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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Vortex is not that bad, it is most certainly nowhere as bad as SoB was in its last years, that thing was a chiropractor's wet dream. And I too feel that it is an iconic attraction of Kings Island and it is not going anywhere for a long time, needs some TLC maybe but thats about it imo.

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So we went to the RIP Party for Halloween Haunt and had tons of fun! these are some of the pictures we took:IMG_1770.thumb.jpg.e2b8a38047f3fc61264423d69ca7a589.jpg

They hand these out when you go to pay for parking…what is this skeleton key you speak of? ;)


our map for the night! and a trail to the FOOD!


I'm assuming the regular ones just don't have the sticker we got


all the mazes… the ones with the key next to it have a special room in the beginning.


This is the skeleton key! It's REALLY cool! it was actually pretty heavy (It glows in the dark too!)


It wouldn't be Halloween Haunt without the awesome backdrop! Theres also a guy that stands up there and makes fun of you as you walk by too!


I guess Don had too much Skyline Chili… (at least he died happy)


mmmm pumpkin!


This was new, sort of similar to what Cedar Point does (I can't remember the name of theirs)


I *love* being in the park when there is almost no one there!


One of the new mazes! KillMART. I love all the detail they put into this!


the queue is lined with shopping carts! (so many cool details!)


mmm time for food!


I love how they dress up T-rex every year! (he can't unwrap the candy cause he has little arms…ha!)


Ahh! blood in the fountain?!!?! oh wait thats punch...


Dinner with a view!


hope there's no scare actors behind the food! :o


the fog was in full force!


The signs were new! and they were everywhere:)


eye see you….


LOTS of security and way more scare actors at the gate than last year!


aww what a cute bunny :)




This actor was new and one of my favorites! (thats a real snake…in case you can't tell).

She really doesn't have to do anything if you are afraid of snakes!

She's part of Madame Fatale's House of Wax (which is in the old building that held The Crypt)


These guys were in front of the theatre (oh no he's got Travis's head!)


This area needed no further theming! :D


They had a new show in the Festhaus called "Ghouls Gone Wild" I preferred it to the old show they had (I think it was called Graveyard Shift) this show had our favorite singer in it, his name is Jeremy and he is always in a show every time they change shows (he's Frankenstein)


They got rid of Hot Blooded which was sad, I loved that show. This show was fairly close to the one at Cedar Point, but on a much smaller stage (which made it way more impressive!)


See! I told you the key glows in the dark!


Every maze had these lights, the spider is for the fast lane line and the skull and crossbones is for the regular line


We had been in this maze last year but decided to try out the secret room. Urgent Scare won the award for most disturbing when it came to the secret skeleton key rooms...


When you walk into this room, it immediately smells terrible and the walls look like they are smeared with poop. I still can NOT get the disturbing image of this half naked man out of my mind. He offers you to eat bugs for the "cure", but no one said yes, so he makes you dig in a thing of guacamole (his poop) to find the key. Also he makes the monkey dance if you stare at it too much


Walking inside of Madame Fatale's House of Wax is really cool cause a lot of the stuff from Crypt is still there, plus when you're in the maze you can see the really tall ceiling :) this was also the waiting area for Crypt as well!


Delta Delta Die wins the best skeleton key room. When you are taken in, it is literally hell. There are two sorority sisters and a round table in the middle of the room with blindfolds. They made us put them on and made me take a "shot" which was a really thick medicine-like liquid which I assume was supposed to be blood. Then when I took the blindfold, Travis was gone and they said I "better go find him before its too late" so I had to go through part of the maze alone till I found him (which he tried to scare me). The rest of the maze was really well themed! I definitely don't want to join that sorority!


The new signs look so cool at night!


