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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I'm going to Hershey this Saturday (and possibly a few hours tomorrow night for preview night). Any idea what to expect crowd wise and and any hints on how to plan the day to get on every coaster? The weather forecast currently says it will be 95 and mostly Sunny so not sure if that will keep some crowds away and others in the waterpark.

Edited by JayB18
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I'm going to Hershey this Saturday (and possibly a few hours tomor night for preview night). Any idea what to expect crowd wise



I would think it would be bull*** busy. You should invest in that terrible skip the line pass they have.

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Yea Saturday may be a bit rough. Don't even bother with Great Bear, Comet, Fahrenheit or Laff Track. Expect 45 min waits for SDL, StormRunner and Skyrush. Wildcat and Lightening Racers should be okay. If you pack Tylenol then maybe ride Sidewinder too.

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Yea Saturday may be a bit rough. Don't even bother with Great Bear, Comet, Fahrenheit or Laff Track. Expect 45 min waits for SDL, StormRunner and Skyrush. Wildcat and Lightening Racers should be okay. If you pack Tylenol then maybe ride Sidewinder too.


I expect it to be rough lol. I've been there several times but the person I going with has not but is only able to go Saturday. Not overly concerned about Sidewinder but have never been on laff track or Fahrenheit. I'm hoping he is available tomorrow night and maybe get Comet and Great bear out of the way and hit Fahrenheit first thing Saturday.

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I'm going to Hershey this Saturday (and possibly a few hours tomor night for preview night). Any idea what to expect crowd wise



I would think it would be bull*** busy. You should invest in that terrible skip the line pass they have.

Also a concert on Saturday so that'll make it more crowded. But around 6 a lot of people will leave the park so you shouldn't be in too bad shape Saturday night

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How much are the discount tickets from local/Philadelphia stores? I see that Giant Food Stores, Chick-Fil-A, CVS, and Dairy Queen all have discount tickets but I don't see how much of a discount they provide. I decided to take my kids for two days instead of one so I'm looking to compare with the discount I'll get buying a 2-day ticket.

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Well suprisingly between preview night on Friday and Saturbday we got on over 20 rides in 7 hours. Did much better than expected and got on all the coasters including rerides of Skyrush, Storm runner, Wildcat, and did each side of Lightning Racer twice. Fahrenheit was walk on first thing Saturday Morning and Laff Trak was maybe a 5 -10 minute wait right after. Only rides we waited more than 10 minutes for were the Claw (20 min) and Skyrush on a 3rd ride Monday afternoon (45 min). Preview night and being there for opening makes all the difference.

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including rerides of... Wildcat


Do you hate your life?


Lol no. I rode once Friday and once Saturday. I just didn't find it to be that bad and have been on much worse. I certainly couldn't ride it multiple times in a row or more than maybe 3x in a day but its not so bad I'd avoid it. I like the layout and still think its a good ride overall. Skyrush also didn't bother me at all this year while previous years my quads were sore for days.

Edited by JayB18
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^ If you plan on riding Laff Track do it immediately after Fahrenheit. That line fills up quickly. After that I would do everything else on that side of the park, head over to Storm Runner (and Sidewinder too if you care). From there, go to either the Hollow or Kissing Tower hill and finish from there.

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^ Agreed. Wildcat is excellent. Good ol' rough and tumble woodie that lets you know who's in charge. My only complaint is that there's no shortcut into the station because that queue is long and empty.

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For me, it's a combination of the roughness, and the awful layout that makes me dislike it. It's just not fun. I've been on more intense children's rides. It's a good step up for someone not ready for Skyrush or Storm Runner yet, but Comet kind of serves the same purpose.


I personally don't mind aggressive or rough rides, but the layout has to be good. Same reason why I hate Mean Streak, but like Darien Lake's Predator.

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I think Wildcat sucks, just not as much as some people hate it. It's a bit too rough for me, but that wouldn't be as much as an issue if it had a more enjoyable layout. The layout is alright I guess, but it's not that special. The turns could use some more laterals and forcefulness, the pacing is a bit slow, and there's a few moments of floater air, but nothing that makes up for the roughness in my opinion.

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