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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I always thought it looked like a nice airtime ride but I would definitely consider it the worst of all of them. If you can call it the worst of anything.

It looks like a scaled up steel force (which is a fun ride, but not quite the same as the others).

Edited by rcjp
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I always thought it looked like a nice airtime ride but I would definitely consider it the worst of all of them. If you can call it the worst of anything.

It looks like a scaled up steel force (which is a fun ride, but not quite the same as the others).


Well it is a scaled up Steel Force, so ya it looks very similar.

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Now there's an interesting statement. Personally from off-ride I'd say Fury's layout looks much more advanced and exciting than Steel Dragon's. SD has a lot of long, drawn-out sections where not much seems to be happening.

I think you've forgotten how many people on this thread complain about B&Ms.


I'm not the biggest B&M fam myself, but I have to give credit where it's due. I honestly think this layout looks pretty sweet. Possibly better than Millennium Force.

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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!

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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!


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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!

Or they could have named it Godzilla.

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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!

Or they could have named it Godzilla.

How about they build a mirror image of Afterburn, and name the ride complex Godzilla Vs MUTO.

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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!


It would have probably been one ugly looking coaster, it's strange Green is one of my favorite colors, but I think it's atrocious looking on most coasters, I could just imagine a Godzilla Green coaster.

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I heard that when Afterburn/Top Gun was built, it was to have a Godzilla name/theme before Roland Emmerich f'd it up. Does anyone know what the name/theme would have been after the sell to Cedar Fair?


If Top Gun/Afterburn was themed to Godzilla, Cedar Fair would have to name it "The Beast"!


It would have probably been one ugly looking coaster, it's strange Green is one of my favorite colors, but I think it's atrocious looking on most coasters, I could just imagine a Godzilla Green coaster.

Tony Clark must be crying right now.

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My problem's not with the coaster, it's just the paint job. I hope one day Six Flags re-paints it.

Same thing here, Nitro has one of the worst color scheme's I've ever seen. And Mantis is just one step closer to having Nitro's colors. But every B&M is photogenic in my opinion.

Originally I didn't like nitro's colours too but for some reason I now think they're fine. Oh, and I really like Mantis' scheme.

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