KillMART had an skeleton key room, most of the extra rooms you had to find a key to get out. The extra room in this one, you had to stick your arm in a thing a cold spaghetti with fake bugs to find a key. The whole theme of the maze was pretty cool! A lot of the props looked like they came straight out of a store :)


Slaughter House was moved to a brand new building this year, previously it was near Invertigo. This secret room was my least favorite, and the maze was my least favorite. The room was just basically another scare room. there was no "challenge" and the whole maze people blow on your neck for some reason. The props were really cool thought and I loved the theming!


Board to Death was really cool! we had seen it last year but never tried it, basically it was a bunch of board games made giant and scary. Some of my favorites were mouse trap (with mouse scare actors), operation, and monopoly!


Crypt... I mean Madame Fatale's House of Wax is just like the movie House of Wax. We had done it before, but they added a skeleton key room to this one.Madame Fatale comes to get you and then you go to a room with the snake lady from earlier, then the lights turn off and strobe lights come on and snakes lower onto your head.

This room would be really scary if you have a fear of snakes, you have to walk past the snake lady as you leave the room as well.

Overall we had a great time! They make Halloween Haunt cooler and cooler every year and I love all the details that are put into it and I love how much fog they use! We definitely will be back!

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So which house did you chose for the revist, and if it was a skeleton key house did you go through the bonus room again?


We didn't do a revisit, we have been in all of the mazes multiple times last year, but I wish I would have made Travis do the shot and me go hide for delta delta die! That stuff was gross xD we only visited the ones we hadn't done and the ones that had extra rooms:)

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I don't find Vortex as horrible as most enthusiast do. It's an Arrow so I expect to go through a few awkward transitions and have some slight head banging. Same with wooden coasters I expect it to be bumpy. I also don't get the people complaining about the so called B&M rattle. It's like people expect to ride on air suspension and want it to be silky smooth. Now don't get me wrong there are some really rough coasters out there ( SLC's, SOB, etc... ). Sorry, I went off on a tangent; I just see newer and newer generations becoming pansies when it comes to riding coasters.

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^ Its the old Action FX Theater, used to have some really great short films in there, Days Of Thunder and James Bond 007: License to Thrill, man those were the best, then they had some Sponge Bob film in there in 2007 and then they used it in conjunction with the Dinosaurs Alive thing and now it doesn't appear to have done anything this year, I really hope they revamp it and do something good with it.

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^ Its the old Action FX Theater, used to have some really great short films in there, Days Of Thunder and James Bond 007: License to Thrill, man those were the best, then they had some Sponge Bob film in there in 2007 and then they used it in conjunction with the Dinosaurs Alive thing and now it doesn't appear to have done anything this year, I really hope they revamp it and do something good with it.

This is the Spongebob film you are talking about.

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Sorry if this is a relatively stupid question, but the wife and I are going to visit my sister in Mason mid-October. They're going to hang out, and I'm going to the park on a Friday evening when they open. Two questions I have: 1st, the park schedule says it's open until 1am, but does that include the rides? or just the haunts? 2nd, if the answer to the first question is until 1am, then is it beneficial to get a fastlane pass (or fastlane pass plus)? It's my only park of the season, and it's been since 2009 since we've visited the park. Any insight into this would be great, thanks!

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Everything is open till 1:00, including the rides. Except for The Bat I believe- I was there on Sunday and they had taken the sign down.


As for Fastlane, I'd say go for it if you want to get lots of rides in. Beast usually has a full queue until late at night during Halloween, and the park stays fairly busy. Not Saturday busy by any means (I think the football games keep people away), but probably weekday-in-July busy.

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So it's either not so busy, "like a weekday in July", or "Fastlane is a must" busy.


Dumb question, I'm not from the area so Saturday is the only day I could go to KI. My girlfriend has a heart condition, so getting scared by someone isn't good. Would there be any way to go but avoid the scare actors messing with her?

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^Fridays are not very busy (summer weekday-like crowds). Saturdays during the Haunt are the busiest days of the year, with the only exception being opening day. Sundays are absolutely dead.


Avoiding the scare zones wouldn't be too difficult, based on their locations this year, but watch out when you go to exit the park; those sliders will get you.

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