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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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  boldikus said:
My prediction is a water coaster.


I'd love to see a water coaster at Hershey. I just got back from Dollywood and the water coaster at Splash Country was incredible! It shot you up faster on the uphill sections than you slid on the downhill sections and you actually got airtime in a few spots. I haven't been to Holiday World, but the DW water coaster uses a similar magnetic propulsion system. I don't know where they'd put it, but it would be a huge hit for the park.

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  boldikus said:
When I say watercoaster I mean like what SFFT got.


I just rode the one at SFFT last week. I did not think it was going to be fun but actually really neat. A lot better then the classic water coasters like Schlitterbahn has.

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Quick Hersheypark TR


So I went to Hershey on 7/15 for only $25 after group rates and subsidy by my union at work. Truth be told, I was the one who put it all together, and holy crap was it a pain in the ass. So much more respect for Robb Alvey and Co. putting together all of the TPR trips in the past. Total of 48 people in attendance, even though we didn't all get together at any point, I spent most of the day as one of 8 "people who didn't bring kids to the park." On to the reviews...


(In no particular order)

Skyrush - OMFG incredible. That's all there is to say. New tie for top 1 steel coaster. Rode in both the front and the back rows; have to say the front was a little better.


Comet - Great classic woodie, love that they still run it with just buzz bars and skid breaks and no check of how tight ones seatbelt is. Very very smooth for the back row.


Fahrenheit - Rode front row, got on and off in 15 minutes as my last ride of the night (most people didn't seem to know/care the park was open until 11). Quality ride but nothing especially noteworthy.


Great Bear - Back row. Incredibly smooth given it's age (Almost 20 years!), a throwback to when B&M made forceful coasters.


Lightning Racer - Good enough.


Wildcat - Good enough.


Super Dooper Looper - Good enough, great classic Schwarzkopf.


Storm Runner - Good enough.


Coal Cracker (Log Flume) - Good enough. Like the little jump at the bottom of the main drop, and skimmed across the water the rest of way leading to minimal wetness.


Sidewinder - Skipped.


Trailblazer - Skipped.


Waterpark - Okay, WTF is going on here? I get it that it was a beautiful summer Saturday, but hour+ waits for the only tube slide in the park, the lazy river, and even the wave pool are absolutely ridiculous. To even have a queue line for the wave pool...ugh. Spent two and a half hours there and all I got were two laps on the lazy river (thankfully didn't have to get off). Hopefully whatever expansion they're putting in next year is BIG.


Parking Situation - So before arrival, I had emailed all of the attendees with a place to meet in the parking lot. I picked somewhere suitably not-at-the-front so that I would be sure it would be available in the morning. When I get there at around 9:00 AM, I try to go to this spot, only to be quickly acosted by a security guard about not being able to park there. I try to explain the situation and ask why, but all I get are non-answers, so I move. Needless to say, the morning meet-up failed miserably. I have never been to a theme park where they don't let you park farther away than you can...just boggled my mind. And when I returned to the car mid-day, yep that area had been parked, so it's not like they were holding it for something.


Food - Lines for food at any of the major places were ridiculous for most of the day. I just don't get it...


Anyway, all around a great day...Skyrush totally made it worth it.

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^ Great review.


You questioned the long lines in the water park/food stands - every time I have been there on a Saturday in the summer its been like that. You gotta remember its a Saturday during the summer at one of the most popular amusement parks on the east coast.


I always wait until 3-4 pm to eat lunch then grab dinner on the way home - this helps with the long lines. The Chick Fil A lines were terrible when I was there but of course I waited because its one of the few places I can get unsweet tea in the park.


Their water park is nothing special. I still have a bad taste in my mouth because they got rid of one the best water rapid rides I ever ridden to put the water park in.

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I only had one ride on Canyon River Rapids but remember it having a little of everything- good rapids, unavoidable waterfalls, and geysers. I was bummed that it was a casualty for the water park but from what I've seen, it looks like the Boardwalk is a bigger draw.

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  michaellynn4 said:
It has to be some version of a water coaster at this point, there aren't any other options. Now to just see what kind. I'm leaning towards Intamin.

Unless they pull a fast one on us and count an uphill water slide (like a ProSlide Rocket or similar) as a coaster.

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Something worth noting...between East Coast Waterworks and Coastline Plunge (but ignoring the kiddie slides that are part of Sandcastle Cove), the Boardwalk also has exactly 13 slides.

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  A.J. said:
  michaellynn4 said:
It has to be some version of a water coaster at this point, there aren't any other options. Now to just see what kind. I'm leaning towards Intamin.

Unless they pull a fast one on us and count an uphill water slide (like a ProSlide Rocket or similar) as a coaster.


Stranger things have happened...140714.thumb.jpg.edf0072ed25846d79f065c4a1a88fa98.jpg

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If this is in fact a water coaster that will be awesome. It might have insane lines since the boardwalk has literally one slide tower. I will be happy to have another nice water coaster on the east coast in the Mid-Atlantic area since currently it seems like the only one is the one at Ocean City in the Jolly Roger waterpark. I suppose you could also count RIverRush at Splash Country but I don't think of that as Mid-Atlantic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A water coaster out of Roller Soaker's old station similar to the new Krakatau Water Coaster at Volcano Bay would be the perfect addition. Not sure if it would convince me to enter the Boardwalk considering the crowds that place has, but from the park's perspective it makes a ton of sense.

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Since we are assuming this is a water coaster, is it now okay to speculate that this will be a Aquatrak?


In all seriousness, I expect a water coaster like Thunder Rapids. It would be interesting if they count it as a coaster.

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