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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I actually liked Invertigo's color scheme, it fit in with the rest of the park. I don't know if the Stinger scheme would fit in, but only time will tell. I wonder if Invertigo will be renamed Stinger.

Unless I'm missing something, the colors don't seem scorpion-related at all, so it doesn't seem necessary to me. I don't think it needs a rebranding, but you never know.

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I really enjoyed Crypt when it was Tomb Raider. I'm kind of puzzled at how a fairly recent ride (within the last 10 years) can "come to the end of it's service life" other than the park just doesn't want to pay for upkeep on it anymore.


They should pull it out of that building a rebuild it somewhere outside (probably at a different park) and let that thing air out a bit; or does it really cost that much to maintain?


Unless I'm missing something, the colors don't seem scorpion-related at all, so it doesn't seem necessary to me. I don't think it needs a rebranding, but you never know.


You've never heard of the dreaded aqua-scorpion?

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Wow, really don't like the new Stinger paint scheme for Invertigo. Like someone else said the red and yellow really fit into the Action Zone, or whatever its called, area. I also don't think the rides going to stand out as much with this color. With the original yellow/red it was one of the major rides you noticed while driving up to KI. I don't know now.


The Crypt... Back when it was TR:TR, like most people say, was an awesome experience. Right after the Tomb Raider things were taken out it was still good. Around the summer of '06/'07 is when the ride hit it's peak. The ride sequence was intense and extremely fun, but every year I've gone back and it hasn't retained or even come close to what it was that one summer. Hopefully now that its gonna be they just leave the space open except when Haunt comes around so their's a new, better view of both The Beast and Diamondback.

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I really enjoyed Crypt when it was Tomb Raider. I'm kind of puzzled at how a fairly recent ride (within the last 10 years) can "come to the end of it's service life" other than the park just doesn't want to pay for upkeep on it anymore.


Bingo. I'm willing to bet the park has decided the ridership he has does not justify the expense of operating it anymore. It was a walk on all day when I was there for a couple of days back in August while all the other major rides had at least 20 minute waits.

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I actually like the new colors on Invertigo. I may be a sucker for the color scheme of Leviathan, but I think this will look great when its fully done.


In regards to the crypt being closed, i have mixed feelings. I have some amusing stories from riding it on my KI trip, but I can understand why the park would close it down. After reading about how much strain the ride was under, it makes sense that they would not want to continue dealing with the repair cost.


I know im in a minority, but i do wonder about the fate of Son of Beast. I figure its not going to re-open, but im fascinated by the fates of SBNO coasters. I just wish they would announce their plans.

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^^It also just flat-out sucked. Most disappointing ride I think I've ever been on, for sure. I only wish I had been able to ride it as Tomb Raider.


^I'm with you on that. It seems so odd that they would've have just invested in tearing it down if they were going to - I know that letting it sit there costs less money than getting rid of it, but regardless they'll have to get over that eventually. Either that, or they're waiting to do something with it. I'd be curious to see if the Timberliners could take the ride, with some retrofitting and the like - Gravity Group did say that they could invert on a woodie with them, and I'd say the only shot they have of it reopening being a success would be if they got an inversion back in there.

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In regards to The Crypt, if I remember correctly, the ride itself has had a lot of technical problems throughout its entire life. After they neutered it by removing the Tomb Raider theme, it was just a big honkin' tempermental flat in a giant aluminum box. To be completely honest, I'm shocked it took them this long to pull the plug on it.

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^^It also just flat-out sucked. Most disappointing ride I think I've ever been on, for sure. I only wish I had been able to ride it as Tomb Raider.


^I'm with you on that. It seems so odd that they would've have just invested in tearing it down if they were going to - I know that letting it sit there costs less money than getting rid of it, but regardless they'll have to get over that eventually. Either that, or they're waiting to do something with it. I'd be curious to see if the Timberliners could take the ride, with some retrofitting and the like - Gravity Group did say that they could invert on a woodie with them, and I'd say the only shot they have of it reopening being a success would be if they got an inversion back in there.


TGG actually has a loop designed just for the heck of it. Unlike the SoB loop, theirs would be constructed entirely from wood, instead of steel with wood track.

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^^Do they really? Interesting!


I just figure this: the reason the loop was removed was because of the need to switch to lighter trains, as the structure couldn't take the stress the original trains were putting on it. Retrofitting the ride, adding back a smaller loop that can be taken with new trains that are still light, and lowering other elements if necessary to maintain a good momentum throughout the ride (and allow the train to make it back to the station) would be a good way to refresh the ride. Of course, that's before they have to try to market it past its past reputation, which could prove impossible and is probably a huge part of the decision to keep it SBNO.

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I suspect the reason that it has been kept SBNO is simply the fact that it would be ungodly expensive to tear down and remove. From what ive read, it seems the major problem with the ride is not the tracking, but rather defects in the super structure itself around the rose bowl. I imagine it would be possible to fix the ride by converting that section to steel supports like those used on Voyage, but it would require action by the gravity group. Currently I have not heard of any plans from either Kings Island or TGG to act in such a manner so this is entirely speculation and thus should be treated as such.


Personally I would rather see this ride be redesigned still utilizing the first drop. I believe that TGG or Intamin is approaching the level of technical know-how where they would be comfortable building a ride within the insane specifications of Son of Beast. I believe it is possible to fix this ride if it makes business sense to do so.

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it seems the major problem with the ride is not the tracking, but rather defects in the super structure itself around the rose bowl.


That's what you get when you go the "cheap" route and have it built by RCCA, instead of doing it the right way.


Let's be completely honest, though. The ride isn't that great. It's big, and fast, and impressive looking, for sure, but that's it. It's going to take a hell of a lot more work than just around the rose bowl to make that thing even remotely ridable again. And even if they do make it more sturdy, the ride is still intensely boring. At this point, I think their best bet is to just offload that piece of crap and tear it down once and for all.

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What was the technical problem with the ride anyway? I always heard about how an unbalanced gondola can mess with the ride, but what did it cause the ride to do?


I guess other CF HUSS rides will benefit since they now have an excessive amount of spare parts, namely the seats.

Edited by asimowalk
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