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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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^^Obviously he was exaggerating. But I understand that he wants a really intense ride and not something that is made to appeal to a lot more people (which is what the park wants). Personally, I'm happy for both the park and B&M but I would one day like to see a giga skyrush although that's probably only gonna happen if a park really wants a ride for the more enthusiastic (which is basically what Hershey did)

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I'm sorry but you are in the clear minority and quite frankly your comment is a bit odd. Many like intense, but to go as far as to say you want a coaster to rip your arms and legs off is going too far. Im guessing you are a bit of a "sissy" boy and riding overly intense rides help you to feel more manly.

Not really in the minority, G Lock apparently is the only thing that makes a coaster good. It's the reason why most prefer Afterburn over Intimidator. I understand wanting a fast and forceful ride, but I don't see why losing consciousness is the only way to do it.

It's true that sometimes enthusiasts make it sound like what makes a ride good is greying out but that doesn't even make sense. One of the only two rides where I have greyed out was nitro and I don't consider it intense at all while, let's say, a BTR clone is intense and I've never greyed out on one.

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I want a giga coaster to try to rip my head and arms off with force. Not just be a fun ride. I will be riding Fury this juneish, hopefully its forceful like I305.(Yes i know they are at different ends of the giga class IE out and back and twister style)


I'm sorry but you are in the clear minority and quite frankly your comment is a bit odd. Many like intense, but to go as far as to say you want a coaster to rip your arms and legs off is going too far. Im guessing you are a bit of a "sissy" boy and riding overly intense rides help you to feel more manly.


Im excited for fury 325. I know from the past that it will be smooth and fast. It will make a great addition to the park and the people of NC and SC should be happy to be having such a large new attraction coming. I just know that I get a bigger rush off Maverick, then I do MF. Im lowering my expectations on it, so when I do ride it im not let down. Let the record show that I think it will be a great new ride, and that I am exited to ride it. I never meant to offend anyone waiting to ride it


EDIT: I know we all look at coasters different, and that we all have our own opinion.

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^I think the one slight exception to this might be with the top of the lift/first drop. Leviathan was built bottom of the drop first and then back to the peak of the lift and I can't see them changing the process.... that is unless they thought of a more productive method to do it

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^With four pieces of track not being supported by anything, they don't have much of a choice but to get 2 cranes (or 3...I forget how many were used for Levi) and erect them in the same day. I can't see them doing it any other way.


And for the record, doing so with Leviathan, took about 12 hours I believe.

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Carowinds, Charlotte, NC- Sept. 30, 2014 - Steel construction for Fury 325 begins as construction workers carefully place the very first piece of coaster track onto support beams. Scheduled to open in Spring 2015, Fury 325 will be the tallest, fastest giga coaster in the world. The first hill will stand 325 feet tall, as riders zoom along 6,602 feet of track the ride will simulate the flight of an angry hornet and reach a top speed of 95 miles an hour. Fury 325 is part of a multi-year expansion plan for the amusement park on the North, South Carolina border, additional 2015 improvements will include a new front entrance and improved dining and entertainment offerings. Carowinds closes for the 2014 season on Nov. 2. for more information on Fury 325, including ride simulation videos visit http://www.carowinds.com/fury325




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I LOVE the look of B&M track. It's gonna be fun watching this get built. I live in Chapel Hill so it's gonna be awesome when it finally opens to go ride it. Three hours from i305 and 2.5 hours from Fury325, it's not the worst thing to happen to me. While I'm an Intamin lover with El Toro, i305 and Skyrush in my top three, I'm excited to ride this, it looks fun, fast, and pretty well paced.


I wonder what their timeline is.

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