbal diarrhea on this board. I don't think you realize what a fool you're making of yourself. Seriously.

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I wonder what kind of ad's the're going to run for it?



The Almost New X-FlightHawk, here at CFPKI!


Second hand from Cleveland! The Slightly Used X-Hawk!


Hundreds and Hundreds Served!


FireHawk: Right from the Abyss of Cleveland! New at CFPKI!


It didn't work there. will it work Here?

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I don't know about Ginzo or the rest of you guys, but I go to an amusement park and have fun. If it's got a rehashed ride that sucks, I'll skip it.


I lived in Denver for the summer. I had Six Flags Elitch Gardens where the only original ride was Twister II. The Flying Coaster, Half Pipe, Mind Eraser, Boomerang and Sidewinder are all clones. Did that stop me from visiting multiple times?




That said, Fireowl or Owlhawk or whatever this is called is a good choice. I like the red paint scheme too. Kings Island is saving money by installing this ride, and it's adding to its great ride collection.


Yay. Maybe my Maxx Pass -- which is yet to be purchased -- will be worth it after all.

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Hopefully this will make FoF and Son of Son of Beast's line shorter.


Actually, I have a feeling it might make FoF's line longer since Fireowl will be right next door. People exiting Fireowl will probably head to FoF next or people turned off by Fireowl's line size might opt for FoF instead. Bummer.

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Everyone was talking to me yesterday about how excited they were for this ride. This ride offers a completely new experience for 98% of people who are going to visit KI this year. People do want to ride this, and there will be long lines for it. There were long lines for it at Six Flags when it first opened, and they saw a major attendance bump....4% over a year in which they installed 4 new coasters. This ride is unique enough to get the job done.


Exactly, face it Ginzo, the general public is excited for this ride. Every ride doesn't need to be the best to achieve its goal, to get more visitors into the park.


You're right, wanting your home park to have some decent rides is not wrong at all. But saying that KI hasn't been smart over the past years with their ride selection is spoiled. You see, they are a business, they need to make money. They found that catering to families gives them the best chance to succeed. Even Cedar Point realized plopping down a new coaster every other year isn't the best thing...which is why they installed Maxair and Skyhawk to bolster their non-coaster selection...


Kings Island is trying to cater to EVERYONE, not just spoiled enthusiasts. It's no mistake that their annual attendance has jumped 8% in this decade. Catering to everybody gets business booming.


Right, the makeup of a Kings Island guest is very different from say, a Cedar Point guest. KI's caters mostly to families from the local area, and that is why family rides, like Italian Job and Avatar get built, to get the families. To be most successful, a park must offer something for everyone. Now, I do feel that in recent years, KI has forgetten about the thrill seekers. Cedar Fair has realized this, and they felt Firehawk could give the park a nice boost.


So now the amount of people that comes to your park determines what you should receive at your park? Seriously? If that were the case, Cedar Point would get everything and all other CF parks would get nothing. Valleyfair is getting Renegade because it expands their ride portfolio and it is a safe bet. Not to mention GCII coasters with MF trains are easier to maintain and require less maintenance than most wooden coasters.


This ride was selected for Valleyfair well before CF bought KI.


You have yet to make a halfway logical point.


Again with Paramount, you would never, ever see a GCI built at one of its parks. Just be happy that the future is bright for KI.

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Why does everything have to be red for Cedar Fair??


OMG I was just about to say that!


I'm still waiting for a red woodie from Cedar Fair....


Apparently, someone also likes neon orange at CF too.


- Thunderhawk (GL)

- Iron Dragon

- Silver Bullet, (on parts of it)

...and this is just a short list!

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Yea, I think it is safe to say that FoF and Firehawk will attract the attention. SoB may attract some....but with people's bad thoughts and its bad history....dont think many people will be all for SoB. But who knows..


PS....KI added abit of flare to the press release.





WOAH! Wait till the logo goes by....SWEET video!!!!!

Cept....they used a Stealth....but changed the color abit

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I do like the new Kings Island logo. Its just a Cedar Fair classic, and I love it!


...and I even like the snow.


Living in Cleveland you better like the snow! We just had a wussy blizzard. It quit at like 8 PM last night, and now the roads are clear. I was hoping to get snowed in for days.

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