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Unique new waterslide for Aquamagis by september 2008

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The German waterpark Aquamagis is building a waterslide with an inclined looping by september 2008. They already gained permission and construction will start in may.


The builder of this waterslide is Switserland-based Klarer. They already builded a prototype.





In the left bottom is an animation of how the slide that will be built a Aquamagis.


Newspaper article


Prototype again



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That looks like it could be horribly painful and I have to admit that I'd be pretty nervous before riding that. I would certainly give it at least one ride if I was ever at a park with one. Hopefully it is better engineered than the vertical looping one in New Jersey was, because that one was supposed to be all kinds of wrong.

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This is either going to be a great slide or incredibly painful. While it looks like a lot of fun nonetheless, I'm just not sure that it will be able to operate for public use. I hope it does work though, but I'm just doubtful that it will. However, if it is able to work well, then hopefully water parks in America will open some. If this does work out, then I could se one in the Dells by 2010.

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^Yes, there will be a turnstile at the entrance combined with a scale. If your weight is between 35 kg and 100 kg the turnstile will open, otherwise not.


This really looks insane. I would have never thought they get permission to build something like that.

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Omg. Looking down from the top is really looks like a loop. Looking at from the ground, the loop looks a bit less impressive. Still, I will never ride something like that because it just looks too scary and painful.


Just wondering, how do they get rid of the water at the lowest point before the loop ? Is the water going through the loop too because of gravity ?

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Just wondering, how do they get rid of the water at the lowest point before the loop ? Is the water going through the loop too because of gravity ?


Yeah I'm also wondering about that. I can imagine that there's some sort of grate where the water can flow in a resevoir with a pump to get it back up the tower. But a grate has to affect the speed you have at the lowest point in a negative way.


Also if there's no water in the loop, you just slide over plastic which can be really painfull.

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I'd be afraid of being the ONE person to defy physics and get stuck. The lone statistic, if you will. Can you imagine being trapped in that claustrophobic death-canal, recirculated water rushing past your ears as vertigo sets in? Shudder.


It looks cool, though!

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Anyone remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer got stuck in the enclosed slide? I think they wound up having to take the slide apart and crane out the section he was in.


I'd probably ride this sucker. The loop looks a lot more tolerable than that old school one from the 80s that people have posted pictures of. I'd probably spend a good 20-30 minutes watching people come off the slide to see if they looked injured or not though.

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The first 2 pictures show some experimenting with the angle of the loop. You can see that the supporting tower is much farther away from the splashdown in the second picture, making the loop less steep. There is also no reason for the bottom piece of the slide to be covered. You can barely see it in the first picture, but I think there is a small opening right before the loop. This thing looks much safer than the old one. With the inclined loop, you will just slide backwards if you are unlucky enough not to make it over the top, rather than actually falling straight down and hitting the slide on the way down.

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It looks less "loopish" and more "uphill curvy" then anything. It probably wouldn't be that bad, my question is though after the top of the loop/curve how do they keep your legs from jamming against the side and breaking anything or getting stuck? Almost seems like it would launch you off the top of the element and when you're enclosed in something, you really have no where to go. Would be interesting, but I highly doubt you'd ever see something like that in the US, not unless when you bought the slide they gave you 3 free lawyers for 10 years.

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It probably wouldn't be that bad, my question is though after the top of the loop/curve how do they keep your legs from jamming against the side and breaking anything or getting stuck? Almost seems like it would launch you off the top of the element and when you're enclosed in something, you really have no where to go.


I don't understand what you're saying. How would your legs get jammed into the slide? You would not get "launched" anywhere. It's like going through a helix on a regular slide, except tilted up at about a 45 degree angle. It's pretty much the same as going through an overbanked turn on a roller coaster.

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I've seen some crazy loops in my time, but they were all on roller coasters! I can't see such a concept designed for an enclosed water body slide for several reasons, one of which is I don't trust that anyone rider that enters that ride could side down fast enough to go around the enclosed loop. Another concern is what happens when an unfortunate rider doesn't gather enough speed to get around the loop & gets stuck at the bottom? And what about the water: does it have gravity to make it around the loop or does it need powerful jets like they use on the Master Blaster to make the trip?


I cannot fathom myself riding that, besides, I weigh 250lbs, which is more than the maximum weight requirement to ride this ride. That's okay; if I wanted to go upside down, I have tons of rides to choose from to keep me happy.

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I've seen some crazy loops in my time, but they were all on roller coasters! I can't see such a concept designed for an enclosed water body slide for several reasons, one of which is I don't trust that anyone rider that enters that ride could side down fast enough to go around the enclosed loop. Another concern is what happens when an unfortunate rider doesn't gather enough speed to get around the loop & gets stuck at the bottom?


The article says that there will be 4 sensors in the tube, so I'm sure they'll detect when someone doesn't make it. Besides the builder will probably incorporated a big margin with the weight requirement so that riders will pass safely.

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