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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^ $750,000 not much to dismantle it? I don't think you have a true grasp on how much that figure is. That is more than 10 times the amount your dad makes in ONE year (assuming your dad brings in less than $75,000/year). I'm not trying to make it personal, I'm just using that as an example for comparisons sake.

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^ $750,000 not much to dismantle it? I don't think you have a true grasp on how much that figure is. That is more than 10 times the amount your dad makes in ONE year (assuming your dad brings in less than $75,000/year). I'm not trying to make it personal, I'm just using that as an example for comparisons sake.


You said that $750,000 was the cost to dismantle and rebuild the ride at PKI.


That is a bargain compared to the cost of a multi million dollar new coaster.

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the orignal batwings 3rd name change. woohooo. well theres less reason to go to geauga lake. can anyone tell me what 3rd park would be the best to put in place of geauga lake for my ohio parks trip. closest state coming from north carolina to ohio. so it's gotta be within the drive. Six flags Kentucky Kingdom....exactly how small is that park?


the sexiest coaster fanatic to date.

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the orignal batwings 3rd name change. woohooo. well theres less reason to go to geauga lake.


This is the first time X-Flight has moved. You're thinking of Stealth which moved and became Borg.


And what's with the huge picture of yourslef? Go post it in the picture of you thread if you want, in this thread no one cares.

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^Weird I also feel that way about a lot of your posts since they have the "feeling" of talking down to so many others on this site. That may not be your point, but as a poster who continues to read through all the stuff related to GL I get that feeling on almost every post you write.

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I'm coming around to this move, the more i think about it. I'm not a fan of the vekoma dutchmen, but if they do a good job installing it, which hopefully they will if they're spending $10 million on improvements and the relocation of the ride's only costing 750,000 to move. I'd love to see some landscaping, use of terrain, and maybe even some attempt at basic theming.


-james dillaman

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I can't understand why everyone is slagging this ride off, it has only moved Park, atleast CF did not "scrap" it.


The General public will love the new ride at KI


You have decent "Flying" coasters, the UK has mega slow "Air" at AT , all we are allowed is to transverse part of the track on our backs, there are no "Prazel or Vertical" Loops.


Far 2 dangerous for UK Hoodies, Chav's etc


X-Flight has gone to a good home in southern Ohio

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PKI isnt that hard to beat.....The B&M flyers look more comfortable, but I think I would take X-Flight over Air. Though I havent ridden it, it just looks less intense. As far as theming goes for Air.....meh. It didnt really seem like there was much. But I do like how Air isnt compacted as much as Firehawk

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You got seven inches in Cincy?


How'd we miss that?


You're too far north unforunately. We had 7 inches here in Dayton too, but it really never got any further than Columbus. My kids were out of school for the past three days because of the speed the snow hit with, and the temps. being -15 to -20.


Plus, another small bit of the total $10 mill. given to KI for this season will apparently be for an ice skating show. When I took my son to his hockey practice last night there was a flyer up for figure skating auditions for King's Island on Feb. 22.


It'll hopefully be a plus that the head of maintenance at KI was at Carowinds at the same time BORG was installed. So a bit of experience will be present at KI's installation, (got this from In The Loop daily on 2/6 I believe, they Maureen Kaiser on the show).

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I'm so glad to hear the ice show is coming back, now if they only put it back in the festhaus, it would be great. That was a great way to beat the heat on the hot summer days: Get some food and find a table to sit and watch the ice show. Maybe next year won't be such a letdown after all


-james dillaman

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The B&M flyers do look more comfortable, and they are comfortable.


This seems to be the consensus, but I disagree. I find the Vekoma seats to be much more comfortable. The B&M restraints feel very bulky and fairly uncomfortable. I much prefer the clasping vest on the Vekomas.

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