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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Cedar Fair tends to move pretty quickly with construction (look at how fast Banshee at KI and Gatekeeper at CP were built). I'm looking forward to seeing how this ride changes the look of the park entrance, which could use a little freshening up.

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^The construction site for Thunderbird is a bit more "remote" than for Fury 325, which made it easier for Holiday World to get started.

Edited by cfc
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Cedar Fair tends to move pretty quickly with construction (look at how fast Banshee at KI and Gatekeeper at CP were built). I'm looking forward to seeing how this ride changes the look of the park entrance, which could use a little freshening up.


Don't know if you saw...but the entire front entrance is being revamped. No more plantation house! Completely re-visioned and wider to accommodate the crowd

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No! They should find a hornet's nest, and put it on the top. When they top it off, the hornets will fly around and sting all the people who hate on B&M!

Well, if wasps behave there like they do in worlds Of fun, when it is fall the lift will be engulfed in a ginormous cloud of wasps and hornets trying to build a nest off the edge of your nose.

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It's true, we have!


The argument started with leviathan and behemoth... And this is almost exactly the same situation! Two B&M hypers, one around 230ft focusing on airtime (complete with the staggered trains) and the other about 300ft focusing on speed. They're even on the same side of the park from the entrance!



Come on people, move on!

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Does anyone else think it is weird that both parks that have or are receiving a B&M Giga coaster already have a B&M hyper?


You do bring up an interesting point. I don't think anyone's ever pointed that out to be honest.


It was brought up when Leviathan was built. Its Speed Vs Airtime

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I think most people find it unusual because they are both made by B&M. Nobody complained about Magnum/Millennium because they are from two different manufacturers.


I don't even know why we're discussing this. Hasn't it been discussed 2948573954 times over the last 2 years?

No. I think you missed one

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