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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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44 minutes ago, boldikus said:

Ugh, fall is the best time to go to Hershey. What are they doinggggggg

After Halloween, what's visiting in early November like, then? Just curious.

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^ To be honest, though, we visited a few times for Christmas Candylane and the park was practically empty.  The last time we were there was 2017 and it was in the mid-30s, damp, and windy.  Everything they usually have open for the event was open but the place was a ghost town.  A beautiful, light-filled ghost town. Our longest wait was for the train and that was about five minutes.  I think we waited longer for our food at Chickie's & Pete's.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh glorious day... photos have surfaced of markings all over Wildcat's footers. It's happening, folks. Praise be.

(Prob not kosher to share the photos here so fire up that google, kids)

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Well, that be a whopper if it happens! Are we sure this is RMC, or is it just GCI and their whatcha ma call it track? Whatever it is it should be good & plenty more fun than Wildcat currently is.

Or maybe it's just an Ice Breakers tie-in? Oh (almond) joy....

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Is skyrush back up and running normally this season? Just checked the app and skyrush, stormrunner and farenheit are all "closed" at the same time at 1:30pm on a saturday.. has there been a lot of downtime on these rides so far this season?

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Been raining there most of the day. They basically use the Cedar Point method when it rains. Candy is closed too.

Been there once on a rainy day and Great Bear was the only major coaster open. You know...the only coaster that will leak grease on you the whole ride when it's wet.

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So I know tickets bought through the park are valid also for the last 2 hours night before as "Preview Plan."  Does this also apply to tickets bought through Tickets at Work?

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1 minute ago, bert425 said:

Tickets at work sells tix for the park...we used T@W for our visit a few years ago, and they were valid for Preview plan.

Awesome, thanks!

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On 5/7/2022 at 10:23 AM, swfan1988 said:

Well, that be a whopper if it happens! Are we sure this is RMC, or is it just GCI and their whatcha ma call it track? Whatever it is it should be good & plenty more fun than Wildcat currently is.

Or maybe it's just an Ice Breakers tie-in? Oh (almond) joy....

It will be RMC...

And that sucks, IMO... Sorry, but I for one am good with the amount of RMC's we have already. People complained back when B&M built looping coasters that all had the same pattern (loop, dive loop, g-roll, etc....), so this is my turn to vent! haha.  I can only take so many RMC barrel rolls and their attempt to snap my shin in two on every airtime hill. Wildcat is my version of others "Magnum" and "Beast" with nostalgia and appreciation... So I get why people would be excited to overhaul Wildcat, much like I would be if ANYTHING took the place of Magnum and maybe a huge overhaul by GCI on Beast, I'd be perfectly happy with... So I get it...!

Hershey will lose a gem, that's for sure. But man, I would have been MUCH more happy if they invested the money for a complete overhaul/retracking than reprofile it to be another RMC... Maybe they will do something different this time around? Who knows. But I can bet it will be uncomfortable, that's for certain. 

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I hate that people are now talking about nostalgia with a coaster that opened in 1996. How old am I and when did this happen?

Anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all like different things. It's important to respect that, but my nuanced, measured response to this would be counterpoint: fuck that awful ride 😜.

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Maybe Knoebels will have RMC convert Phoenix just to get people's heads to totally explode.

I like Wildcat a lot more than Lightning Racer but neither one has a very inspired layout. Nor do many GCIs, IMO. Maybe RMC could do both at once :p

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I really enjoy Lightning Racer when it's actually racing. That's the whole point of the coaster. The twister layout is perfect for that IMO, not every ride needs to be an airtime fest to be fun and enjoyable.

OTOH, Wildcat is absolutely irredeemable trash. Bring on the conversion, if that's what's actually happening. That being said, I never saw the pictures of the blue footers, and when I searched for it, I found this comment on another forum from about a month ago. Is it legit? Hard to tell, anyone can claim anything with a throwaway account, but it sounds like an equally plausible possibility.


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I wouldn't be shocked either way, though that does seem a bit too "enthusiasty" for me to not be a bit skeptical. Points 1 and 2 make sound plausible but I refuse to believe that the park cares if it was the first GCI (99.99% of park guests on any given day don't know that or care about that) or that a former employee liked it or that it's some kind of landmark.

I'm optimistic. I'm not confidently-optimistic but I'm still optimistic.

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