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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I am only mildly disappointed they didnt go with Intamin since its seems they're the last park in the country with a relationship with Intamin but the park desperately needed a drop tower and they got three. Its a good addition, just weird that the tallest tower is not bigger. Whats the parks height restriction?

Edited by boldikus
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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.

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The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


Well, no one's ever been crazy enough to build three different S&S towers right next to each other -- probably because, well, it's kind of odd. Frankly, I've had some of my best (and most intense) rides on their shorter towers.


They can always point to capacity -- in which case, three towers is definitely better than one.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.


He meant ride concept. Something other than a S&S Turbo Drop, Space shot experience.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.


He meant ride concept. Something other than a S&S Turbo Drop, Space shot experience.


The wording in the clue alluded to a first of its kind but could have meant first of its kind AT HERSHEY. I think people took that and ran with it. Also I have to say the name "Hershey Triple Tower" is pretty lazy. I almost spit out my coffee at this zinger on FB: "Probably one of the few announcements that have been overshadowed by tasty chicken".


Edited by boldikus
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Nobody is going to ride the Reeses tower unless the height requirements are different which wouldn't really make sense. Anyway I'd rather have a Condor than an S&S tower. They're much better rides. I understand it but it's a shame.


This addition sort of makes sense but obviously I personally have no interest. The competition (Dorney, Knoebels and Great Adventure) are all utterly destroying them in the drop tower department and it's not even close but to average day guests that won't matter.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.


No one has ever built dueling Wacky Worms before, but that doesn't mean it sounds like a great idea.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.


No one has ever built dueling Wacky Worms before, but that doesn't mean it sounds like a great idea.


Wait, dueling Wacky Worms would be an AWESOME idea!

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The only way Reeses tower will ever even fill the ride vehicle is because people see the line for the Hershey's tower (the only tower anyone actually wants to ride) and they decide to go to the Reeses tower that'll probably be a walk on because it shouldn't exist even though they would have much rather ridden the Hershey's tower.


The demographic of people who are afraid of a 189 foot tower but are totally cool with a 131 foot tower most likely does not exist and I applaud the sales team at S&S for convincing them that buying it was a good idea.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.


No one has ever built dueling Wacky Worms before, but that doesn't mean it sounds like a great idea.


Wait, dueling Wacky Worms would be an AWESOME idea!


They only count as one.

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I'm looking to maybe get Hershey Park season passes next year, what are everyones thoughts on the 230 buck season pass plus option that gets you in the rest of this year and next year? I'm like 2.5 hours away from there and really enjoyed it the last time I visited.

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The only way Reeses tower will ever even fill the ride vehicle is because people see the line for the Hershey's tower (the only tower anyone actually wants to ride) and they decide to go to the Reeses tower that'll probably be a walk on because it shouldn't exist even though they would have much rather ridden the Hershey's tower.


The demographic of people who are afraid of a 189 foot tower but are totally cool with a 131 foot tower most likely does not exist and I applaud the sales team at S&S for convincing them that buying it was a good idea.



Talk about snake oil salesmen.

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The demographic of people who are afraid of a 189 foot tower but are totally cool with a 131 foot tower most likely does not exist and I applaud the sales team at S&S for convincing them that buying it was a good idea.


Yes. Yes. This.

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Interesting as well as slightly disappointing.

This is my feeling as well. The teaser campaign made this seem like it would be something brand new, never before seen.


It is brand new. No one has ever built 3 different height S&S towers right next to each other.

There's nothing brand new about S&S towers, regardless of whether the concept is. I know I'm not the target audience for this addition and it's not going to stop me from visiting a great park, but it isn't at all what I was expecting.

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For everyone stuck on the "brand new" wording - the clue on the Hershey FB page from weeks ago says "An attraction like this has never been done".


Doesnt say "on earth". Doesnt say "in history".


This *IS* the first drop tower at Hershey. Can we drop it?

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People are reading FAR too into this "never been done" business. This is the same park that marketed an indoor spinning family coaster as the "world's first glowcoaster", after all.


It's a solid addition that'll be a great ride for many of the parkgoers, especially families. Can't that be good enough?

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I'm a huge fan of S&S drop towers. I know obviously each one is taller but I wish they had more differences like different seats and what not. I would of loved to see S&S take on the tilting seats like Falcons Fury. Still it's three new thrill rides that should be a lot of fun.

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